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1、汉英翻译重点词汇1. 旅游 在旅游高峰季节 五星级饭店 观光 世界奇观 美食节2. 政治 全国人民代表大会 全国人大代表 国有企业 民营企业 综合国力 可持续发展 农业部 卫生部 教育部 政府机构改革3. 外交 保卫世界和平 公认的国际关系准则 领空 领海 双边贸易 求得公平合理的解决 用外交手段解决争端 通过外交途径进行谈判4. 金融 美元与英镑之间的兑换率把钱存在银行内 经济繁荣、萧条(不景气)时期发行股票、债券 融资 金融危机 美元的贬值 日元的升值5. 教育 必修课 选修课 访问学者 我系设有三个专业。 我主修国际会计。in peak tourist seasonsfive-star

2、hotels sightseeing the marvelous sight of the world gourmet festivalNational Peoples Congress (NPC) the deputy to the National Peoples Congress state-run enterprises individually-run enterprises overall national strength sustainable development Ministry of agricultureMinistry of Health Ministry of E

3、ducation the reform of government institutionsto safeguard world peacegenerally -accepted principles of international relations territorial air territorial waters bilateral tradeto seek a fair and reasonable solution to solve disputes by peaceful means to negotiate through diplomatic channelsthe exc

4、hange rate between the US dollar and the British poundto deposit money in the bank the period of economic boom/depression to issue stocks and bonds fund-raising financial crisis(turmoil) depreciation of the US dollar appreciation of the Japanese yenrequired /compulsory courses elective/optional cour

5、ses visiting scholarsOur department offers three specialties.My major is International Accounting.我辅修计算机应用 。 素质教育应试教育 理工科大学 文科大学 师范大学 考研热降温了。6. 环境 环境恶化 消除污染 臭氧层 一次性筷子 可再生资源 自然生态系统 环保产品 清洁能源7. 经济 国内生产总值 消费者物价指数 举办 2010 年世博会 恶性循环 良性循环 亏损企业 按揭购房 廉租房 劳动力密集型/技术密集型产业8. 科技 该网站每天被上网浏览者点击一百万次。My minor is com

6、puter application. education for all-round development/ quality-oriented education examination-oriented education university of science and engineering university of liberal arts normal universityThe craze for graduate school has cooled down.environmental degradation eliminate pollution the ozone la

7、yer disposable chopsticks renewable resources natural ecosystem environment-friendly product clean energyGDP(Gross Domestic Product)CPI(Consumer Price Index)host the 2010 world Exposition( Expo) vicious cycle/circle virtuous cycle money-losing enterprises to buy an apartment on a mortgage low-rent h

8、ousing/apartments labor-intensive/technology-intensive industriesThe website receives 1 million visits from web光谷 中关村高科技园是中国的硅谷科学院院士 工程院院士 西昌卫星发射中心 三维图像U盘surfers per day.optical valleyZhongguancun High-Tech Zone is known as Chinas Silicon Valley.Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering the Xichang Satellite Launch Center three-dimensional imagea USB disk; a USB flash disk



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