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1、高考语法模块冲刺语法汇编(一)1、The girl said she would buy a gift for her sister with the _ money.AremainingBremainedCleavingDleft句意:那个女孩说她会用剩下的钱给她的妹妹买一个礼物。remaining剩下的,remained仍然,故选A点评:remaining与left的区别是高一英语的重点,remaining剩余的,作为前置定语放在名词之前,修饰名词;left剩余的,作为后置定语,放在名词之后修饰名词,常与there be句型连用,如There is no water left.没有水剩下来

2、了。2、Jim didnt realize his little sister was crying _ what he had said.AbecauseBbecause of CasDsinceACD三项表示原因的时候,以后要接完整的句子做原因状语从句。只有because of后面要接名词或者名词性的短语做宾语,形成介词短语在句中做状语。本题的what he had said=his words是指他所说的话。故B正确。3、, we lack practice and experience nowadays in dealing with the complicatedeconomic s

3、ituation.ALuckilyBPreviouslyCDoubtfullyDIndeed4、 Last month, our English Department invited a local radio star toa public lecture onthe topic of media influence on society.AcommunicateBdemandCdeliverDconverse5、Soon, his warm, inviting smile put me, and spent the next two hours talking casually.Aat a

4、ttentionBat easeCat bestDat a lossA.立正 B. 舒适 C. 最多 D. 困惑不解。句意:很快他灿烂热情的微笑让我感到舒适起来,在接下来的两个小时里随意的聊着,故选B。6、 John seemsto sit in front of the television all night.AcontentBeasyCcozyDcomfortablecontent 满意的,高兴的,easy 容易的,cozy 温暖而又舒适的,comfortable舒服的,句意:约翰似乎一整个晚上坐在电视机前都很高兴。所以选A。7、 I really worry about her, bu

5、t I know if Ithe therapy, she will stop speaking to me.Abring outBbring inCbring upDbring outbring out产生,bring in 引入,bring up 提出,培养,句意:我真得很担心她,但是我知道如果我提出治疗,她将不会和我说话了。所以选C。8、She tried to sleep, but thoughtsand images flashed into her mind.Acrowded outBcrowed toCcrowded ofDcrowded in句意:她试着入睡,但是一些想法涌入脑

6、海,画面在脑海里闪现。crowded in 涌入脑海,所以选D。9、The society was set up to endangered species form extinction.AdeserveBpreserveCobserveDreserve10、 Wetoday not a victory of a party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change.Aenjoy BobserveCwatchDsus

7、pect11、 People think “SOS” is the simplest and commonto make, in time of danger or disaster.AmarkBsignCsignalDremark12、There has been noso far from the police about the cause ofthe poor girls death after the college entrance examination.AcommentBcommandCdiscussionDreaction13、With real estate (房地产)_

8、in economy, a lot of rich farmland had to _ new houses and offices in the county.Aleading the way; make way forBled the way; made the wayCto lead the way; be made the way forDleading way; be made the way for前一空考查with的复合结构,宾语real estate与补足语lead the way为主动关系;make way for为 . 让路;为 . 腾出地方。选A。14、The Libya

9、n people have suffered to the fullest extent the chaos caused by war. China _ Libya to give peace a chance.AsuggestsBconsidersCimaginesDurgesA.建议 B. 考虑 C. 想象 D. 呼吁。句意:利比亚人民遭受了有战争引起的最大限度的混乱。中国呼吁给和平一次机会。选D。15、The possibility of peace talks between the two sides _ whether the demands of various aspects

10、 can be met.Adepends onBis depending onCis depended onDdepended ondepend on无被动,无进行时态,排除B,C;根据can be met,可知要用一般现在时态。选A。16、The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend can be the same, _ their family background or educational level. And _ Tongtong, coming from Mianyang, he has a cl

11、ose friend to accompany him.Ain spite of; lucky forBinstead of; fortunate toCregardless of; luckily forDin place of; fortunately toin spite of虽然, instead of代替, regardless of不管, in place of;代替,第二空应该填副词,句意是:男孩女孩 认为朋友身上重要的品质是一样的,不管他们的家庭背景和教育水平是什么。对来自绵阳的彤彤来说是幸运的,他有亲密的朋友陪他。选C。17、In the construction site,

12、 the engineer _ must be able to communicate his ideas to others rapidly and correctly.Ain particularBin specialCin detailDin generallyin particular尤其是, in detail详细的,句意是:在建设工地,工程师尤其要能快速的准确的把想法和其他人交流。选A。18、 I think a healthy environment and development should be possible at the same time. _, I dont ob

13、ject to your opinion.AIts no concern of mineBAs far as I am concernedCIm quite concerned about itDAs concernsIts no concern of mine和我无关,As far as I am concerned据我所知,Im quite concerned about it 我很关心, As concerns关于,句意是:我觉得健康的环境和发展说是可能同时存在的。-就我而言,我不反对你的观点。选 B。19、Bob said he was going to join our club b

14、ut he didnt. What a shame! He _ his mind.Acant have changedBmustnt have changedCwouldnt have changedDshouldnt have changedshouldnt have done 本不应该做某事而实际上做了,cant have done/ wouldnt have changed表示对过去的推测,不可能,must表推测不用于否定句中,句意:鲍勃说要加入我们的俱乐部但是他没来。多遗憾呀,他本不应该改变主意的。故选D。20、In order to advance the development o

15、f Yancheng, the city government tries to beautify it as soon as possible. Several new special projects are _.Aunder constructBunder buildingCunder wayDunder repairunder way在进行中,under repair正在修缮,句意是:为了提高盐城的发展,市政府想尽快美化它,几个特殊的计划正在进行。选C。21、In the program “You Are The One” last week, everybody had the _ that she was a good match for the you



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