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1、Unit 3检测卷时间:40分钟满分:100分题号*二三四五六七八九十总分得分听力部分(40分)一、听录音,用1, 2, 3.给下列图片排序。(8分)二、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。(10分))1. A. I like music best.B. I like science best.)2. A. We listen and do.B. We listen and speak.)3. A. We do all kinds of things in music.B. Wc do all kinds of things in English.)4. A. We have six.B. We ha

2、ve seven.B. Do you like science?)5. A. Do you study science?三、听录音,根据所给情景选择正确的答案。(12分)1.你想表达你非常喜欢数学。你该这样说:你想问Peter是否喜欢语文,你该这样问:3.你想问Peter最喜欢哪个学科,你该这样问:4. 你想表达你们上午有四节课,你该这样说:5.你想表达你们在音乐课上说说唱唱,你该这样说:你想表达你们用英语做各种各样的事,你该这样说:四、听问句,选答语。(10分)()1. A. We have four.B. There are four.C. Im four.()2. A. Yes, I a

3、m.B. Yes, I dont.C. No, I dont.()3. A. Pencils.B. Pandas.C. PE.()4. A. We like singing.B. We listen.C. We run.()5. A. Yes, I like science.B. Yes, I do.C. I like drama.笔试部分(60分)五、根据图片,写出单词。(10分)六、选择不同类别的单词。(10分)()1. A. musicB. dramaC. subjectD. art()2. A. singB. kindC. actD.speak()3. A. likeB. studyC

4、. haveD. best()4. A. lessonB. writeC. subjectD. class()5. A. IB. weC. myD. youC. a lessonC. atC. Yes, I like it.C.goodC. potatoC.doesC. Yes, you are.C. musicC. Me, too.C. Who课程衣七、单项选择。(10分)()1. How manydo you have in the morning?A. lessonB. lessons()2. What do you doan English class?A. onB. in()3. D

5、o you like English?A. Yes, I like maths. B. No, I like English.()4. What subject do you like?A. wellB. best()5. Do you like?A. artB.sing()6. How many booksyou have?A. areB.do()7. Do you study science?A. Yes, I do.B.Yes,Iam.()8.1 likevery much. I can sing well.A. artB.PE()9. I like music. A. Thank yo

6、u.B. Good idea.()10, are they? 一They are music and art.A. WhatB. How many八、根据所给图片完成句子。(10分)1. What do you do in an English class?Wcand.2. 一What subject do you like best?I likebest.3. 一How manydo you have in the afternoon ?一We have two. They are drama and九、连词成句。(1()分)1. dont, PE, I, like (.)2. you, w

7、hat, best, subject, do, like (?)3. are, maths, they, and, PE (.)4. many, lessons, you, how, do, have (?)5. play, in , we, and, act, English(.)十、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)Hello, Im Bob. Im eleven. Im from England. Now, I live in Beijing. Im in ClassOne, Grade Four. There arc sixteen boys and twenty girls in m

8、y class. Wc have four lessons in the morning. They are Chinese, English, maths and PE. I like Chinese best.We do all kinds of things in Chinese. We like our teachers and they like us. But we cant go out during the COVID-19(新型冠状病毒肺炎).And we have lessons online.I miss my teachers.)1. Where is Bob from

9、 ?A. America.B. England.C. China.)2. How many students are there in Bobs class?A. Sixteen.B. Twenty.C. Thirty-six.)3. What subject does Bob like best?A. Chinese.B. English.C. Maths.)4. How many lessons does Bob have in the morning?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.)5. Which one is true(正确的)?A. Bob is in Class

10、 Four, Grade One.B. Bob does all kinds of things in English.C. Bob likes his teachers.Unit 3达标检测卷听力材料:一、1. music 2. maths 3. science 4. Chinese5. English 6. PE 7. art 8. drama二、1.1 like science best.2. We listen and do.3. Wc do all kinds of things in English.4. We have six.5. Do you like science?三、1

11、. A. I like music.B. I like maths very much.2. A. I dont like Chinese.B. Do you like Chinese.3. A. What do you like?B. What subject do you like best?4. A. We have four lessons in the morning.B. We have four lessons in the afternoon.5. A. We speak and do in a music class.B. We speak and sing in a mus

12、ic class.6. A. Wc do all kinds of things in Chinese.B. We do all kinds of things in English.四、1. How many lessons do you have in the morning?2. Do you like music?3. What subject do you like best?4. What do you do in an English class?5.1 like PE. What about you?答案: 一、7, 1, 8, 5, 6, 2, 4, 3二、1.B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B三、1.B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B四、五、六、七、八、九、点拨:其他都是学科。点拨:其他都是动词。4. B2. B7. A5.C3. C 4. B 5. A8. C 9.C 10. A2.msnisfifa1.卜办PE2.3.4.十、1. B 点拨:由文中第三句,Tm from England.可知。2. C 点拨:由文中第六句可知。3. A 点拨:由文中第九句可知。4. C 点拨:由文中第七句可知。5. C密密笏洎函翎街0回伽会卷偈&兵o(S030也福 云0得易丽0恳踢仞函闿园


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