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1、地理志:Geography南坑尾,五桂山办事处南偏东6.8公里处,为南桥行政村辖下的一个自然村。村民多 姓甘,客家人,人数近百,其祖先于清康熙元年从(河源市)紫金县南塘村迁居于此。因有 山沟自南坑村(同属南桥村)向南延伸至此,村子建于山沟之末端,故名南坑尾,聚落在蟾 蜍塘山北麓呈微弓形线状分布。从地理位置上看,南坑尾算得上五桂山最为“深邃”的一个 村庄,四面环山,山林成片,过去还是中山抗日根据地之一。更难得的是,这里还自然生长 着10多棵目前极其罕有的沉香树。Nankengwei, a sub-village under Nanqiao Administration Village, is 6

2、.8 kilometers away from Wuguishan Office. Gan is a family name for most villagers, whose ancestors came here from Zijin County (the present Heyuan City) in 1662, the year when Emperor Kangxi assumed the throne in the Qing Dynasty. The village is located at the end of a valley, hence its name. Ananti

3、-Japanese base, Nankengwei stands deep in the Wuguishan Mountains with rocks and trees all around, particularly there being more than ten eaglewood trees naturally growing right in the village.五桂山是享负盛名的革命老区,辖下各个村庄均是涌现大批抗日英雄的村庄。诚然,广袤开阔的五桂山,赋予了这方儿女从未丢失的民族气节和爱国情怀。值此“八一”建军节之际,本栏目再次探访五桂山,走进当地最为偏僻的南坑尾村,回顾

4、过去一批批保家卫国的英雄儿女,力求向读者呈现这个村庄古往今来的点点滴滴Long regarded as a revolutionary base, Wuguishan claims some anti-Japanese heroes in every village under its government, an explicit demonstration pf national spirit and patriotism. Upon the arrival of the August 1 st a national celebration day for the Chinese army

5、, we intended to revisit some patriotic heroes in Nankengwei and retell their heroic stories.一路田园Rustic scenery其实,去南坑尾路途颇远,也难找。笔者一行开车经城桂路,过了逍遥谷路口两三百 米远往右拐入一条小路,总算进了南桥村的地界。这条进南坑尾蜿蜒盘旋的小路,是从山间 开出的水泥路,只容一车通过。不过,是日天气不错,明净的天空上白云舒展。沿途见到一 两个村庄,大多为二三十户人家聚居,一些岔路伸向村民的果园、菜园及花田,显得幽静惬 意、。It was actually no easy j

6、ob to get to the sub-village. Passing Xiaoyaogu Valley at a distance of two or three hundred meters, we drove into Nankengwei territory by a single-lane road, which leads into the depth of the mountain. With a shining sun and some flowing clouds, we saw one or two villages with twenty or thirty hous

7、eholds, while some paths go directly into the quiet fruit and vegetable gardens and flowers fields.以前,由于地理位置偏僻,居住在南坑尾的村民,世世代代出入都依靠一条狭窄崎岖 的泥路。前些年,南桥村委会审时度势,最终筹措30万元资金修成这条3米见宽的水泥路。 尽管其规模无法与外头的城桂路相提并论,但南坑尾村民知足了,他们今后出村入村再也无 须担心打雷下雨路难行。一路上,阳光、青山、翠竹、绿水、屋舍,似曾相识地逐一与我们 打起招呼。(杨译)In the past, due to the out-of

8、-the-way location, Nankengwei villagers had to depend on a muddy path for contact with the outside world. But some years ago, the village raised about 300,000 yuan and built the present concrete road, though its three-meter width is out of all comparison with the Shiqi-Wuguishan Expressway. Villager

9、s now do not have to worry about their going out and coming home when there is a big rain. The sun, the mountains, the bamboos, the farm houses, the jumping creeks, all seemed to greet us like old friends.村子遥遥在望,风景愈发纯净。南坑尾是个四面环山的小村,小得简直让人难以置信, 二三十间客家民居纵向散落其间,不用两三分钟即可环绕一圈。时值下午两点,阳光变得耀 眼,不少村民吃罢午饭三三两两聚

10、于树阴下乘凉,唠起了家常。村子周围不但山脉连绵,沟 谷纵横,而且林阴蔽日。看着眼前的稻田,四周的枫林,吸着山里的新鲜空气,那感觉甚是 空灵。The closer Nankengwei is, the more unspoiled its landscape is. The village, surrounded by mountains, is unbelievably small, dotted longitudinally with 20 or 30 Hakka folk houses. It takes only two or three minutes to walk around t

11、he village. The time when we arrived at the village was 2 oclock at noon, and the sunshine was extremely dazzling, so quite a few of villagers who had just finished their lunch were sitting in the shade by twos and threes engaging in small talks. Placing ourselves in such a village enclosed by far-s

12、tretching mountains, numerous deep valleys and forests, feasting our eyes on its rice fields and surrounding maple woods and breathing the fresh and clear air, we cant help but drench ourselves in such a pureness and tranquility.在南坑尾村,其负责人告诉笔者,此处麻雀虽小,但五脏俱全。客家人勤读书、求功 名、讲究秩序、重视祖宗家法的人文传统,同样体现在村子的一砖一瓦中。

13、而今,有越来越 多的南坑尾后人走出大山,到外面闯荡,追求更为远大的生活理想。A village leader told us that small as the village is, it has all the functions and traditions like other big villages. The Hakka traditions of emphasizing assiduous learning, pursuing official positions, observing orders and respecting to ancestral and family r

14、ules can be sensed as well in every brick and tile in the village. Nowadays, more and more Nankengwei people walk out of the mountain to pursue their higher life goals.往事悠悠 Unforgettable past明清时期,战乱不断,一批中原人辗转迁徙到中山,当时大片平原沃土已经被先来者占 据,只剩下群山林立、树木遮天的五桂山地区,他们依靠勤劳的双手在此安家落户。有学者 认为,由于数百年来极少与原居地联系,五桂山地区的客家人受到

15、广府文化的影响较多,但 保存下来的客家文化(客家山歌、客家菜等)与梅州、河源等纯客家地区一样朴素和原始。 此外,五桂山的客家人向来不乏进取意识,因而容易倾向革命,他们在辛亥革命、抗日战争、 解放战争中作出了颇多贡献。In the Ming and the Qing dynasties, a group of people in Central China moved into Zhongshan after trudging from place to place. But at that time the vast and rich plain in Zhongshan had been o

16、ccupied by the first comers with only the wooded mountainous Wuguishan area left, so the latter comers had to settle down in the mountainous area and used their two hands to create a new life. According to some scholars, due to the rare connection with the people remaining in their former living places in Central China for hundreds of years, the Hakkas living in Wuguishan area are greatly affected by the Cantonese culture, but the Hakka cultures


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