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1、华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划艺术设计专业本科培养计划数码艺术设计方向Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Artistic Design一、培养目标Educational Objective面向新世纪艺术设计专业人才市场的需求培养有文理两科特点,以广义建筑学为基础,设计艺术教育为主线的,适应社会主义现代化建设需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,具有扎实专业基础理论和造型能力,富有创造性的艺术设计及相关学科知识,具备较强适应能力的应用与研究型高级艺术设计人才。Facing the great demands for professionals artisti

2、c design in the new century, undergraduates are fostered with both artistic and scientific feature, under the direction of general architecture and artistic design education. Preparations must be done to meet the need of socialistic modern construction, which makes graduate candidates to be generall

3、y developed in morality、wisdom、physical education、esthetics is needed. Graduates are required to have Well-knit professional basic theories and sculpt competence. Creative artistic design and its related knowledge are also required. Excellent adaptability is necessary for higher applied professional

4、s to succeed in the field.二、基本规格要求Skills Profile1.按照教育“面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来”的发展方向,要求艺术设计专业的学生接受通识教育,打下较为坚实的自然科学与人文科学基础,具有良好的思想道德素质、文化素质和身心素质;2.系统学习学科基础课程,掌握扎实的学科专业基本理论和基本技能,了解国家及地方相关艺术设计和工程技术方面的政策与法规;3.通过合理设置的专业课学习与实践性教学环节,使本专业毕业生能在国家重点发展的创意产业、动、漫与游戏产业的相关领域,包括影视动画、数字娱乐、网络游戏、交互界面设计、移动通讯应用服务、多媒体应用与内容制作、公共信

5、息设施设计、以及新闻和娱乐媒体、数字博物馆、数字图书馆、媒体艺术机构等领域的设计、教学与管理工作,并初步具有从事艺术设计及相关学科科学研究的能力;4.掌握计算机应用操作与一门外国语。 1.According to the orientation of education is“ facing the modernization, facing the world, facing the future” the students of artistic design are desired to undertake general education which can make student

6、s have well-knit scientific basis of nature and society, even can make them have good mental & moral quality, cultural quality and health quality.2. Following a systematic fundamental course of specialized subject, mastering well-knit basic theories and skills of specialized subjec, understanding co

7、rrelative national and local policy and laws of exterior and interior environmental artistic design and engineering techniques.3.Through the reasonable plan of professional curriculums and fulfillment teaching links, this program is designed to enable students to pursue a career in the professional

8、department or company of design, in college or research institute where the graduates engage in design, teaching and management in the fields of artistic design of interior and exterior architectural environment, artistic design of city environment, artistic design of landscape, artistic design of m

9、odern decoration and furniture design. It also gives them primary research capability on subject of artistic design and other correlative disciplines. 4.Ability of correlative computer operation and a foreign language.三、培养特色Program Features我校艺术设计专业作为设置在综合性大学建筑学院中,在广义建筑学大系统涵盖下的艺术设计专业,其人才培养特色一方面表现在能够充

10、分发挥综合性大学治学严谨的学风与学科交叉的优势,另一方面还可利用建筑学科的教学平台作为本专业持续发展的建设基础及支撑条件。在保持艺术设计专业教学自身办学规律的基础上,注重学生艺术设计创新能力的开发及个性的培养,以适应社会主义市场经济条件下国家经济建设对“厚基础、宽口径、专门化”艺术设计人才的实际需要,从而能为我国的城市环境文化建设做出努力与贡献。As an artistic design department in architecture institute in a comprehensive university, its educational feature appears in t

11、wo aspects. On the one hand, good study ethos and advantage of intercrossed disciplines are exerted fully in the university. On the other hand, the specialty can use the architecture teaching achievements as a construction basis to support its sustaining development. Keeping running rules of the spe

12、cialty, more attention is paid to foster the capability of creativity and individual character,so we can meet the need of artistic talents for national economic construction which requires “well-knit foundation, extensive knowledge, specialization” under socialist market-oriented economy. Thus, we c

13、an also contribute to construction of our urban environmental culture in the future.四、主干学科 Major Discipline数码艺术设计Digital art Design 五、学制与学位Length of Schooling and Degree学制:四年Length of Schooling:4 years授予学位:文学学士Degree Offered: Bachelor of Arts六、学时与学分Hours/Credits完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:199Minim

14、um Credits (including teaching links of course system and collective practice): 199完成学业最低课外学分要求:5Minimum Credits of Extracurricular Activities and Practice: 51. 课程体系学时与学分Hours/Credits of Course System课程类别课程性质学时/学分占课程体系学分比例()通识教育基础课程必修712/40.524.0选修96/63.6学科基础课程学科大类基础课程必修304/1911.2学科专业基础课程必修904/56.53

15、3.4专业课程专业核心课程必修568/35.521.0专业方向课程选修184/11.56.8合计2768/169100Course ClassifiedCourse NatureHrs/CrsPercentage (%)Basic Courses in General EducationRequired712/40.524.0Elective96/63.6Basic Courses in DisciplineBasic Courses in General DisciplineRequired304/1911.2Basic Courses in DisciplineRequired904/56.533.4Courses in SpecialtyCommon Core CoursesRequired568/35.521.0Specialty-Oriented CoursesElective184/11.56.8Total2768/1691002. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分 Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training实践教学环节名称课程性质周数/学分占实践教学环节学分比例()军事训练必修2/2



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