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2、ed non-statio nary sphe rically symmet ric black hole with cha rgeACTA PHYSICA SINICA 55 (7): 3272-3276 JUL 20065 Abe STemperature of nonextensive systems: Tsallisentropy as Clausius entropyPHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 368 (2): 430-434 AUG 15 20066 Scarfone AMThe rmal and mec

3、ha ni cal equilib rium among weakly inter acti ng systems in generalized the rmostatistics framew orkPHYSICS LETTERS A 355 (4-5): 404-412 JUL 10 20067 Figueiredo A, Amato MA, da Rocha TMOn the statistical interpretation of generalized entropiesPHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 367

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5、e q-t ripletPROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT (162): 1-9 200610 Suyari HThe unique non self-referen tial q-ca non ical dist ributio n and the physical tempe rature derived from the maximum entropy principle in Tsallis statisticsPROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT (162): 79-86 200611

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10、SICAL REVIEW A 73 (6): Art. No. 062337 JUN 200619 Fursaev DVEntanglement and gr avitatio nal physicsJOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL 39 (21): 6385-6391 MAY 26 2006Abstract.It is argued that the entanglement entropy in condensed matter systems can be used to study different aspects of qu

11、antum gravity, such as universality of the low-energy physics, the renormalization group behaviour of the gravitational coupling and the statistical meaning of the Bekenstein Hawking entropy.20 Xiong HN, Hong G, Jian J, et al.The relation between the entanglement of two atoms and the entanglement of

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14、antum entanglement in the SU(1,1)-related coherent fields interacting with a mov ing atomPHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 365 (2): 351-359 JUN 15 200625 Sharma SS, Sharma NKDynamics of tripartite entanglementPHYSICA SCRIPTA T118: 272-275 2005Maximally entangled states are of utmo

15、st importance to quantum communication, dense coding, and quantum teleportation. With a trapped ion placed inside a high finesse optical cavity, interacting with field of an external laser and quantized cavity field, a scheme to generate a maximally entangled three qubit GHZ state, is proposed. The

16、dynamics of tripartite entanglement is investigated, using negativity as an entanglement measure and linear entropy as a measure of mixedness of a state. It is found that (a) the number of modes available to the subsystem determines the maximum entanglement of a subsystem, b) at entanglement maxima an



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