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1、2024新教材七年级上册Unit 3单词讲义1. hall hl n.礼堂;走廊; 大厅 复数:halls 必备搭配:dining hall 餐厅 dan h:lThe hall was filled with students welcoming him.大厅里挤满了欢迎他的学生.Now they are on their way to the dining hall.现在他们在去餐厅的路上 翻译:我们学校里有三个餐厅。 2. in front of 在前面; 【辨析】 in front of 与in the front of (观察例句,总结用法)He is standing in fro

2、nt of the car.他站在汽车前面。The baby and I were in the front of the car.宝宝和我在车子前排。She is standing in the front of the classroom. 她站在教室前面。 在(里面的)前部为: in the front of. 反义短语:at the back of.在后面 在(外部的)前面为: in front of 反义词:behind在后面 趁热打铁:1. The teachers desk is _ our classroom and our English teacher likes stan

3、ding _ it .A. in front of; in the front ofB. in front of; in front ofC. in the front of; in front ofD. in the front of; in the front of2. There is a desk _ the hall.Yes. And there is a tree _ the hall.A. in front of; in the front ofB. in the front of; in front ofC. in front of; in front of D. in the

4、 front of; in the front of3. I am sitting _ the bus. A man is standing _ me.A. in front of; in front ofB. in the front of; in the front ofC. in front of; in the front ofD. in the front of; in front of3. buildingbldn. 建筑(物); 楼房 复数:buildingsThere are many beautiful buildings in Qingdao.在青岛有许多美丽的建筑 词性变

5、换:buildbld v.建造; 创立第三人称单数:builds; 过去式:built; 现在分词:building;They built 200 new houses last year.他们去年建了200座新房。4. acrosskrs prep.穿过,横过;He walked across the field. 他走过田地。Its too wide. We cant swim across. 这太宽了,我们游不过去。 必备搭配:across from在对面The shoe store is across from the bank. 鞋店在银行对面. 趁热打铁:翻译:他们的房子在公园的对

6、面. 辨析:acrosskrs prep.横过;穿过 throughru: prep.穿过l across:平面穿过表示平面的词:street(街道), road(马路), playground(操场)Please be careful when you go across the road.过马路的时候要小心。l through:空间穿过表示空间的词:forest(森林), window(窗户)They walked through the forest. 他们穿过了森林。 趁热打铁:1) The bright sunlight comes into the room _the window

7、.A. throughB. acrossC. past2) -Shall I help you go _ the street, Grandpa?3) -No, thanks. I can manage it myself.A. on B. withC. across4) Before going _ the road, you should look left first and then right. 5) Look! The man is swimming _ the lake. 6) They walked the forest quickly.5. fieldfild n.场地;田地

8、; 复数:fields 必备搭配:sports field 运动场People were working in the fields. 人们在田间劳动。After finishing his homework, he goes to the sports field.他做完家庭作业之后便到运动场上去. 趁热打铁:翻译:食堂在运动场的对面。 翻译:孩子们在运动场上打网球 6. gymdm n.体育馆; 健身房;(尤指学校的)体育活动 复数:gyms 全称:gymnasiumdmnezimHe sometimes goes to the gym after school.他有时放学去体育馆. Th

9、e gym is only two blocks away from my home.健身房离我家只有两个街区. 趁热打铁:翻译:我们在体育馆里打篮球. 7. officefs n.办公室; 办公楼; 复数:offices; 词形变换:officerfs(r) n.军官,警官; 高级职员; 公务员;Are you going to the office today? 你今天去办公室吗?Come into my office. 请到我的办公室里来。Thank you, Officer. 谢谢你,警官。8. largeld adj.大的; 大号的;表示尺寸:large 大号的medium中号的sm

10、all小号的We want a large bowl of beef noodles and a medium bowl of vegetable noodles我们要一大碗牛肉面和一中碗蔬菜面9. Special spel adj.特殊的; 重要的She has a special way of smiling.她微笑的样子有些特别。We took the kids to the zoo as a special gift.作为一份特别的礼物,我们带孩子们到动物园去。 趁热打铁:翻译:这是一节很特别的英语课。 10. smartsmt adj.智能的;聪明的Many people think

11、 he was the smartest person in the world.很多人认为他是世界上最聪明的人。In a town there lived a little, beautiful and smart girl.在一个小镇上住着一个漂亮聪明的小女孩。Dolphins are smarter animals in the sea.海豚是海洋中比较聪明的动物11. whiteboardwatbd n.白板;白色书写板 复数:whiteboards;With the help of smart whiteboards, English classes become interesti

12、ng.在智能白板的帮助下,英语课变得有趣 趁热打铁:翻译:教室里有一个白板么? 12. put uppt p 张贴;搭建We put up some notices at the school.我们在学校张贴了一些通知When they went camping, they put up six tents.他们野营时,搭起了六个帐篷。 趁热打铁:翻译:我能搭起这个玩具房子 13. importantmptntadj.重要的;The important thing is to keep trying.重要的是要不断尝试。 词性变换:importance/mptns/n.重要性;重要 The i

13、mportance of 的重要性 趁热打铁:倾听是这项工作的一个重要部分。Listening is of the job.我们要知道学好英语的重要性We need to know well14. notice/nts/n. 通知;注意; v.注意到;意识到There are just two notices this week.本周只有两项通知。I noticed them come in. 我注意到他们进来了。 趁热打铁:翻译:我们在那张贴重要的告示. .15. lockerlk(r)n.寄物柜;有锁存物柜Where is the my locker?我的寄物柜在哪里呢? 词性变换:lock lkv.锁上; n.锁;Did you lock the door?你锁门了吗?She turned the key in the lock.她转动锁眼里的钥匙。趁热打铁:翻译:教室里有寄物柜么?



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