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1、译林版六年级英语上册教案3篇(人教版六年级上册英语教案全英文)下面是我整理的译林版六年级英语上册教案3篇(人教版六年级上册英语教案全英文),供大家品鉴。译林版六年级英语上册教案1Language focus:Using want to to express intentionse.g. I want to have a picnic.Using going to to describe events that will occur quite soone.g. I'm going to visit City Park!Pre-task preparation1 Ask: What do

2、 you usually do at weekends? Do you usually have a picnic? to review: picnic, fountain and pond. Introduce: football pitch. Draw a football pitch on the board. Ask: Where can you find a football pitch? Do you usually play football there? Write: Zhongshan Park, City Park, Moon Park on the board. Ask

3、the students to name a few more places where people usually go on holidays.2 Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.3 Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.While-task procedure1 Ask the students to read the information boards in Read and choose. S

4、tudents work in groups to discuss where all the characters want to go. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 17 to help the students make a choice. Invite the more able students to tell the reasons. 2 Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 18 to each student. Students work in groups of five. They

5、 are required to discuss what their group are going to do on a holiday. Then each group member has to choose a place which suits most of the group members. Finally, the group can vote and choose the most suitable place to go.3 Play the recording: Read a poem. Students listen first. Then the whole cl

6、ass follow and read together.4 Encourage the students to rewrite the verses. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 19 to each group. Ask them to replace City Park with the place which they would like to visit. Groups take turns to read their poem. The whole class vote for the best reader.Post-task

7、 activities1 Workbook page 62 A poemWrite the beginning of the poem on the board: It's (a day) tomorrow. What do you want to do? to elicit: I want to go to . Continue with: What are you going to do? What are you going to see? Where are you going to eat?译林版六年级英语上册教案2教材分析:本课时主要是通过展示家庭居室结构,让学生学习各个房

8、间的英文名称study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen. 家是每个学生最熟悉的地方,学生要学会运用本课所学知识来简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间。“Let's do”部分的教学是结合“Let's learn”中所学过的单词进行扩展,让学生知道一些相关单词的指示用语。让学生在听懂这些用语的基础上,进行模仿和听、做活动。还可设计多种课堂活动,使学生掌握这一部分的内容,同时激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学目标:1.能简单描述自己的房间。2.能听、说、认读本课主要单词:study, bathroom, bedroom, livi

9、ng room, kitchen,并能在日常生活中运用。3.能听懂Let's do中的指示语,并按照指令作出相应的动作。教学重点:1、听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。2、学习表示指令的词组。教学难点:单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。教学方法:引导法 启发法 直观教学法学法分析:小组合作学习法 讨论学习法 自主学习法教学过程:1 Warm-up/Revision教师引导1、集体唱英文儿歌。2、复习上节课所学单词2 Presentation1、出示study 的图片,手指着书房里的书

10、问学生:What are they? 教读单词 study, 并板书。教师用动作帮助学生理解词义:We read the books in the study.2、按照相同方法,教授单词 bathroom, living room, bedroom.3、师把第46页Lets learn部分的挂图贴到黑板上说:This is my home. How many rooms can you see? What are they?4、教师说指令。学生回答提问:They are books 并跟老师认读study。学生依次回答问题并跟老师认读单词bathroom, living room, bedro

11、om.学生用动作和语言表达句子,并说出相应的房间。听录音,跟读Lets do部分。3 Practice出示练习题 习题练习并拓展教学内容与教师的活动 媒体的运用学生的活动 教师进行逻辑选择教学评价:1、 学生评价:以小组为单位完成老师所提出的问题,然后进行小组交流,组内进行互评。2、 教师评价:教师对完成情况进行适当正确的评价,并给与激励性 的语言,手势。教学反思:通过本节课的学习,学生基本掌握了所学到的新词,熟读且能理解课文内容,并能够运用到实际情景当中,教者能够利用多种教学方法,提高了学生学习的兴趣,达到了预期的效果译林版六年级英语上册教案3教学内容:1.词汇(1)复习关于职业的词汇:do

12、ctor, teacher, nurse, cook, fireman, driver, policeman, pilot, singer.(2)学习生词:astronaut, coach, actor (actress), writer.2.功能句型(1)复习询问他人职业及回答:What does he/she do? He/She is a/an 。(2)学习询问对方将来想要从事的工作及回答:What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a/an 。教学目标:1.知识目标(1)能掌握和职业相关的一些词汇,并能在相应的功能句型中熟练


14、,培养学生乐于助人,热爱集体的良好品质;(3)通过多种形式的游戏和活动,激发学生英语学习兴趣。教学重点:1.重点词汇:astronaut, coach, actor (actress), writer.2.重点句型:What do you want to be? I want to be a/an 。教学难点:1.正确朗读和运用关于职业的词汇。2.正确理解、询问对方对将来工作的理想,并能做出正确的回答。教具准备:1.教师准备:多媒体课件,图片,单词卡片,奖励卡片;2.学生准备:课本,笔。教学过程:课前介绍评价方式Step 1: Warm up and lead in1. Oral Englis

15、h2. Sing a song: The Wheels on the Bus.3. (课件): Look, she is the driver of the bus. Her job is driving the bus. Do you know “job”? 板书Jobs,并介绍课题。Step 2: Review some words1. Free talk: What jobs do you know? (Can you act as a ?)2. Games:(1) Show some word cards, read and act.(2) Act, ask and guess-What does he/she do?Step 3: Presentation:1. Talk about the great people i


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