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1、汉英翻译基础练习Examples第一章 汉译英的理论基础1. 大厅的灯亮得我睁不开眼睛。The bright lights in the hall dazzled me.The lights in the hall were so bright that they dazzled me.2. 母亲靠着纺车把他拉扯大,真是要星星不给月亮。His mother had brought him up by doing spinning and had given him whatever he wanted.3. 这件事给邻居们知道,岂不笑歪了嘴?When neighbors heard of th

2、e matter, wouldnt they laugh their heads off? (theyd laugh their heads off.)4. “上课了?”“你刚才上课了?”Have you just finished your class?“是不是已经上课了?” Has the bell gone? Am I late for class? “你第一次上课了?” Hows your first class?5. 他(听到这话)心里一跳,脸色也变了。At this his heart missed a beat and his face became pale.6. 请到休息室去

3、喝杯咖啡。Please go to the lobby (drawing room, retiring room) to have a cup of coffee. (*restroom, bathroom, washroom)7. 日本以温泉驰名。Japan boasts hot (*warm) spring.8. 我通常睡得很晚。 I usually go to sleep very late.第二章 汉译英的词语处理1. 他们就着路灯下棋。They were playing chess by the light of a street lamp.2. 我这星期不忙,就你的时间吧。Make

4、 it any time at your convenience. m not busy this week.3. 他就暑假计划作了简要说明。He gave a brief explanation of the plan for summer vacation.4. 稍等一会,我就来。 Just (wait) a minute. Im coming.5. 她十三岁就参加革命了。When she was only 13, she took part in the revolution.She took part in the revolution at the age of only 13.6.

5、 我一打听到他的地址,就马上告诉你。Ill tell you his address as soon as I get to know it.No sooner had I got to know his address than I told you about it.7. 他要是不来,我就代他在会上发言。If he doesnt come, Ilslpeak at the meeting instead of him.8. 她三天才来看我一次,你一天就来三次。You come to see me three times a day, but she only comes once ever

6、y three days.9. 她身体本来就不好,高烧几天后更虚弱了。She is always feeble, and now she is much weaker after a few days of high fever.10. 以前我们班就他一个人会用计算机,现在大家都会了。He was the only person who was able to use computer in our class before. Now every one of us has learned to use it.11. 我就不信我学不会这项技术。I just dont believe this

7、technique is beyond me.12. 那个人就是他的哥哥。That very man is his elder brother.13. 你就送给我,我也不要。Even ifyou give it to me as a gift, I wont accept it.14. 就我所知,他的英语很好。As far as I know, his English is very good.15. 两国代表团就共同关心的问题进行了会谈。The delegations of the two countries held talks on issues (questions)of common

8、 interest.16. 没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的运动。Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionarymovement.17. 丢了就丢了吧,以后小心点。If its lost, its lost. Just be more careful from now on.18. 他就不肯休息一下。 He simply refused to take a rest.19. He lives to a green old age. 他老当益壮。20. He looks green.他面带病容。21. He is a gree

9、n hand.他是个没有经验的新手。22. He has a green thumb. 他是个好花匠。23. He is green-eyed.他嫉妒心强。24. 有谁会喜欢像她那样的女孩子呢?她瘦得像一把骨头。 Who will be interested in a girl like her? Shes all bones.25. 在这种情况下under these/such circumstances; such being the case根据具体情况in accordance with specific conditions这种情况必须改变。This state of affairs

10、 must change. 现在情况不同了。 Now things are different 他们的情况怎么样? How do matters stand with them? 前线有什么情况? How is the situation at the front? 前面有情况,做好战斗准备。Theres enemy activity ahead. Prepare for combat. 我们可能去那儿,那得看情况而定。We may go there, but that depends. (but it all depends).26. 中国对于加入WTO的态度是积极的,我们为此已经进行了 1

11、1 年的谈判。Chinas attitude towards the accession to WTO is a positive one, and we have been working for that objective for 11 years.27. 我们现在正在积极地做准备工作。We are making busy preparations for that visit.28. 农业是国民经济的基础。Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. 我们必须贯彻执行农林牧副渔相结合的方针We must carry out

12、 the principle of combining farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-occupations and fishery29. 他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。They preach 讲 道 idealism whereas we advocate 提 倡 materialism.30. 学生应该从这里得出一条经验,就是不要被假象所迷惑。 Students should draw a lesson here: Dont bemisled by false appearances.31. 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。Fight when

13、you can win, move away when you cannot.32. 他们的暴行激起了人民极大的愤怒。Their atrocities roused the people to great indignation.33. 今年我省在引进工作方面又取得了重大成就。Much more fruitful work has been done in our province this year in importing advanced technology and equipment.34. 禁止赌博。 Gambling is prohibited.35. 事实雄辩地证明了有志者事竟

14、成。The facts eloquently demonstrate that where there is a will, there is a way.36. 他们在很大程度上必须依靠产品质量和营销。They have to (*cannot but) rely to a great extent on the quality oftheir product and marketing.37. 浓茶 strong tea 浓烟 dense ( heavy ) smoke 浓缩 concentrate 开车 to drive a car 开船 to set sail开机器 to start

15、(operate, run) a machine 开门浓墨 thick (dark) ink浓雾 dense fog 浓眉 heavy eyebrows 开夜车 burn the midnight oil 开飞机 pilot/fly a plane open the door开动 to begin/start 开会 hold a meeting 开绿灯 give free rein to 开玩笑 make a jok 编辑部 editorial office 师部 division headquarters开关 switch 开花 blossom 开业 start business指挥部 command post 南部 the southern part38.外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 接到你的来信,非常高兴。I was very glad to have received your letter.39. 孩子们天天带午饭到学校去吃。The children take their lunches to school every day.40. 把这些故事看完以后,用你自己的话说一遍。After you have read these stories, tell th


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