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1、.- lesson1 GREETING 打招呼- Basic Patterns 根本句型Hello.你好.Good morning.早上好.How are you doing你好吗?Not bad.还不错。Whats up怎么啦?/有什么新鲜事发生吗?Its nice to meet you.见到你很快乐。Its nice to see you again.很快乐又见到你。Im surprised to see you here.想不到在这里见到你。Long time no see.好久不见了。How have you been你近来过得怎么样?Hi,there.嗨,你好。How are th

2、ings with you你最近还好吗?Whats going on with you你最近在干什么?What are you doing here你在这里干什么?Hey.喂。- lesson2 INTRODUCTONS 互相介绍- Basic Patterns 根本句型Hi,Im Marvin.嗨,我是马文。My name is Robert.我的名字叫罗伯特。You can call me Beth.你可以叫我贝斯。Are you Tina你是蒂娜吗?Yes,I am.是的,我是。Meet my friend.来见见我的朋友。This is my brother,Thomas.这是我哥哥,

3、托马斯。e say hi to my parents.来和我父母打个招呼。Have you met my sister你见过我的姐姐了吗?Have we met before我们以前见过面吗?Do I know you我认识你吗?Im new around here.我刚来这里。Let me introduce myself.让我介绍一下自己。I didnt catch your name.我没有听清楚你的名字。Im like to introduce you to my boss.我想把你介绍给我的老板。- lesson3 GRATITUDE 感谢- Basic Patterns 根本句型T

4、hanks.。Thank you.你。Dont mention it.不用。Youre wele.不用客气。I really appreciate this.我对此很感谢。Thanks for your help.感你的帮助。Is there someway I can repay you for this有什么方法可以让我为此对你进展回报?This is a big favor.这是个大忙。Youve been a big help.你帮了我大忙。I cant e*press how grateful I am.我无法表达我的感谢之情。Im much obliged.我深表感。You don

5、t know how much this means to me.你不知道这个忙对我有多重要。Youre too kind.你太好了。Thank you for everything youve done.感你所做的一切。Im indebted to you.我很感谢你。- lesson4 APOLOGIES 抱歉- Basic Patterns 根本句型Im sorry.对不起。I apologize.我抱歉。Im so sorry.非常对不起。Im sorry for criticizing you.对不起,我批评了你。It doesnt matter.没关系。I really regre

6、t going to the movies last week.我真的很懊悔上个星期去看了电影。I wish I hadnt said that at the party.我希望我当时在聚会上没说那些话。Im sorry I was late for class today.很抱歉,我今天上课迟到了。You can blame me for this.这都怪我。Ill take the blame.这都怪我。Can you forgive me你能原谅我吗?Please accept my apology.请承受我的抱歉。Can I make this up to you我能为此对你做些补偿吗

7、?How can I apologize to you我该怎样向你抱歉?This is all my fault.这都是我的错。- lesson5 DEPARTURE AND FAREWELL分手和辞别- Basic Patterns 根本句型I have to get going.我得走了。See you later.呆会儿见。See you.再见。I should go now.我现在应该走了。Good-bye.再见。Ill talk to you later.我呆会儿再和你谈。Ive got to get going.我必须走了。Im better run.我最好得赶紧走了。Ill se

8、e you around.以后见。Ill catch you later.以后见。Until we meet again.下次见。Keep in touch.保持联系。We should meet again.我们下次再见。It was nice meeting you.很快乐见到你。Take care.保重。- lesson6 LIKES AND DISLIKES 喜欢和不喜欢- Basic Patterns 根本句型I dont feel like cooking.我不喜欢烹饪。I like Chinese food.我喜欢中国菜。I love dogs.我喜欢狗。I dont like

9、him.我不喜欢他。Do you like football你喜欢足球吗?I hate the Yankees.我痛恨美国北方佬。Im crazy about pizza.我非常喜欢比萨饼。Im craving something to eat.我非常想吃点东西。I dont care for your opinion.我不喜欢/赞同你的意见。I care about you a great deal.我很在乎你。I loathe the sight of you.我讨厌见到你。Im fond of Italian music.我喜欢意大利音乐。He doesnt find his job v

10、ery appealing.他并不觉得他的工作有趣。Shes attracted to fast cars.她很喜欢跑车。I cant stand these people.我受不了这些人。- lesson7 HOPES AND DESIRES希望与期望- Basic Patterns 根本句型I hope we win the tournament this year.我希望我们能赢今年的比赛。I hope so too.我也这么希望。What do you want for Christmas this year今年圣诞节你想要什么礼物?I wish it would stop raini

11、ng.我希望这雨能停下来。I was thinking about going to that new place.我在考虑去那个新地方。I want to be a doctor.我想做个医生。I trust that all will be well.我相信一切都会好的。I believe things will get better.我相信事情会好转的。I could really use a drink right now.我现在很想喝点东西。I hope she feels better.我希望她感觉好些。Their only desire is for a new home.他们唯

12、一的期望是有个新家。Hes the best hope for the team.他是全队最大的希望。I keep hoping that things will get better.我一直都希望事情会好转。I have to have that car.我得拥有那辆车。I need to be alone.我需要/想一个人呆。- lesson8 DELIGHTS AND SURPRISES喜悦和惊奇- Basic Patterns 根本句型Oh,its wonderful.噢,太好了。Really真的吗?This is such a surprise!这真让人惊奇!Wow,Im so ha

13、ppy!噢,我真快乐!Can you believe what our teacher did today你简直不能相信我们教师今天做了什么事情This es as a surprise.这让人惊奇。The best thing happened to me today.今天对我来说最好的一件事情。This is better than e*pected.这比预计的还要好。How delightful!真令人快乐!This is incredible.这简直令人难以置信。I cant believe how good this is.这好得简直让我难以置信。This is terrific.这

14、太棒了。Thats fantastic.那太棒了。Well,this is a nice surprise.噢,这是个惊喜。Im delighted to see you.我很快乐见到你。- lesson9 ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS 建议和提议- Basic Patterns 根本句型I suggest you start thinking about careers with animals.我建议你开场考虑与动物相关的职业。My advice to you is to enjoy those things.我给你的建议就是去享受那些东西。Ill think about it.我会考虑的。Can I give you some advice我能给你一些建议吗?What do you suggest你有什么建议?Can I give you some insights我能给你一些建议吗?I suggest you do what he says.我建议你按照他说的去做。My advice would be to go home.我的建议就是回家。Is that your advice那是你的建议吗?What would you do in my shoes如果你处在我的位置,你会怎么做?


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