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1、Module7 知识点总结1. 序数词前有形容词性物主代词或者名词所有格、形容词时,前面的the省略 例如: my first teachers, Tonys fifth birthday.2. .的名字是什么? Whats the name of .? /What was the name of .?例如: What was the name of your first school? What are the names of your brothers?3. What is/are/was/ were .like?对品质、性格提问用 What does .look like? 对相貌提问

2、用 What does .like? 对兴趣、爱好提问例如: -What was your first friend like? -He was friendly and good. -What does your first friend look like? -He is tall and thin. -What does your first friend like? -He likes swimming.4. 出生于be born用语过去时(born为bear的过去分词,过去式为bore) 例如:They were born in 1999, but I was born on Dec

3、ember 19th, 2000. My father was born in a small village, and my uncle was born in a city.5. be strict with sb. 对某人严格、严厉 in sth. 对某事严格、严谨 例如: My mother is strict with me but she isnt strict in her work.6. be friendly to sb. 对某人有好, 类似的结构还有be kind to sb. 例如:She is friendly to us everyone. friendly 反义词

4、unfriendly 以ly结尾的形容词还有,lovely,lonely,ugly,silly,weekly,monthly,等等7. (a) very adj./adv.(原形) + n.太.,非常.,很. quite( a/ an)+ adj./adv.(原形) + n. so+ adj./adv.(原形) +that +从句 译为:如此以至于 too adj. to do sth. 译为:太而不能例如: a very big watermelon quite a big watermelon The watermelon is so big that I cant eat it all.

5、 The watermelon is too big to be eaten.8. past 与pass的区别 past 为介词,副词,形容词,如:(1). go past the hospital and turn left. (2). They are talking about past life. (3). Its ten past four.而pass为动词,如: Please pass me the pen. The police car passed slowly.9. “在某地有要做”用句型there is/are/was/were +sth.+to do 例如:There w

6、ere a lot of things to do in Quincy. There are lots of interesting places to visit in Tianjin. 表示“某人有某事要做”用have/has sth. to do 例如: They had many things to do, and I have lots of books to read.10. one of + 名词复数 表示“中之一” One of my dear friends is a police. two of /some of/ many of/ most of one of + the

7、+最高级+名词复数 例如:The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in China. Most of the people in this room are over forty.11. there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with many fish in it.with 的用法总结with用法归纳(1)“用”表示使用工具,手段等。例如:We can walk with our legs and feet. He writes with

8、a pencil. (2)“和在一起”,表示伴随。例如:Can you go to a movie with me?He often goes to the library with Jenny. (3)“与”。例如:Id like to have a talk with you.(4)“关于,对于”,表示一种关系或适应范围。例如:Whats wrong with your watch? (5)“带有,具有”。例如:Hes a tall kid with short hair. They have no money with them. There is a big house with a

9、swimming pool. (6)“在方面”。例如:Kate helps me with my English. (7)“随着,与同时”。例如:With these words, he left the room. 说完这些话,他离开了房间。12. fish 作名词时 可以翻译为:鱼(可数,单复数同形)如; many fish作“鱼肉”讲时,为不可数名词。作“鱼的种类”讲时,为可数名词,可以变复数。如: We have five fishes in this river. 这条河里有5种鱼。13. I was there for the last time in 2010. last 为形容

10、词,译为“最后的,最近的” 如:December is the last month of a year. I was the last to come to school. 作动词讲时,译为“持续”The meeting lasted for three hours.Module8 知识点总结1. once upon a time 从前 2. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 decide not to do sth.3. go for a ride / walk 去兜风/散步 4. in the forest 在森林里5. pick flowers 摘花 pick up st

11、h. 捡起/拿起某物 pick it/ them up6. be lost/ lose ones way 迷路 She is always lost in Beijing.7. look around+sb.(宾)看某人的四周 look around her/me /him8. notice sth. 注意到某物9. hurry to + sw. = go to sw. in a hurry 急忙去某地He hurried to school without having breakfast.10. knock on / at the door 敲门11. open 开着的adj. close

12、d 关着的adj. The door is closed, but the window is open. open 打开; 经营 He opened the door and its open now.12. enter + sth 进入 They entered/went into the building.13. finish sth. She finished the food soon. finish doing sth. She has to finish doing her homework now.16. try (tried) to do sth. 尽力做某事不要与tired

13、 (累)混淆 try sth 试某物 try it/ them on17. be in pieces 坏了 18. walk into the bedroom 走进卧室19. very soon 不久; 很快 20. be/fall asleep(形容词)= be sleeping(动词)21. in pieces 成了碎片 22. at first 起初 at the beginning of/ first of all 23. point at 指着24. Theres the naughty girl. 倒装句,原句为:The naughty girl is there. 有一个淘气的女

14、孩。There is a naughty girl.25. open ones eyes 睁开眼睛26. be around sb. 在某人周围 The students are around the teacher. 27. jump out of bed and hurry out of the house 跳下床匆忙冲出房子28. without sth. 没有某物 He went to school without his bag. without doing sth. 没有做某事 She left without saying a word. without anything= with noting29. return to sw. = come back to sw. 返回某地 return= give back They returned to China yesterday. 他们昨天返回中国。30. 讲故事的顺序:First Next Then Finally31. and 前后的时态要一致 He entered the house and sa


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