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1、发明专利申请程序简介A Brief Introduction to the Process of Patent Application for Invention依据专利法,发明专利申请的审批程序包括受理、初审、公布、实审以及授权五个阶段。Under the Patent Law, the examination of patent application for invention consists of five stages: Filing; Preliminary Examination Procedure; Publication; Substantive Examination P

2、rocedure and Granting Patent Right.(1)受理阶段 :专利局收到专利申请后进行审查,如果符合受理条件,专利局将确定申请日,给予申请号,并且核实过文件清单后,发出受理通知书,通知申请人。 (1)Filing The Patent Office starts examination upon receiving a patent application. If the application is in conformity with the requirement of filing, the Patent Office shall determine the

3、filing date, give application number. After verifying list of documents, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant the acceptance of application by issuing the Filing Receipt for Patent Application.(2)初步审查阶段 :经受理后的专利申请按照规定缴纳申请费的,自动进入初审阶段。在初审是要对申请是否存在明显缺陷进行审查,主要包括审查内容是否属于专利法中不授予专利权的范围,申请文件是否齐备及格式是

4、否符合要求。发明专利申请初审合格的,将发给初审合格通知书。(2)Preliminary Examination Procedure An accepted patent application will enter into the Preliminary Examination Procedure unconditionally while the application fees are paid by regulations. In this Procedure, the examination aims at obvious defects exists in the applicat

5、ion. The main tasks are to examine whether or not the body of the application falls into the condition of not to be granted patent right under the Patent Law and whether or not the application documents submitted by the applicant are complete and are in conformity with the requirements of Preliminar

6、y Examination. If a patent application for invention is deemed to be conformity with the Preliminary Examination, the Patent Office shall issue the Notification of Passing Preliminary Examination.(3)公布阶段 :发明专利申请从发出初审合格通知书起进入公布阶段。在初步审查合格之后,自申请日起满18个月,即行公布。专利局也可以根据申请人的请求早日公布其申请。申请公布以后,申请人就获得了临时保护的权利。

7、(3)Publication Upon issuing the Notification of Passing Preliminary Examination, the Patent Application for Invention enters into the Stage of Publication. After passing the Preliminary Examination, the application shall be published after 18 months from the filing date. The Patent Office can effect

8、 earlier publication as requested by the applicant. Through publication the applicant attains the right of temporary protection.(4)实质审查阶段 :发明专利申请公布以后,如果申请人已经提出实质审查请求并已生效的,申请人进入实审程序。在实审期间审查员将对专利申请是否具有新颖性、创造性、实用性以及专利法规定的其它实质性条件进行全面审查。经审查认为不符合授权条件的或者存在各种缺陷的,将通知申请人在规定的时间内陈述意见或进行修改,逾期不答复的,申请被视为撤回,经多次答复申请

9、仍不符合要求的,予以驳回。实质审查中未发现驳回理由的,将按规定进入授权程序。(4)Substantive Examination Procedure If the applicant has filed a request for substantive examination and such request is effective, the patent application for invention will enter into the Substantive Examination Procedure after publication. Upon Substantive Ex

10、amination the examiner shall examine fully whether or not the application possess novelty, inventiveness and practical applicability and whether or not the application is in conformity with other related substantive conditions provided in the Patent Law. For a patent application which is deemed not

11、being eligible to be granted patent right or whose application documents have defects, the examiner shall notify the applicant to make statements or make rectification within the time specified. If the applicant fails to respond within the time limit the application shall be deemed to have been with

12、drawn. If the application fails to meet the requirements of substantive examination after repeated responses, it shall be rejected. Upon substantive examination if there has found no grounds for rejection, the application will enter into the Stage of Granting Patent Right.(5)授权阶段 :发明专利申请经实质审查未发现驳回理由

13、的,专利局将发出授权通知书和办理登记手续通知书。申请人接到通知书后应当在2个月之内按照通知的要求办理登记手续并缴纳规定的费用。按期办理登记手续的,专利局将授予专利权,颁发专利证书,在专利登记簿上记录,并于专利公报上公告。未按规定办理登记手续的,视为放弃取得专利权的权利。(5)Granting Patent Right If the examiner founds no grounds for rejection upon substantive examination, he/she shall issue the Notification to Grant Patent Right and

14、Notification of Go through Formalities of Registration. After receiving the aforesaid notifications the applicant shall go through the formalities of registration and pay the registration fees within 2 months in accordance with the requirements of the notifications. Where the registration procedure

15、is completed within the time limit, the Patent Office shall grant the patent right while issuing the Patent Certificate, recording the patent in the patent rolls and making a public announcement on the patent gazette. Where the registration procedure contravenes the related regulations or provisions the applicant shall be deemed to have abandoned his/its right to obtain the patent right.



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