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1、考研英语完型填空解题攻略考研英语完型填空解题攻略一、 动词题解题方法1.看主语,注意主谓搭配一致。a.看主语是人还是物.be impressed by,notice,present.主语必须是物的:manifest2.主谓一致原那么 (考的比拟少了)Too often, careless use of words 43 a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener.43.A encourages B prevents C destroy D offersA.鼓励 D.提供,求婚. 单数3.看宾语,注意动宾搭配一致。a.看宾语是详细名词还是

2、抽象名词。He must use this surplus in three ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance 43 the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a modity which he must sell in order to 44 old agricultural implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to 45 the soil.45.A enhance B mix C feed D raiseD.Raise 养活 a.进步增强

3、 enhance+抽象名词如效率,质量。enhance+抽象名词;feed,label,fasten+详细名词;Tighten+抽象详细都可以。In a significant 32 of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor,32.A tightening B intensifying C focusing D fastening动名词+of+宾语=动词+宾语。同义原那么a和db. 看宾语是人还是物。宾语只能是人的动词,assure,impress,side with,share with,confid

4、e to,Credit sth. to sb宾语既可以是人有可以是物的动词:ensure, agree with.Concerns were raised 49 witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to 50 guilty verdict.有罪判决.50.A assure B confide C ensure D guarantee同义原那么a,c,d.assure sb .of sth. Asure sb.that.c.根据主语和宾语的逻辑关系来断定动词.(考的比拟少,但是将来的开展方向.)Ch

5、anges economy fewer jobs.A.lead to b.amount toD.从及物和不及物的角度出发做题.重点不及物,及物动词太多了.词组也存在及物和不及物的.E.根据动词后的介词及介词短语解题.laid down that everybody was 45 to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families.45.A authorized B credited C entitled D qualifiedTo是介词F.考虑句子中可以对动词

6、过程限制的成分.(一般只形容词)In order to old agricultural implements。A.purchase b. supplement c.replace.背东西时就要注意这些的方向.二、名词题解题方法名词题的规律:A. 名词作主语时,谓语和标语就是线索.B. 名词是宾语是谓语东西就是线索.C. 根据名词前后介词判断.名词和介词的固定搭配就是.Approach to, key to, answer to ,confidence in,confident of. Specialist in,attitude to/toward ,research into,by con

7、trast. purpose ford.当名词后出现定语从句或者同位语从句,从句是线索。将是名词的重要开展方向。12. A lodging B shelter C dwelling D houseA.旅店 b.避难所.救济所. C栖息地E.通过已有名词断定所选名字.三、形容词题解题方法A. 形容词做标语时,主语就是线索.B. 有副词对形容词进展修饰时,副词就是线索.2023 Human Rights legally 44 in Britain, laid down that(和法律有关系)44.A binding B convincing C restraining D sustainingc

8、.有多个修饰成分同时修饰一个名词,答案就在修饰成分中。四、副词题解题方法A. 利用主旨做题B. 同义原那么.C.利用时态做题.瞬间性的副词不能用在进展时态之中的it is 47 changing the relationship between people and their jobs.47.A instantly(瞬间) B reversely C fundamentally D sufficiently(也不能)What是绿叶,what三大特点A. what引导主宾表从句.B. What前部能用名词.不引导定语和同位语从句.C. What 后面的从句不完好.d.从句不完好,98%定语从句

9、,1%what从句,1%省略式的状语从句.定语从句和状语从句缺少的成分不同,定语从句缺少的是名词和状语,省略是状语从句缺少的是动词和主语,大局部从句是完好的.五、考前须知完形填空解题顺序:先看选项在看文章。完形填空解题原那么:1.红花绿叶原那么,2.逻辑关系题目。3.同义原那么。4杀熟原那么 5.固定搭配和从句。第一步:not题(找not,两个句子间前否后肯,前肯后否。选项前后对立逻辑关系词汇)第二步:and题目,第三步:标语题。第四步:复现词。第五步:v n adj adv第六步:概率原那么固定搭配近年考的比拟多的:中心词是动词的固定搭配.从句原那么which不能引导定语从句要用that,if-whether.定语从句永远不能省略动词。第 页 共 页



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