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1、高中一年级英语必修(二)第四单元复习2010一、 Words and expressions.单词和词组wild waIld adj. 野生的;未开发的;荒凉的wild animal 野兽 wild plant 野生植物wildlife n. 野生的动植物W W F (World Wildlife Fund fQnd) 世界野生生物基金会 1、 wild adj. 野生的;未开发的;荒凉的,如: wild flowers 野花, wild ducks 野鸭,wild goose 野雁,wild man 未开化之人,run wild撒野1) To protect wildlife is prot

2、ecting human race itself. 保护野生动植物就是保护人类自己。2) Many wild animals and wild plants have died out on the earth. 许多野生动植物在地球上消失了。3) You must prevent this naughty boy from running wild. 你要劝阻这个顽皮小子别撒野。用wild, wildanimal, wild plant, wildlife 填空。1) The tiger is a dangerous .2) The antelope is a rare in Tibet.3

3、) The ginseng 5dVinseN (人参) is a rare in thick forests.4) There are all kinds of flowers on the hill.5) We must protect all useful on the earth.6) Don5t pick up the on the roadside.species 5spi:Fi:z n. 种类,动植物的物种,品种,(口语中)某类人物kind kaInd n. 类型,类属sort sR:t n. 种类,类别2、 species 单复数同形和kind ,sort 都有“种类”、“类别”

4、的意思,但含义上又有差别。 species 用于动、植物种的类别,属于那种属性的植物或动物的“纲”、“目”、“科”、“属”、“类”。按科学属性的动植物分类。1) Wheat is a species of grass. 小麦是属禾本科植物。2) All kinds of apples belong to the same species. 所有苹果都属同一科。3) There are over 200 species of fish. 有二百多类的鱼。4) That strange animal belongs to a species that we haven5t seen before.

5、 那种奇异的动物是我们从未看过的一个物种。 kind 一般指客观存在着的具有同特性的一个“种类”,一般按主观判断来归类,编组是一个无严格范畴概念的种类。如:5) There are different kinds of flowers in the garden. 花园里有各种各样的鲜花。 6) Which kind of paper do you want ? 你想要哪种纸?7) This kind of pears is highly priced. 这种梨价格很高。sort 意思是“种类”时,不如kind那么正式,常指大体上相似的种类,of a sort , of sorts 常含有贬义

6、,如:8) I5ll never do this sort of thing. 我决不会干这种事。9) I don5t believe anything of this sort. 我完全不相信这类事情。10) She is not such a bad sort when you get to know her.当你慢慢了解她时,你(会发现)她并不是那样一种坏人。用species, kind 和sort或所给单词的正确形式填空。1) Rice is a of grass.2) Tiger is a of cat.3) There are all of animals in the zoo.4

7、) You should not make friends with this of man.5) We can do nothing of the .6) He has been the man who can5t .(trust)area 5ZErIE n. 地区;区域region 5ri:dVEn n. 地区、地带、区域district 5dIstrikt n. 区域;管辖区zone zEun n. 带,区域(气候)reserve riz5:v n. 自然保护区Hong Kong Special Affair Region HKSAR 香港特别行政区3、这五个词都与“区域”有关,但所指范

8、围有很大区别。area 通常指面积较大的地区,而且不是行政上的地理单位。1) They are living in the western addition area of the city. 他们住在城西新建的社区。2) Very few people live in the desert area of the United States. 美国极少人住在沙漠地区。region 指固定的一个区域,有其特点的区域或领域,特别行政区,用region.3) Hong Kong is a SAR in China. 香港是中国的一个特别行政区。4) Few people live in the c

9、old region (area) of the world. 极少人住在地球的寒冷地域。5) Li Siguang was an authority in the region of geology.李四光是地质学领域的权威。district 的范围比 region 要小,可以是行政区域的一个“区”,如:Huiyang District of Huizhow city 惠州市惠阳区,也可是一个经济区、商业区域。6) That is a business district in the city. 那是城市的商业区。zone n.带(气候),危险地带,作战(区域),圈围(地带)7) Most

10、of the world5s wheat is grown in North temperature zone. 世界多数小麦种在北温带。8) In order to protect wild animals , our government has set up some national natural protection zones. 为了保护野生动物,我国政府建立了一些国家自然保护区。 reserve 指自然保护区,预留之公用地,保留地。9) A natural reserve is a piece of land where wild animals are kept safe f

11、rom hunters. 自然保护区就是一块使野生动物免受猎人伤害的地方。用area, region , district, zone, reserve 填空。1) There are large desert in the west of China.2) Macao (澳门) is a Special Affair in China.3) That is an industrial (工业的) in the city.4) They live in a wild mountain east of here.5) Wolong Natural is a piece of land where

12、 pandas are kept safe.6) Most of the world5s rice is grown in South hot .7) Yang Zhen-ning is a famous authornity in the of physics.8) Huiyang is a part of Huizhow City.die out 死亡,消失disappear v. 消失了pass away (pass over) 去世,死掉be gone 完了,消逝了,去世了4、die out 死亡,消失1) As a result, many wild animals have died out. 结果,许多野生动物消失了。2) Elephants would die out if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished. 如果允许人类想捕杀多少就捕杀多少,大象就会绝种。3) Many of the traditions have died out. 许多传统已



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