新人教版七年级英语上册课件Unit 1 You and meGrammar Focous

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1、Unit 1 You and meGrammar FocousSection AAre you Peter?Yes,I am./No,Im not.Are Meimei and Peter in the same class?Yes,they are./No,they arent.Where is Mr.Smith from?Hes from the US.What class are you in?Im in class 1,Grade 7.Whos your class teacher?Its Ms.Gao.I .You He/She/It .We/They .Grammar FocusY

2、es/No qustion一般疑问句一般疑问句 Wh-question特殊疑问句特殊疑问句Read and circle the verbs(am/is/are).amareisareare not=arentis not=isntam not不可缩写不可缩写be动词的一般现在时有三种形式:am,is,are I am.He is.She is.You are.It is.我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is 连着她(she)、他(he)、它(it)人称代词:第一人称人称代词:第一人称“我我第二人称:第二人称:“你你”第三人称:她、他、它第三人称:她、他、它”单数is,复数areisis

3、将下列将下列主语与主语与bebe动词动词搭配搭配amamheheshesheI IyouyoutheytheyweweSome waterSome waterYou and IYou and IChildrenChildrenThatThat ruler rulerMy parentsMy parentsareareA penA penBob and BillBob and BillThis dogThis dogChinese peopleChinese people1.Emma and Ella is/are twins.They are/is from the US2.I am/are

4、12 years old.Peter am/is 12 years old too.3.Lin Hais favourite colour is/are green4.Lisas pet cat is/are very cute.She likes it very much.5.Tom and I am/are both in the school band Circle the correct words to completethe sentences.Tips:先找出主语,先找出主语,再判断再判断主语为复数主语为单数主语为单数主语为复数3bHello!I _Liu Yu.I_13 yea

5、rs old.I_from Chengdu,China.My favourite animal_panda.I like hot pot very much.This is my new classmate.Her name is Sally Wood.She_also 13 years old.She_from Sydney,Australia.Now she lives in Chengdu with her parents.She likes Chinese food a lot.Her favourite food_Mapo tofu.Sally and I_good friends.

6、Completethe passage with am,is,are.amamisamisisisare3cHer/His Favotites:My friends profilename姓名age年龄class班级country来自哪里3d.How to introduce your new friend?如何介绍你的新朋友?3dI.myhe.hisshe.herHello!Im.This is my new friend.His/Her name is.Hes/Shes from.His/Her favourite.is.人称代词人称代词(主格主格)物主代词(形容词)物主代词(形容词)第一人称我 I我的my第二人称你you你的your第三人称他he他的his她she她的her它it它的its


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