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1、PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS BOOK四年级上册Unit3 My Friends Part A Lets learn基于课程标准教学设计陈瑞娟【学习目标】 1.我借助图片、拼读规则,会读、会记住4个单词friends thin strong quiet ,2个词组long hair short hair (重点)2.我能利用照片,简单描述自己的朋友。(难点)【设计评价检测】1. 交流式评价:通过师生、生生的对话交流,在交流中对学生进行评价。2. 表现性评价:采用小组合作竞争的方式进行评价,哪一组参与积极,纪律好,表现好的可得集体奖。3. 知识掌握评价:自编新对话及评

2、价检测对学生进行评价。【教学过程】教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm-up1. T:Hello, everyone. Today we learn Unit3 My friends part A lets learn.(出示学习目标)Introduce the learning aims. (指生读)2出示幻灯片中的歌曲T: Lets sing a song “Friends”.(师生拍手齐唱)1.读并初步理解本节课学习目标。2.学生听歌曲并跟节奏拍手。通过歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在愉悦的氛围中轻松进入课堂。Pre-task Stage1.出示一图片,T:Look at this

3、 picture. Who is she? Ss:Chen Jie. T:Yes. She is Chen Jie. She has long hair. (板书并强调hair读音/e/)Listen to the tape, then read after it.2.教师介绍本班男孩,T:Who is this boy? Ss:Li Yuanhao. T: Is he has long hair? S1: No. T:He has short hair.(教师板书,指生领读。)3. 教师利用体态语介绍:T:Li Yuanhao and me are friends. We are frien

4、ds. You and me, We are friends.(教师板书,指1-4小组读。)4.(教师出示单词卡片)three, thirty,引出thin. 指生试读,(提醒学生在读th/时,咬舌尖)Look at me. Im thin. and tall.(指名本班很瘦的学生,让他们明白thin的意思。)听录音跟读,指生领读。(教师板书)5.教师指一名比较健壮的学生T: Guo Jinbo is strong. He is strong.教师板书,指生读。6.教师出示单词卡:queue, quite,qu /k w /学生试读, quiet. This is Yao Han. She h

5、as long hair. She is thin. She is quiet.教师板书。7. Read the new words in groups.8. Listen and follow it.1、听录音跟读,分小组齐读。2、指生领读,学生one by one read。3.分组读,由快到慢一口气读。4.听录音跟读,分小组齐读。5.指生领读,小组读。6.分组读,由快到慢读。7.小组合作练习。8.听音正音。由图片引出单词,降低难度。通过模仿朗读,培养朗读能力。让学生初步感知并理解运用。落实学习目标一。While-task Stage1. Play a game.“Whats missin

6、g” .2.Lets chant.Friends, friends.He is my friend.He has short hair.He is strong and tall.Friends, friends.She is my friend.She has long hair.She is thin and quiet.指生快速说出单词。听唱,说唱歌谣,进一步练习巩固所学单词。利用游戏歌谣积发兴趣。增强学生参与积极性和主动性。Post- task StageTask1. I can make new sentences .(用所学词汇试说句子)如:long hairMy friend h

7、as long hair.My mother has long hair.She has long hair.Task2. Introduce your friends in groups.(教师出示句子,学生用准备好的照片相互介绍)My friend is strong. He has short hair and big eyes. He likes sports.1.对所学内容进行分析运用。2.小组合作引导学生完成新句子并表演。通过练习提高学生的语言表达能力。落实学习目标二。Homework1. Listen to recording, then say the words to your friends. 2. Introduce your friends.学生记录作业鼓励学生创新发挥,综合运用所学语言。 【板书设计】Unit3 My FriendsFriends He/She has long hair A B C short hair He/She is thin strong quiet


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