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1、衡阳市成章实验中学教师课时计划 九年级英语第一学期 第( 1,2 )课时课题:Unit 1 Topic 1 China has developed rapidly in recent years. Section A教学目的1. (1) Learn the present perfect tense, and understand the usage of the word “ever” in the present perfect tense.(2) Compare the simple past tense with the present perfect tense, and find

2、out the different points.2. Learn how to describe holiday activities.重点难点教学重点:1.Master some new words and useful expressions:training, bell, whole, learnfrom, tidy2.Master the present perfect:(1)You have just come back from your hometown.(2)Where have you been?(3)I have been to.(4) Have you ever.?3.

3、 Talk about what they did and what they have done in their summer holidays.教学难点: the present perfect tense电教方式录音机/多媒体课件或风景图片/印度童工图片/小黑板德育要点How to have a wonderful holiday?教时安排本课共分 2 课时。教 学 过 程基 本 内 容补充内容第一课时Step 1 Review(以谈论学生暑假生活的形式复习一般过去时,引出现在完成时。)Teacher and students make a conversation about the

4、 summer holiday to review the simple past tense.Teacher can ask some questions like these:Qs: Did you have a good summer holiday? Where did you go? What did you do then? Step 2 Presentation1. Summarize the activities about the summer holiday and write down the sentences using the present perfect ten

5、se on the blackboard. has been to some places. have visited Yunan. has learned to swim. has stayed with his/her grandparents in the countryside.2. Help students to classify the structure of the present perfect tense:have / has + p.p(过去分词)肯定句式:I /We/You/They/The students +have+ p.p+其他 He/She/It/My br

6、other + has + p.p+其他否定句式:I /We/You/They/The students +have not+ p.p+其他 He/She/It/My brother + has not+ p.p+其他have not=havent has not=hasnt一般疑问句式:Have you/they/the students + p.p+其他? Yes, I /we/they have. No, I /we/they havent. Has he/she/it/your brother + p.p+其他? Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it ha

7、snt.特殊疑问句式: 特殊疑问词+have/has+sb.+p.p +其他?3. Show pictures and practice the present perfect tense. Like this:Is this a beautiful place?Where is it?Have you been (to) ?4. Practice in pairs.Where have you / has she been ?I have / She has been to Have you / Has she been to ?Yes, I have / she has. No, I ha

8、vent./ she hasnt.5. Listen to 1a and answer the following questions, and check answers.Where has Rita been?Where has Jane been?What does Jane think of Mount Huang?Where has Kangkang been?Then finish 1c according to 1a.6. Act out 1a.Step 3 Consolidation1. Read 1a and find the main sentences.2. Teach

9、the new words and explain the difficult words and sentences.1) develop 发展,开发,发育,成长,冲洗(底片)She is a successful developer. She has developed many big shops.The developed countries should help the developing countries.With the development of the education, more and more children can go to school in the

10、villages.2) Rita, you have just come back from your hometown.动词过去分词的变化.1. 直接加-ed/-d played used2. 以辅音字母加y结尾,改y为i,再加ed study -studied worry-worried3. 双写末尾字母再加ed stop-stopped4. 不规则变化am/is/are-been come-come go-gone have-had现在完成时态中常使用的副词, 短语或从句just(刚刚), already(已经), yet(用于否定/疑问句中 表示 还, 已经), ever(曾经), n

11、ever(从未), before(副词 以前), once/twice/three times(一/二/三次), so far(到目前为止), for(持续了), since(自从)说明: 现在完成时中使用短语,短语或从句时,主句中的动词或动词短语必须是延续性动词或动词短语.2) see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事I saw him climbing the tower.see sb. do sth. 看见某人做- I saw him climb the tower. I have seen him take away the book. Ive seen the boo

12、k taken by him. 3) be cruel for 对-残酷 The boss was cruel for the workers.4)feel sorry for=feel sympathy=show pity on5)have(has) been to / have(has) been in / have(has) gone tohave(has) gone to 表示某人已经到达某地或已经出发去某地,此刻不在出发地,不可接连续性时间have(has) been to 表示某人曾经去过某地,现在已从该地返回,不可接连续性时间have(has) been in 表示某人一直呆在某

13、地,没有变化,可接连续性时间1. Where is Tom? I have some questions to ask him.He _ the office.2. Mr. White isnt here. He _ England. He _ there three times.3. We are studying in Chengzhang Middle School, we _ this school for about three years.4. _ you ever _ Beijing?No, I havent , but I will go there to visit my u

14、ncle next month. He _ the capital since 1999.5 Is your mother in?No, she _ the supermarket. Shes doing some shopping now.6) But there were so many people there that I couldnt find a good place to take photos. so many/few +可数名词复数 that-clause 如此多/少的-以致于-so much/little+不可数名词that-clause 如此多/少的-以致于-1. Her parents gave her so many toys that she couldnt possibly play with them all.2. There is so much milk here that all of us can drink a little.3. He has so few friends that he often feels lonely.sothat;so that/in order that, so as to, in order to1. Yesterday I got up so late that


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