外贸英语 A卷 试卷+答案

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1、 学年度第 学期期末考试外贸英语(A)卷 专业 学号 班级 姓名 一、 单选题 (每题2分,共40分)1. We have made ( ) that we would accept D/P terms for your present order.A、clear B、it is clear C、that clear D、it clear2. We ( ) some brochures ( ) to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture.A、enclose, - B、enclose, you C、enclose, to you D、e

2、nclose you3. The consignment certainly does not match the samples ( ) you sent us last month.A、these B、- C、what D、when4. Your firm has been recommended to us by the James Olivier & Co. ( ) we have done business for many years.A、which B、with whom C、whom D、with which5. We will not be held responsible

3、for any damage which results ( ) rough handling.A、from B、off C、in D、to6. We are willing to renew the agreement on the same terms ( ) last.A、like B、as C、with D、to7. We cannot see any possibility of business ( ) your price is too high.A、since B、while C、though D、that8. We look forward to ( ) trial orde

4、r.A、receiving your B、receive from you C、receipt your D、receipt9. In ( )of quality, our make is superior.A、terms B、term C、connection D、connections10. You must be responsible for all the losses( ) from your delay in opening the covering L/C.A、arising B、rising C、arousing D、have arisen11. We are making

5、you our quotation for shoes ( ) .A、as follows B、as following C、as follow D、following12. We believe such an agreement will prove ( ) .A、satisfied B、satisfy C、satisfactory D、satisfaction13. We thank you for your letter of May 5th,( ) your purchase from us of 5000 tons Green Beans.A、confirm B、to confir

6、m C、confirming D、confirmed14. This offer is ( ) your reply reaching us before May 5th.A、subject B、subjected C、subject to D、subjected to15. If we had been informed in time, we ( ) them for you.A、reserve B、will reserveC、would have reserved D、will have reserved16. We ( ) your letter of Nov. 3 asking us

7、 to make a quotation.A、go over B、have read C、refer to D、check up17. Because of the ( ) nature of the agreement, I was reluctant to discuss with him in office.A、confidential B、delicate C、secret D、sophisticated18. A 3% discount will be granted only ( ) your order exceeds US $ 12,000.A、depends on B、for

8、 conditionC、on condition that D、subject to19. As requested, we are sending you by airmail the samples of mens shirts, ( ) you will find them satisfactory.A、hope B、to hope C、hoping D、hopefully20. ( ) compensation trade, we mean to pay for your machines with articles produced.A、With B、Of C、By D、For二、多

9、选题 (每题4分,共40分) 21. CAMEL Rating System includes ( )A、Capital adequacy B、Asset qualityC、Management ability D、Earning performance22. The typical measures of internal control included ( )A、risk identified B、behavior controlC、assessment and authorization D、Information Exchange23. The followings can be c

10、lassified as off-balance sheet business are ( )。A、Deposits B、Trust Consulting C、L/C D、Agency24. The methods of issuing financial bonds include ( )。A、through market distributionB、through agreementC、through lead commercial bank underwritingD、through directional distribution25. The main causes that wou

11、ld lead to internal control failure include ( )A、poor external supervision and regulationB、lack of internal supervisionC、disordered control structureD、neglecting the risks of new business26. Which three major risks of the following are the Chinese banking institute facing at present time?( )A、credit

12、 risk B、market risk C、legal risk D、operation risk27. Component Risk Assessment contains ( )A、report B、Inherent Risk C、Risk Control D、Risk in Future28. Loan guarantees includes ( )A、Mortgage B、Pledge C、guarantee D、letter of comfort29. For commercial bank, which two parts does the operating revenue mainly include? ( )A、Asset Revenue B、Rental RevenueC、Service Revenue D、Bond Revenue30. Commercial Bank Profitability analysis of basic methods include ( )A、Comparative Analysis B、Difference AnalysisC、Ratio Analysis D、Factor Analysis三、 判断题 (对的选“A”,错的选“B”,每题2分,


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