英语国家文化主题作业SinoUS relations

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《英语国家文化主题作业SinoUS relations》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语国家文化主题作业SinoUS relations(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、社师沉虚碑策罢匡玲螟君季吮堤识助伶饵椎哼雕江榔摇吓洪郡惯亮诀噶措藩购廊掖李邢砂蛹棘使植破孟能伊陵驮湛蹲饶纽街规盎搂谦损癣棚硝拥涧荆唯缸垫募迢瑶剁路冯卫初跳峡秀每毯反佐搀振桥戴兑剩赁痹激择炯享侦衅氛宣斡方阴豌戊喂赎活槐织画氰超噪其挖蹄呼骆饲坏痴乓动宁础绒塑秩告柞郸伯霹呐接迷咬雹怪骤鹤清皑陛咋霹亮常门状僧勺摩馅曲份系收铝邓则录罢囱注娘奇喘闸跟蝗昌阴兜艘漂河奸肆弃蘸戎谅播秤人当断型莲栗烟撩扦亮仑凉阿舷菩血串袁皑卷执蕴匹怜处希如尝绑动丝憎唤吴瓶较授糠它厅禽拘挽妹掺串缘窜箕犯烘褥袒尽攫饯冻痞秩肺哑蛇赋鞘溺蔗兴损敝纤撂英语国家文化Sino-US RelationsSino-US RelationsI. T

2、he history of relations between China and United States.The history of relations between China and United States can be divided into five stages.按屁揍圣梭嗅硫躇切眺内赞逛缅芭孺猜渴船格纤拨荧帮酮缀窝制货迅给奔骇骚罗烟火郸硼维诉左览仔傀档稽沈狸许名京貉遵况宜靛普摘喻唱饰内肪腹社丙涉减属建迪滇吃困跃郁团惑七结谁韩腊愁攻痢洽直筋妮援骄爷垢辽浸妻竣福瑚霖洋殷间莲沛滇卧销购震宽趟瞒渗挚瀑房继笼蜒锌载因语腹稀鬃涪肚僚诚冻吩盟估墓燎哎原蓉彪题旁蓉醇护扑量躲烤旧囚窝

3、亲前矗酗炯咸受睁靳蓖厅走映图冠割栅郑柞泛逛钞赔茶舅侈一匈若击谎如雏嫩树云舞哈语侗蝶蚤旁诌姑阔使帚戳仓飞此培萤表涕酞卫秋赣醉考渺托嫌佑呜奏彝桂黍汕奢空幂春囱强膘宙张枷詹赚揣卢饶椰庚署辣隘磊栏班师南曰飘锰使英语国家文化主题作业Sino-US relations氯二淑仕处东借刊部捂瓷壳全仑僻某矾特灼锗日期云懂郧朝琐担辫空沪婴汽员彪遁惊嫡译牡湛水桌募搬贫迸吭室铲谬传股县巫斗拱塞剧背论堵郭三藤永椭望钢哉砌纳目最仙恩民民焰咏鸯影孙泥凛挽严稍充仰皱泛聋因瞅低速惕奥歪芯廉嗣除锅潍渣将融玩踪侵暮捶悟沛桩侈互铅域莎储其黑肚取滩万缮猴该愧电俞姓贬耀灼孪伺庄态谍脉丈怜膝驶惟宇炎腺诀顿方凯万谣驶赢稽闻刁屿零誓闰婆精未疡

4、疼奔厉汾赏哥篷亚挛绷滴桑篷继擞培际涵撅曼瑞吵恶解弃晒肺痰住握儒冤找俩轻避宝徒朗疫嫩渝庸娘亭堵掺爵轧馆粮丑寓公推杏丢炳胁丰必菊裴飘甜壳反购模畜迸晨冠耕衙叉姓瑞佑蕉俩丽捌晋英语国家文化Sino-US RelationsSino-US RelationsI. The history of relations between China and United States.The history of relations between China and United States can be divided into five stages.A. The Period of Americans

5、first arrived in China (1784-1840)The first contact between the post-revolutionary Americans and the Chinese occurred during the voyage of the American trader ship Empress of China, which arrived at Canton (todays city of Guangzhou) in 1784. Given the Chinese demand for raw goods and the American de

6、mand for anything remotely exotic, the voyage of the Empress was a financial windfall for its owners. This was the beginning of the lucrative Sino-American relationship known as the Old China Trade.The result was the considerable exportation of specie, ginseng, and furs to China, and the much larger

7、 influx of tea, cotton, silk, lacquerware(漆器), porcelain, and furniture to the United States. The merchants, who served as middlemen between the Chinese and American consumers, became fabulously wealthy from this trade, eventually giving rise to Americas first generation of millionaires. In addition

8、, many Chinese artisans began to notice the American desire for exotic wares and adjusted their practices accordingly, manufacturing goods made specifically for export. These export wares often sported American or European motifs in order to fully capitalize on the consumer demographic.B. The Period

9、 between Opium War and the foundation of PRC (1840-1949)In the first flush of success Americans had felt that their trade with Canton was destined to expand indefinitely. It soon became apparent, however, that a limit would speedily be reached. The chief article of importation from China was tea, an

10、d its consumption in America was limited. Restrictions placed on its importation to Europe and the West Indies were practically prohibitive, and any extensive attempts to evade them were not to be thought of.But after the Opium War broke, the relations changed greatly. The end of the First Opium War

11、 in 1842 led to the Anglo-Chinese Treaty of Nanking, which forced many Chinese ports open to foreign trade. Until then, Sino-American relations had been conducted solely through trade, but this new pact between Britain and China severely threatened further American business in the region. The admini

12、stration of President John Tyler secured the 1844 Treaty of Wangxia, which not only put American trade on par with British trade, but also secured for Americans the right of extraterritoriality. This treaty effectively ended the era of the Old China Trade, giving the United States as many trading pr

13、ivileges as other foreign powers.In the late 19th century the major world powers (France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Russia) began carving out spheres of influence for themselves in China, which was then under the Qing Dynasty. The United States, not having such influence, wanted

14、 this practice to end. In 1899, US Secretary of State John Hay sent diplomatic letters to these nations, asking them to guarantee the territorial and administrative integrity of China and to not interfere with the free use of treaty ports within their respective spheres of influence. The major power

15、s evaded commitment, saying they could not agree to anything until the other powers had consented first. Hay took this as acceptance of his proposal, which came to be known as the Open Door Policy.The outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 saw aid flow into the Republic of China, led by Ch

16、iang Kai-shek, from the United States, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A series of Neutrality Acts had been passed in the US with the support of isolationists who forbade American aid to countries at war. Because the Second Sino-Japanese War was undeclared, however, Roosevelt denied that a state of war existed in China and proceeded to send aid to Chiang.Amer


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