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1、精品范文模板 可修改删除撰写人:_日期:_保护环境的英语演讲稿 保护环境的英语演讲稿 We knw TaoreThis famou diapet onc sa, “i i gve ou, andwe ernt by iving i.” A th yingge, ature is givn o us, de arn i by cntribtng to . Hver,motpeole oas just wan to as for more rom th naure.Inc, theydvery little contributon othe nure.hero, eviomnt rund s is

2、 bcomng worseand worse.Do yo often us bateris Then doyou know itaes 50 times mor eerg omk themthahy rduce And just on sple batteycan olute as muh wter saperson c drink n his wole ie. The fts and figues areazing. o would youleas try to s batteienly when it snecesary Ifossble, giethe seons otherycngco

3、mpnieso tt te will bemaeitonew one and wnt be ableollte he envonmen n oe. ometims we becom colaethn it es recling, but w youspak i term of actal factandfge thaeverybodyca unerstand, pol become muc clearer abut the poblem. We,as schol students, can alsojoin necing ctitestoprotct teevironnt. For examp

4、l, or cass p a rcycligcenterbsidehe bac dor, i i veruseful.I is usedto colcth wasepaer a pastcotle In thpast,our clsstes sedothow al of thse int hetrsc.Athe vey bengoficllctin civiy, itws not s wam-welcomed. La,mre and ore peple wer flueny heothersand jnedthiscolecing civtyGraduly,all te stinourclss

5、 fm agod ha t roect te nviromen. Alo us wil now put awaythe reusable tin insead o thwig them into thtrashca We should alwayrmemr n our ind tat rotecting teirnme is our d hat eca e nglt. Fially woud you lease et e end his ph with alil om, “Be kind theriv. Begod o thetrees. Smilet the unhi, an bow to

6、hebree. Briedl to ntur, ndture willeidy o ou!” 保护环境的英语演讲稿2 God orni Ladies and enmen : My nmeis xxIt my grea ous o peak here.I amthespeaerf nuber 9. Tody mytopic i Lts ake aton to rtctth nironment .Aswe alln, The enviroe is gttin wors and worse, n soeplacesecant sefisswimmng i the rive or tres o thi

7、ll. Some eop eve hve o can waer tdrik A numbeof peoplehe bee kid by arpolutinndwat olluion .Worst of l ,eople rt aareof the danger of the pollution. So thk w shuddo somethng o protect e eironent. .But wha cnwe o How t rotec our enirnmet Inmy opnon, w cangto chool on foot or b bke. ecan ueshopgatsint

8、ea of usin th plstic bgs when oshopping. caus t es of he perwh we rite . Anremeber dont thoth rubbish verywee.We n pik p te garbagewhenwe e it.Rmembrto tu of the auce. Whn ev throom don fget totu o thelightIf everyone tkeactiontrotet ouevironmet ,ourhol nd old will bemch or beauifu n the future. DOY

9、onow day s world eathdaySo Lets tart t clenup now. Letsect naturesbeut.Let makour future bihtThanyo for youttention. 保护环境的英语演讲稿 On aSatrday morning et o aebreakfas. I el hee sa terrble smel and ent ov t hava ok carefl found thahee wa a bi ofaan skins givg uthe mellst th ayug flowholding a duspan rbi

10、h to walk towards ere . He raise his hands, he bg pie o rbih was here. Aone I wtto him ad ad “Uncle, yo ant do ike ths . Tes thig wil rot r soo. Its d for r hth and ake thpeoplefal il.” Hoev ,thea aid“Everone es so,whoflls il,who wll see he doctor.” Loking at hi, I remembered aothr act:Ter tre troug

11、h our ilage. Oer it there are two bridges.At the age of sev ears ld , enjoeheauifl scney under he brdge vey much.Iast best place to swimi summer. ut now he bish wgettig moran moe .Dih leve,rui kins,dead ds andchikes.afterotting,no n hemosquios fle arounbu as te bad sllade everyn feelqit eriblhh the

12、rea was leed p serl times, it stil hppeigow. A ltf lastbag alwas flot n it .In sumer hve t go a awy fo tevilae tosim. WhtassthisWhois dilIs t humn useves. I have tto knw fom aboo .Thubbish in he untrysid mostly ocups he fields an damagstheeat surac .Itpotesoi,ave ,atsphere nd amgsurealth Theaduts ften say “The ody is caital.” ut hy they alo ake wlen clotlke ts Des i aectvrybdys sf



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