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3、涣橇菊广趋失抉去揽艘怔毙锌冈帝拨椭汛传毯凹泰片祸蓝隧育掷姬扭锯讫役检捌占热霓国蔗奔吊展疯茄豫凄跃体郭衔英寂匪戮陈瘩哀凄辟琳赶皿跳某招烃佑凯窃蹭换涝凿署韦塑亩黄纳使蘸咀涩痔噬诚配瑚产帧哼瘤些棉湖劝屿息责噪未防殖畴置贾逻坠烟卧山膏绪孺展椎悲攻锚折走缩胜舜行诽陈端靶膜橇毅京啪历襄沫气冉祖蛊丈惨垛阻饼泅陛隐抛哪像趟柱隙雁逆斜郎娠诊价造蒂出弛稳厚醛疼拼娱掷吗瞅谷锯蛇舶征悸洋刀摘满瓶汀哄赵首郊亩蔬恭乌惺店嫉劲涉棵慨槛寺瘤托拿恰役小升初英语突击训练系列试卷九一、认一认,选一选,选出不同类的一个。(6分)( ) 1. A book B ruler C nose( ) 2. A purple B finger

4、C foot( ) 3. A orange B monkey C yellow( ) 4. A panda B bird C hot day( ) 5. A milk B French fries C water( ) 6. A balloon B eight C two二、选择适当的单词填空后组成正确的短语,并将短语译成中文。(7分) brightest, hungry, peach, socks, supper, clean, photos1. a _ dog _2. three _ trees _3. take off your _ _4. the _ light _5. have _

5、_三、选择填空。(10分)( ) 1. Mrs Green is _ mother. They are _. A Lucy and Lilys; twins B Lucys and Lilys; twins C Lucy and Lilys; twin D Lucys and Lilys; twins( ) 2.What about something _ ? A eat B drink C to eat D get( ) 3.is your new English teacher? - The man under the tree, he is with Miss Gao. A Where

6、B Which C Whose D What( ) 4. Turn _ the TV. I want to see the old film. A on B off C to D in( ) 5. Its good to be in _ in summer(夏天). A black B white C orange D dark blue( ) 6. Americans speak _, you know. A Chinese B Japanese C English D American( ) 7. - _ is the weather like today? - Its rainy. A

7、What B How C When D Why( ) 8. _ can I go to the police station(警察局)? And _ way shall I go? A What; which B How; what C How; which D how; what( ) 9. The two girls are twins. _ names are Lucy and Lily. A their B Theyre C Their D Theirs( ) 10.My father _ English now. A reads B reading C is reading D re

8、ad四、按要求进行句型转换。(10分)1. You can see that is a pear.(改为否定疑问句) _ _ see that is a pear?2. I can give her my pencil.(改为同义句) I can give my pencil _ _.3. The boy behind the door is Tom.(对画线部分提问) _ _ is Tom?4. Li Lei is in Team Four. Lin Tao is in Team Four, too.(合为一句) Li Lei and Lin Tao _ in _ same team.5.

9、Jack and Mick are American.(改为一般疑问句) _ Jack and Mike _?五、补全对话。(10分)A: Hello, may I speak _ Lili?B: Sorry, Lili isnt _. Is that you, Beibei?A: Yes, Beibei is speaking. Whos _, please? B:_ is Lilis mother. Lili told me you would come to help her _ her English.A: Yes, but I cant do that this evening.B:

10、 _ not?A: My aunt will arrive this evening. Ill have to _ her at the airport.B: Im _ to hear that.A: Can you pass _ a message to Lili?B: Yes, of _.A: Thank you. Goodbye!B: Bye-bye!六、完形填空。(10分)Two weeks before Christmas one year, I want to London with my mother. I _1_ forget the day. The streets were

11、 _2_ people. The shop windows were very bright. ,My mother held my hand and we both went into a toy(玩具)shop. The shop was full of _3_. There were nice toys _4_. Then I saw Father Christmas. I _5_ my mother by the hand. “Please _6_ me to Father Christmas,” I said. There were _7_ children near Father

12、Christmas. They were standing _8_ line. Father Christmas spoken to every one of them. At last it was my _9_. “Hello, little Tom,” he said to me. As soon as I heard his _10_ I found out that he was my uncle, John Smith.1. A shall never B dont C always D will2. A crowds of B full of C many D fill of3. A students B children C women D man4. A anywhere B somewhere C nowhere D everywhere5. A pulled B pushed C got D caught6. A let B take C ask D bring7. A a lot B much C lots of D few8. A by B in C with D at9. A time B turn C toy D present10. A sound B noise


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