人教版英语七年级上册Unit 1 单元单词知识讲解课件

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1、Unit 1 单词知识讲解2024人教版英语七年级上册1.make friends交朋友用法讲解例句:He finds it easy to make friends with new people.他发现和新朋友交朋友很容易。短语拓展:make a mistake 犯错误例句:Sometimes I make a mistake and forget to send important emails.有时我会犯错误,忘记发送重要的电子邮件。make a decision 做决定例句:When faced with a big choice,I take time to make a deci

2、sion.当面临重大选择时,我会花时间做出决定。make progress 取得进展例句:She consistently makes progress in her language studies by practicing every day.她通过每天的练习不断地在语言学习中取得进步。make a plan 制定计划例句:Before starting any project,I carefully make a plan to ensure its success.在开始任何项目之前,我都会仔细制定计划,以确保其成功。make the bed 整理床铺例句:Every morning

3、,I make the bed to maintain a neat and clean bedroom.每天早上,我都会整理床铺,保持卧室整洁。make a living 谋生例句:He makes a living as a graphic designer.他以平面设计师为生。make a suggestion 提建议例句:In our team meetings,I often make a suggestion to optimize our workflow.在我们的团队会议上,我经常提出一个建议来优化我们的工作流程。2.get to know 认识;了解用法讲解例句:When w

4、e first move to a new city,we get to know our neighbors.当我们第一次搬到一个新城市时,我们开始了解我们的邻居。3.each adj.&pron.每个;各自用法讲解作形容词(限定词)表示两个或两个以上的人或事物中的每一个,强调个体,指的是一个群体中的每个单独的个体。例句:I have a shoe on each foot.我每只脚上都有一只鞋。作代词each还可作代词,也可以和of一起连用。例句:Look at those cakes!I want a slice of each!看看那些蛋糕!我想要每一个来一片!Each of the

5、students has a book.学生们每个人都有一本书。知识拓展:every的用法every只能作形容词,不能用作代词,不能单独使用,every仅用于描述三个或更多的事物,强调全体,指的是全体中的每一个。例如:Every student has to take one.每个学生都必须参加一次。短语搭配:each other:表示“彼此”例如:The twins trust each other.这对双胞胎彼此信任。one after the other:意为“一个接一个”例如:The runners finished one after the other.跑者们一个接一个地完成比赛。

6、4.other pron.另外的人(或物);adj.另外的;其他的用法讲解:作形容词意思是“其他的,另外的”,指的是当前的这个之外的,其他的,另外的Can you give me some other examples?你能给我一些其他例子吗?作为代词通常指代当前所说的这个之外的其他的个体。例如:I dont like this one.Do you have any others?我不喜欢这个。你有其他的吗?短语搭配each other互相;彼此one.the other 一个.另一个例如:She has two dogs.One is black,the other is white.她有

7、两只狗,一只是黑色的,另一只是白色的。5.full adj.完整的;满的词汇拓展:fill v.填充、装满短语搭配:full name全名 be full of=be filled with充满例句:The bottle is full of water.瓶子里装满了水。The bottle is filled with water.瓶子里装满了水。Fill in your full name and address.填写全名和地址。6.grade n.年级:等级例句:He is in the third grade.他读三年级。7.last name姓氏例句:How do you spell

8、 your last name?你的姓是怎样拼写的?8.classmate n.同班同学词汇拓展:class teacher班主任例句:He is my classmate of junior middle school.他是我初中时的同班同学。Our class is in the charge of our class teacher.我们班由班主任管理。9.first name名字例句:Mrs Thatchers first name is Margaret.撒切尔夫人的名字叫玛格丽特。10.mistake n.错误;失误短语搭配:make a mistake犯错误例句:You made

9、 several grammar mistakes in your composition.你的作文中犯了几处语法错误。11.country n.国家例句:China is a developing country.中国是一个发展中国家。12.same adj.相同的短语搭配:the same as与.相同例句:This book is the same as that one.这本书和那本一样。He wants to study the same as his brother did.他想和他哥哥一样学习。13.twin n.双胞胎之一;adj.双胞胎之一的例句:I cant tell on

10、e twin from the other.我分不出双胞胎中谁是谁。I always confounded him with his twin brother.我总分不清他和他的孪生兄弟。14.both adj.&pron.两个;两个都用法讲解:作形容词,修饰复数名词,表示“两者都”,谓语动词用复数形式 例如:Both books are interesting.这两本书都很有趣。Both teams played well,but one team played better.两支队伍都打得很好,但有一支队伍打得更好。作代词,代指“两个都”,可单独使用,也可和of连用 例如:There ar

11、e two chairs and both are occupied.有两把椅子,两把都被占用了。Both of the books are interesting.这两本书都很有趣。Both of the sisters are doctors.这两个姐妹都是医生。短语搭配:both.and.两者都例如:Both books are interesting.这两本书都很有趣。She can both sing and dance.她既能唱歌也能跳舞。15.band n.乐队例句:The band played a lively tune.乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲。16.pot n.锅短语搭配

12、:hot pot火锅17.a lot很;非常用法讲解:a lot 相当于一个副词短语,可以用来修饰动词,表示频繁地或大量地例如:She exercises a lot.她经常锻炼。还可以用来表示程度,修饰形容词或副词的比较级或者最高级。表示程度上的增加例如:He is a lot happier now.他现在快乐多了。She is a lot taller than her sister.她比她姐姐高多了。This is the lot easiest case weve had.这是我们遇到的最容易的案例。知识拓展:a lot of许多;lots of许多a lot of和lots of都

13、可以用来修饰不可数名词和复数可数名词,表示“很多”例如:A lot of people are attending the event.许多人将参加这个活动。There is a lot of love in their relationship.他们的关系中充满了爱。I have a lot of work to do.我有很多工作要做。18.tofu n.豆腐短语:Mapo tofu麻婆豆腐 例句:Tofu is very delicious.豆腐非常美味19.parrot n.鹦鹉20.guitar n.吉他短语:play the guitar弹吉他 注意:play与西洋乐器相连用时,要

14、加上the。21.tennis n.网球短语:play tennis打网球 注意:play与球类相连用时,不要加上the22.post n.帖子:邮政v.邮寄;发布词汇拓展:postman n.邮递员 post office邮局例句:I would be quite grateful if you would post this letter.要是你肯寄这封信,我将十分感激。23.even adv.甚至;连;愈加例句:Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.甚至最优秀的人也忽略了那条简单的规则。24.hey interj.嘿;喂25.woul

15、d modal v.想;将会短语:would(d)like to表示愿意、喜欢用法讲解:would(d)like to的用法表示陈述自己或询问他人的意愿或者愿望例如:I would like to travel more.我想多旅行。What would you like to do today?你今天想做什么?表示发出请求或者愿意帮助别人例如:I would like to borrow your pen,if thats okay.如果可以的话,我想借用你的笔。I would like to help you with the project.我乐意帮你做这个项目。表示发出邀请例如:We

16、would like to invite you to our wedding.我们想邀请你参加我们的婚礼。I would like to take you out for dinner.我想请你出去吃晚饭。表示提出或者接受建议例如:I would like to suggest a different approach.我想建议一个不同的方法。I would like to try your idea.我想试试你的主意。26.information n.信息;消息词汇扩展:message n.消息,信息 注意:information不可数 message可数,复数形式messages例句:We are able to get the information we need from the Internet.我们可以从网上得到我们需要的信息。27.hobby n.业余爱好短语:take up a hobby培养一个兴趣爱好例句:Some people like horseback ride,but I prefer golf as a hobby.一些人喜欢马术,但是我宁愿把打高尔夫



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