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1、题 目:顾客参与及其对服务人员工作满意度影响的案例分析院系名称:专业班级:学生:学 号:指导教师: 教师职称: 摘要在阅读大量前人对顾客参与在服务运送系统中的重要性文章之后,发现目前顾客参 与的知识尚限于顾客面及组织面之领域,并未有研究将顾客参与对员工方面的可能影响 加以分析。鉴于服务性行业更能表现出顾客参与对员工方面的可能影响这个要素,本文 尝试构建简单的顾客参与对员工工作满意度影响关系的指数模型,以期为第三产业的顾 客参与及其对员工工作满意度影响的研究工作提供可借鉴的思路。本文由五部分组成:第一部分介绍了本文的选题背景、研究目的和意义、文献综述 以及研究容和方法。第二部分是分析服务型企业中

2、的顾客参与和服务人员工作满意度的 基本框架。第三部分介绍顾客满意度指标体系和基本模型。第四部分是运用模型对实际 企业一一省市新兴华建材公司进行顾客参与及其对服务人员工作满意度影响的案例分 析。本文的研究表明:顾客参与的行为不但会提高经营者的营运绩效,并会影响顾客对 服务人员工作的满意程度。因为顾客参与服务运送的过程,对组织和顾客双方面都有重 要的意义。顾客满意度测评更为企业有针对性地改进产品质量、增强市场竞争力、提高 经营绩效等方面提供了指导。顾客参与对于顾客本身的影响在于实际参与服务的生产过 程,更加了解服务人员可以提供的服务容,对于服务品质的期望会较为实际,有助于缩 短服务品质的期望和认知

3、之间的差距,可以提升顾客对服务品质的认知,增加顾客满意 度。并且满意的顾客会对组织有较高的忠诚度和承诺,可以提高顾客的再购意愿和推荐 行为。此外,由于顾客和服务人员共同生产服务商品,若对服务人员的工作满意度不如 预期,顾客也要负担部分的责任,较不会将服务的过错怪罪于服务人员,因而会降低顾 客的抱怨行为。因此,在新兴华建材销售公司顾客参与的行为不但会提高经营者的营运 绩效,并会影响顾客对服务人员工作满意的程度。关键词: 服务人员工作满意度顾客参与顾客期望顾客满意度TitleThe case an alysis of customer participati on and its impact o

4、n service pers onnel job satisfacti onAbstractAfter read ing lots of importa nt article which wrote bypredecessors to thecustomer participati on in the service system discovered that the kno wledge on customer participati on was still restricted in the area of the customer surface organization surfa

5、ce at present. And it does not have the research to analysis the possibility in flue nce of the customer participati on to the workers .In view of the factor that the service bus in ess can display the customer participatio n to the workers possibility affects that the article attempts to con struct

6、 the simple exp onen tial model on customer participati on to the workers satisfacti on in flue nce relatio ns to provide the use for refere nce idea for the study on the customer participati on and its impact on service pers onnel job satisfact ion in the third in dustry.This paper is composed of f

7、ive parts: The first part in troduced the backgro und of the title selected, the research goal and the significance, the literature summaryas well as the research content and the method. The second part is analyzes the basic structure of the customer participati on and the job satisfacti on of servi

8、ce personnel in service corporation. The third part introduces the index system and the fun dame ntal model of customer satisfact ion. The fourth part is using the model to do the case analysis of customer participationand its impacton service pers onnel job satisfact ion to the actual en terprise w

9、hich take the example of XinXi nghua Buildi ng materials sale Compa ny in Taiyua n city of Sha nxi Provin ce.This research of the paper indicated that the customer participationcan not onlyenhance the proprietor s bus in ess performa nce, and will affect the satisfact ionon the customer to the work

10、of the service pers onn el. That because the customer participates in the process which the service ships which both has the vital sig nifica nee to the orga ni zati on and the customer. The customer satisfact ion evaluatio n provide the in structi on more to the en terprise improved the product qua

11、litytarget-orie nted,tostre ngthe nthe market competitive nessandenhan ceme nt the bus in ess performa nee. The in flue nee of customer participati on to the customers themselves is that they actual take part in the service production process and understood the service content that the service perso

12、nnel may provide more. The expectation of the service quality is more practical which is helpfulto reduct ion the disparitybetwee n the expectati onof service quality andcog niti on to promote the customer cog niti on and in crease the satisfact ion. And the satisfied customer will have the high loy

13、alty and pledge to the organization which can enhance the customer to buy aga in and the recomme ndati on behavior. I n addition, the customer should bear the part the responsibility and will not blame the mistake to the service pers onnel which will reduce the customer complai nt behavior because o

14、f the customer and service personnel joint production service product that if the satisfactionto the service personnel is inferioranticipated.So the customer participation behavior in XinXinghua Building materials Sale Compa nyvill not only enhance the proprietorbus in ess performa nee, and will aff

15、ectthe satisfactiondegree of the customer to the work of the service personnel also.Keywords:Service perso nn el Job Satisfactio n Customer Participatio nCustomer Expectatio ns Customer Satisfacti on目次1引言 11.1研究背景与问题 11.2研究的目的和意义 11.3文献综述 21.4研究容与方法 32理论基础与本文分析框架 32.1顾客参与的含义与分类 32.2影响顾客满意度的因素 42.3顾客

16、参与对服务人员工作满意度的影响 52.4满意度管理 83顾客满意度指标体系与基本模型 93.1顾客满意度指标体系 93.2顾客满意度指数基本模型 124案例分析 134.1研究对象-市万柏林区新兴华建材销售公司 134.2实证调研 144.3总结与建议 15结论 17致 18参考文献191引言1.1研究背景与问题顾客参与对于顾客本身的影响,顾客因为实际参与服务的生产过程,更加了解服务 人员可以提供的服务容,对于服务人员工作满意度会较为实际,而有助于缩短服务品质 的期望和认知间之差距,可以提升顾客对服务品质的认知,增加顾客满意度,而满意的 顾客对组织会有较高的忠诚度和承诺,可以提高顾客的再购意愿和推荐行为。此外,由 于顾客和服务人员共同生产服务商品, 若服务体验不如预期,顾客也要负担



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