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1、中考英语定语从句练习题、选择题1. This is all I know about the matter.A. thatB. whatC. whoD. whether2. Is there anything else you requireA. whichB. thatC. whoD. what3. The last place we visited was the Great Wall.A. whichB. thatC. where4. He talked happily about the men and books_ interested him greatly in the scho

2、ol.A. whichB. thatD. whom5. There is no dictionary you can find everything.A. thatB. whichC. where that6. This is one of the best books.A. that have ever been writtenB. that has writtenC. that has ever been writtenD .thathavewritten7. He wrote a letter to me, telling me everything_ he saw on the way

3、 to Paris.A. what B .that C. whichD. where8. Is oxygen the only gas helps fire burnA. that B. / C. which D. it9. Is there anything to youA. that is belongedB. that belongsC. which belongsD. that belong10. The scientist and his achievements you told me about are admired by us all.A. whichB. thatC. wh

4、oD. whose11. Which of the books were borrowed from him is the bestA. whichB. whatC. thatD. whose12. The woman my brother spoke just now is my teacher.A. whowhom who D whom13. Jean was her old friend, she borrowed a necklace.A. from who B. from whom that whom14. She is a teacher of much knowledge, mu

5、ch can be learnedD. from whomA. who B. that C. from which15. He built a telescope he could study the skies.which B. with that C. through which it16. I have bought two ball pens, writes well.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. whom17. This is the very knife I used to cut apples yesterday.A. thatwhich C. which D

6、. with which18. Is this factory you visited last yearA .thatB. wherewhichD. the one19. A. Mr. Smith is one of those foreigners who working in China.B. Mr. Smith is the only one of those foreigners who working in China.B. hasC. haveD. are20. All I need is a good rest.C. thatD. WhichA. WhatB. All what

7、21. Can you lend me the novel the other dayD. you talked aboutA. that you talkedB. you talked about itC. which you talked with22. How do you like the book It s quite different from I read last month.A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. the one what23. The hotel during our holidays stands by the seaside.A. we

8、 stayed at B. where we stayed atC. we stayedD. in that we stayed24. Do you know the town at allA. wasB.have been toC.came25. Do you know which hotel A. she is stayingB.she is staying inC.is she staying26. I ll tell you _ he told me last week.A. all whichB.thatC.all that- Yes, it is a beautiful town

9、I recently.D. am comingD. is she staying inD. which27. That tree branches are almost bare, is very old.A. whose B. of which C. in which D. on which28. We re talking about the piano and the pianist were in the concert we attended last night.A. whichB. whomC. whoD. that29. The girl an English song in

10、the next room is Toms sister.A. who is singingB. whom is singingC. sang30. Those _ not only from books but also through practice will succeed.A. who learnsB. whoC. that learns31. Anyone this opinion may speak out.A. that againstB. that againstC. that is against32. Didn t you see the man D. was singi

11、ngD. who learnD. who are againstA. I nodded just nowB. whom I nodded just nowC. I nodded to him just now D. I nodded to just now33. Mr. Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except who had already taken them.A. the onesB. onesC. someD. the others34. The train she was travelling was late.A. whic

12、h B. where C. on which D. in that35. Miss Chen is the only teacher taught me how to learn English well this month.A. that B. who C. which D. when36. May the fourth is the day we Chinese people will never forget.D. about whichD. whichD. in everythingD. comesD. /A. whichB. whenC. on which37. There is

13、only one thing I can do.A. whatB. thatC. all38. They were interested you told them.A. in whichB. in thatC. all that39. The great day we looked forward to at last.A. comeB. cameC. coming40. I like the second football match was held last week.A. whichB. whoC. that二、用适当的关系词填空1. I will never forget the

14、days I spent with your family.2. Ill never forget the last day we spent together.3. Do you still remember the place we visited last weekmoment I saw you, I recognized (认出) you.5. This is the very novel about weve talked so much.6. Who is the student was late for school today7. He lives in the room w

15、indow faces to the south.8. This is Mr. John for I bought a book yesterday.9. A clock is a machine tells people the time.10. A nurse is a person looks after people are ill.11. The woman you visited last week is a famous writer.12. The man phoned didn t tell me his name.13. The people work in the office are very friend


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