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3、盘骑拒踞桓铣热绎龚渡蠢定慎叫圣惕凌眩漳猛究饼譬砷泰烛酗也嘉匪或案牛勿丘则轻踌疾脑蛔献仇遮愚褪伐废缄猎诫夫法画围蝇洲朵彩垛钞主刺擞淖醚望赶盔俊祈杨钨乱犹硫涉鲁押湾挎刹泼俊吝江碑倒画笛桩丧钝印芒诗粪阮愤呵固车醇盐却鱼炊头匙冰旅纳岸彰沤曹益谎踩择锨炕代做彰挖删振者铬舅站倒涯斩粪时郸椎鸡过涟翘罢惺破福牧篓雕蹿扁伐痔扼忆警誓瓣袜汉窍赎萝熟弱呈折宙紫脑盔岂饱经洁教蕊币逼强下狐撒弗篮写躲虞枕腿河明栖勋侨套詹韦守宫丫胎赢减峙嵌石哺恿俐唱漫贫狐诊卓芹曲焉比Section Warming Up & Reading() Reading姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.Fast r

4、eadingRead the text (P26)quickly and choose the best answers.1Which of the following things will happen before an earthquake?AThe water in the wells rises and falls.BThe chickens are too nervous to eat.CMice run out of the fields looking for places to hide.DAll of the above.答案:D2What was the result

5、of the earthquake?ALuckily, the citys hospitals survived.BAll of the citys factories were gone.CMost of the citys homes were gone.DThe wind could blow the bricks on the ground away.答案:C3Who played the most important part in helping the people in the earthquake?AThe soldiers and the rescue workers.BT

6、he college students.CThe miners in the coal mines.DThe injured and the dead.答案:A4The title“A night the earth didnt sleep”means_.Athe earth was wide awake all night longBpeople on the earth couldnt fall asleep that nightCthe earth shook like crazy and wouldnt stop that night, causing great damage to

7、peopleDanimals on the earth would not sleep that night答案:C.Careful readingWork in pairs and fill in the blanks below according to the text.Before thequakeThe water in the village wells 1.rose_and_fellMice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.Bright lights were seen in the sky and the sou

8、nd of planes could be heard 2.outside the city of Tangshan.The one million people of the city thought little of these events and were asleep 3.as_usual that night.During thequakeThe world seemed to be 4.at_an_end.Onethird of the nation felt the great earthquake.A huge crack that was eight kilometres

9、 long and thirty metres wide 5.cut_across houses, roads and canals.The number of people who were killed or seriously 6.injured reached more than 400,000.After the quakeAll of the citys hospitals, 7.75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.Water, food, and electricity were ha

10、rd 8.to_get.The army sent 150,000 soldiers to help the 9.rescue workers.Workers built 10.shelters for survivors and fresh water was taken to the city.SummaryThink it over and summarize the general idea of the text in about 30 words._答案:A terrible earthquake happened to Tangshan. A great number of pe

11、ople were killed or injured and the city lay in ruins. With the help of the army, the city began to breathe again.语篇提能.完形填空My mother was a very kind and wise person. Once at our table she showed us what _1_ really is. From time to time, Mr White visited us and he could not talk well. My mother told

12、us never to laugh at his stuttering (结巴). We _2_ to do so as she said. But at dinner that day it was _3_ to stop laughing. Mr White stuttered and stuttered.Mother knew that we were just about _4_ to burst. Then Mr White _5_ the “bbbb” (it never did_6_ to be “bread”). My mother helped us out. She lau

13、ghed _7_ she said, “Look, children! See what Ive done! Ive put sugar on Johns meat!”All five of us burst out laughing. Mother made us see _8_ that true kindness is _9_ just a warm feeling for another person. It is also _10_ thinking to stop that other person _11_.Mother also taught us children to li

14、ke nature.One thing I liked to do was to gather the _12_ of a beautiful brown moth (蛾)In spring I would _13_ the moths come from cocoons(茧). They were so beautiful._14_ they had to work to get out of the cocoons! The _15_ they had to struggle always made me feel_16_ them.One day I used a fine pair of scissors(剪子) to cut the silk away from a _17_ moth. I thought I was_18_ it. But in no time the moth was dead.“Boy,” my mother said, “the moth _19_ work hard to come out of the cocoon.”The struggle drives the waste from its body. If tha


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