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1、ug .Q P.EN U as d工.Q Ex.u *忌s JOJ.U S3,ou Q-nd .u pq Q=5 J pasJ dn J daqJ 宣J EEo EOJJw 工=u J WOw 喜JJSInu Eos 工 QaqIP3U105 “snsCJoq-noqEJeAR-ts.乏号-u 0二8 o = !Z e x 一 2 so工=二Eoo8=。一 2。工=u 三 5 ofnpn。二 ou soop = *oq.E tnccM .MQBf PO.1OMSUE 七 Ensw- L 三 m r.-nqcE s-SBr WNSW 如9 5M op noAE52M=w:.痢凶)0 SEI 0-

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5、ln uPJqfoqH.U.2N JeS AOA。夕。一dotud.0扫 q ouoXMM。一dood Auam W8o0 P30M )z_gzpwx二.(出)。0|_。二 U0M U.SN orAuSUKOA “stuxuII。.ss 也一-=PWA二 U.2N .U.SN POUIeHsiMESUOUlKI 0J01POCXC38US MSOJ 凶口於倏做瓣nwRule 3 When you meet a bad stranger, “but your parents are not with you, try to ask the policemen for help. You can

6、also run away and go to a place with lots of people. Shout for help. People around will help you.()1. What does the underlined word “stranger” mean?A.亲戚B.陌生人 C.银行职员()2. You should when strangers give you food or drinks.A. say OK” B. say No C. shout for help()3. When a stranger asks you about you and

7、 your family, what should you do?A. Chat with him or her. B. Make friends with him or her. C. Dont answer him or her.()4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. We should help everyone.B. If a stranger asks you to go to his or her home, say No.C. When you meet a bad stranger, run away.()5. Whats the

8、best title(题目)for the passage?A. Dont talk to strangersB. How to protect ourselves from strangersC. Ask policemen for help第七篇(无锡市惠山区2021)Some children like to eat boiled(煮熟的)eggs. Do you ow how to make boiled eggs? Its easy. Let me tell you. First, you need to find the materials. You need hot water,

9、 one or more eggs. Of course you need a pot (锅 ) too. Then please follow the steps.Step One: pour the hot water into the pot and let it boil on tile stove.step Two: put the eggs into the boiling water. Don*t throw the eggs into the water. You should put them slowly.Step Three: Let them stay in the h

10、ot water for about 10 minutes.Step Four: Take the eggs out. Let them cool for about 5 minutes. If they*re still hot, let them cool for 3 more minutes.Step Five: peel(剥)off the eggshell and eat the eggs.That is how to make boiled eggs. Isn*t it easy?()1. The underlined word “materials meansin Chinese

11、.A.步骤B.方法C.材料()2. According to the passage, the first step is toA. wash the eggs clean B. boil the hot water on the stove C. put the eggs into the pot()3. Before taking the eggs out, let the eggs stay in the hot water for aboutA. 3 minutesB. 5 minutesC. 10 minutes()4. We shouldnt put the eggs into t

12、he boiling waterA. quicklyB. slowlyC. carefully()5. If we can read the passage in a book, the name of the book may beA. Fun ReadingB. Fine picturesC. Easy Cooking第八篇阅读所给材料,选择正确答案。江阴市2021NO PLASTIC BAGS!Save the EarthStarting from this month, Sams Supermarket will not give you any plastic bags. You s

13、hould bring your own bags when you shop.If you do not have your own bag, you can buy our recyclable bags at the price of 5 yuan each. Remember to bring your own bag when you shop at Sams Supermarket next time! If you bring your own bag.People throw the bags to the sea. Many sea animals die every yea

14、r because()1. Why doesnt Sams Supermarket give shoppers plastic bags?A. To save money.B. To save the supermarket. C. To save the Earth.()2. If you want to buy three recyclable bags, you should payyuan.A. fiveB. tenC. fifteen()3. Where can you see it?A. At Sams Supermarket. B. In a storybook. C. In a book about science.()4. If you bring your own bag to the supermarket, the price of the th


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