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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上八年级下册期中复习八年级下册英语Module1-Module5短语:汉英互译Module 11.tidy up=clean up 2. have a collection of.=collect. 3.take up 4. 拉小提琴 5.give an interview 6. 集邮 7.all the time=always 8. 对感兴趣9.at the end of this term 10.grow vegetables 11.look after animals 12.mountain biking 13. 例如(列举) for example 例如(举例说

2、明)14. 夏令营 15.as well as=also/too=not only.but also. 16. 出版 17. 结果 18.save money 19. 至少Module 21.hold the line, please=hold on 2.right now = now 3.take a message 4. .or not(引导宾语从句)是否5. 错过做某事 6. doing sth.=would like/want to do sth. 想要做某事7. 交朋友 8. 某事进展顺利 9.good luck to sb. 10. 两个;几个 11.by the way 12.

3、一段时间 区别: sometimes有时 sometime 某个时候 some times 几次13. 事实上 14.the early autumn 15.junior high school senior high school 16.be far away 17. 害怕做某事 be afraid of sb./sth. 18. 和交朋友 19.every time 20. .=be worried about.为担心 21. 像往常一样22.at that time=at that moment 23. turn back 24.day by day 25. close to. 26.

4、记得做了某事 记得要做某事27.forget doing sth. 28. 对微笑 laugh at sb. 29.at first Module 31.look out (for) sth./sb. be careful 2. 带某人参观 3. 别客气4. 坚持做某事 keep sb doing sth. 5. 讨厌做某事6.in person 7.radio studio 8.look down at sb. look down on sb. 9.sit close to. 10.it seems that 11. 了解,听说12.once a week 13. 结束播放 shut dow

5、n 14. 开某人玩笑15.tell jokes 16.do a/an check Module 41. 连接 2.play back 3 建议某人去做某事4. 挽救某人的生命 5.pick up 6.a few days earlier a few days later 7.climb out of 8. 第二天 9. 建议做某事10. 打开 关闭 音量调高 音量调低e on 12.wait for 13. 给照相Module 51. =can会2. /队打败某人/队win +比赛赢得比赛3. 拒绝做某事4. .同意做某事5. warn sb. about sth./sb. 警告某人不要做某

6、事6.tell sb. about. 7. 一起8. 在末尾8. 宁可也不愿意 prefer doing to doing sth. 9. such +a/an +(形)+名 10.have chance to do sth. 11.use for doing sth.=use to do sth 12.ask to do sth. 13. =at once 立刻14.be out be in 15. 删除/拿走16.make sure 17.have a virus 18. 主动要求做某事 19. 至少20. 零用钱21. 毕竟22. 帮助某人做某事23. 生的气24.hurry up 基础

7、练习:1.Its a good habit _ breakfast every day. A had B have C has D to have 2 Oh, Danny. Its raining hard outside. Youd better _ your raincoat. ( 穿上 ) 3 Dont make me _ this or that. Im too busy. A to do B do C doing D done 4 How do people usually _in the office? A put on B dress up C wear D dress5 Can

8、 you tell me when _-?A the bus has left B will the bus leave C has the bus left D the bus has will leave6 Can you tell me _it is from here to downtown ? A how much B how long C how far D how soon 7 This morning my mother asked me _ . A why he is not here B how did my brother do itC what time is it D

9、 what Judy did over the weekend.8-You watched the fashion show last night, didnt you ? -Yes , _ I missed the beginning. A so B and C but D then9 -We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet. -Really ? Will you please show me _?A how can I use B how I can use C how can I use it D how I can

10、 use it10 The boy insisted on _ (come ) out for a drive. 11_( recycle) paper is saving energy.12 Tom _ ( not decide ) where to put the notebook yet . 13 I remember _ ( tell ) you about it once last week. 14 She is _ ( like ) to attend the meeting this afternoon.15 I dont know how the machine _ ( work ).16 Linda looks forward to _ ( travel ) all over t


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