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1、President Obamas Speech in Jakarta, IndonesiaUniversity of IndonesiaJakarta, IndonesiaTHE PRESIDENT: Terima kasih. Terima kasih, thank you so much, thank you, everybody. Selamat pagi. (Applause.) It is wonderful to be here at the University of Indonesia. To the faculty and the staff and the students

2、, and to Dr. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri, thank you so much for your hospitality. (Applause.) Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Thank you for this wonderful welcome. Thank you to the people of Jakarta and thank you to the people of Indonesia.Pulang kampung nih. (Applause.) I am so glad that I made i

3、t back to Indonesia and that Michelle was able to join me. We had a couple of false starts this year, but I was determined to visit a country thats meant so much to me. And unfortunately, this visit is too short, but I look forward to coming back a year from now when Indonesia hosts the East Asia Su

4、mmit. (Applause.) Before I go any further, I want to say that our thoughts and prayers are with all of those Indonesians who are affected by the recent tsunami and the volcanic eruptions - particularly those whove lost loved ones, and those whove been displaced. And I want you all to know that as al

5、ways, the United States stands with Indonesia in responding to natural disasters, and we are pleased to be able to help as needed. As neighbors help neighbors and families take in the displaced, I know that the strength and the resilience of the Indonesian people will pull you through once more. Let

6、 me begin with a simple statement: Indonesia bagian dari didi saya. (Applause.) I first came to this country when my mother married an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro. And as a young boy I was - as a young boy I was coming to a different world. But the people of Indonesia quickly made me feel at home.

7、Jakarta - now, Jakarta looked very different in those days. The city was filled with buildings that were no more than a few stories tall. This was back in 1967, 68 - most of you werent born yet. (Laughter.) The Hotel Indonesia was one of the few high rises, and there was just one big department stor

8、e called Sarinah. That was it. (Applause.) Betchaks and bemos, thats how you got around. They outnumbered automobiles in those days. And you didnt have all the big highways that you have today. Most of them gave way to unpaved roads and the kampongs. So we moved to Menteng Dalam, where - (applause)

9、- hey, some folks from Menteng Dalam right here. (Applause.) And we lived in a small house. We had a mango tree out front. And I learned to love Indonesia while flying kites and running along the paddy fields and catching dragonflies, buying satay and baso from the street vendors. (Applause.) I stil

10、l remember the call of the vendors. Satay! (Laughter.) I remember that. Baso! (Laughter.) But most of all, I remember the people - the old men and women who welcomed us with smiles; the children who made a foreign child feel like a neighbor and a friend; and the teachers who helped me learn about th

11、is country.Because Indonesia is made up of thousands of islands, and hundreds of languages, and people from scores of regions and ethnic groups, my time here helped me appreciate the common humanity of all people. And while my stepfather, like most Indonesians, was raised a Muslim, he firmly believe

12、d that all religions were worthy of respect. And in this way - (applause) - in this way he reflected the spirit of religious tolerance that is enshrined in Indonesias Constitution, and that remains one of this countrys defining and inspiring characteristics. (Applause.) Now, I stayed here for four y

13、ears - a time that helped shape my childhood; a time that saw the birth of my wonderful sister, Maya; a time that made such an impression on my mother that she kept returning to Indonesia over the next 20 years to live and to work and to travel - and to pursue her passion of promoting opportunity in

14、 Indonesias villages, especially opportunity for women and for girls. And I was so honored - (applause) - I was so honored when President Yudhoyono last night at the state dinner presented an award on behalf of my mother, recognizing the work that she did. And she would have been so proud, because m

15、y mother held Indonesia and its people very close to her heart for her entire life. (Applause.) So much has changed in the four decades since I boarded a plane to move back to Hawaii. If you asked me - or any of my schoolmates who knew me back then - I dont think any of us could have anticipated tha

16、t one day I would come back to Jakarta as the President of the United States. (Applause.) And few could have anticipated the remarkable story of Indonesia over these last four decades. The Jakarta that I once knew has grown into a teeming city of nearly 10 million, with skyscrapers that dwarf the Hotel Indonesia, and thriving centers of culture and of commerce. Whil


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