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1、. 学位英语模拟试题16. We dont need air conditioning, _a_.A. nor can we afford it B. neither can afford itC. nor we can afford it D. neither we can afford it17. Could you find someone _a_ A. for me to play tennis with B. play tennis with C. for me to play tennis D. play tennis18. “You are too self-centered.

2、Its high time you _a_ that you are not the most important person in the world.” Edgar said to his boss angrily.A. realized B. have realized C. realize D. should realize19. The government cannot operate effectively _c_ it is free from such interference.A so long as B so that C unless D because20. If

3、I had remembered _a_ the window, the thief would not have got in.A.to close B. closing C. to have closed D. having closed21. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _d_ spring.A. later B. latter C. last D. late22. If it _b_ tomorrow, the basketball match has to be canceled.A. rain B. rai

4、ns C. rained D. will rain24. Neither his fellow workers nor Tod himself _b_ to the solution put forward by the employer.A. agree B. agrees C. agreeing D. to agree 25. If only I _d_ hard in the past few months! But I didnt work hard enough and failed the maths examination.A. work B. worked C. have wo

5、rked D. had worked26. None of us knew how the change had come _.A. across B. about C. over D. down28. He offered to _a_ her a hand as the bag was too heavy for her to carry.A. lend B. help C. show D. borrow30. They told me it would be cheap but _d_ it cost me nearly $500. A.in general B. in a word C

6、. in detail D. in fact33. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _b_ for her history examination.A.to prepare B. preparing C. to be prepared D. being prepared34. By the end of this month, we surely _c_ a satisfactory solution to the problem.A.have found B. will b

7、e finding C. will have found D. are finding35. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, _d_, of course, made the others jealous.A. whom B. that C. what D. which36. Linda, _a_ has lived next door to me about 10 years, will move to another city soon.A. who B. which C. th

8、at D. what37. The visitors felt greatly surprised at _d_ they saw in the museum.A. who B. whose C. how D. what39. _c_ by his friend for his mistake, Jim felt very unhappy.A.Criticizing B. To criticize C. Criticized D. Having criticized16.Somuch_a_abouthisshipsontheseathathedidntsleepforasingleminute

9、allnight.A.didheworry B.hedidworry C.heworried D.worriedbe17.Hisnewnovelissaid_d_into a filmlastyear. A.tomake B.tohavemade C.tobemade D.tohavebeenmade18.Hetriedseveraltimestopasstheexam._b_theend,hesucceeded. A.On B.In C.At D.By19.Thereportofanearthquake(地震)inthesouthChinaSeahasnotbeen_d_yet. A.con

10、flicted B.confused C.confined D.confirmed21.Thereisonlyoneboat_d_forhire.Imafraidyouhavetowaitforthenextone.A.superior B.capable C.complicated D.available27.ThelettersPTA_a_parent-teacherassociation.A.standfor B.callfor C.reachfor D.carefor33.IdplayfootballwithyounowifI_d_ tenyearsyounger. A.am B.be

11、 C.hadbeen D.were34.Allthebooks,_a_hadsomepicturesinthem,weresenttothelittlegirl. A.which B.that C.who D.whose37.Notasinglemistake_inthetest. A.hemade B.didhemake C.hehasmade D.madebe39.Theladytreatstheboynextdoorwellasifhe_c_herownson.A.is B.was C.were D.wouldbe40.Thecity_d_Iwasbornisonthenewrailwa

12、yline. A.which B.that C.onwhich D.where41.It_a_yesterday,fortheground isstillwetnow. A.musthaverained B.wasraining C.rained D.hadrained42.IfprofessorJonesarrivestomorrow,eitheryouorI_c_tomeethimatthe airport.A.are B.is C.am D.were43._a_withthesizeofthewhole earth,thehighestmountaindoesnthighatall. A.Whencompared B.Compare C.Whilecomparing D.Comparing45.Hedoesntspendmuchtime_c_hishomework.A.in


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