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1、2023 年河南省局部省辖市中等职业学校对口升学其次次模拟考试旅游类专业课试卷考生留意:全部答案都要写在答题卡上,答在试题卷上无效一、选择题(旅游英语 1-10;补全对话 11-18;阅读理解 19-25;餐饮效劳与治理26-45.每题 2 分,共 90 分。每题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上)1. 订金A. disturbB.moneyC.depositD.book2. 石窟A. stoneB.grottoC.towerD.house3. 地陪A. tour guideB.local guideC.tour leaderD.guest 4.航班A.planeB.flyC.a

2、irportD.flight5. 经济舱A.first classB.economy classC.business classD.business center 6.拖延A.dealB.lateC.leaveD.delay7. 中国功夫A. OperaB.Shadow BoxingC.SportD.Chinese Gongfu8. 账单A. billB.menuC.noteD.book9. 戏装A. clothB.costumeC.shirtD.customer10. 灵敏的A. idealB.reasonableC.flexibleD.critical补全对话 11-18(Dialogue

3、-1)(R-Receptionist GGuest)11. R: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you? G:.My name is John Smith.12. R: Please wait a moment, Mr Smith. Yes, you”ve reserved a twin-bed room for one night.G: Yes, exactly.13.R:.G: Here you are.14. R:. Please fill it in. Would you like a pen?A. Here is the registration f

4、orm.B. Let me check the arrival listC. Would you show me your passport, please?D. I reserved a twin-bed room for one nightG: Yes, thank you.(Dialogue-2)(A-Tour Guide BTraveler)B: Thank you for everything you have done for us in the tour.15. A:. It has been a pleasure to be with you. 16.B:.A: No prob

5、lem.(The tour guide looks at his watch) 17.A:.Wish you a pleasant journey.B: Thank you.18.B:.A. See you next time.B. It”s my duty.C. It”s time to check in.D. I hope you will be our guide when we come again.A:See you.阅读理解 19-25(阅读以下短文,并依据文章内容选择最正确答案,将所选答案的序号填在答题卡上ATo save time, many Americans buy foo

6、ds which can be quickly made ready for the table.On holidays, families enjoy delicious meals.For example, on Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November, family members get together for a turkey dinner with pumpkin pie (南瓜派) .The United States is known around the world for its fast food, such

7、as hamburgers, sandwiches, pizzas, salad bars, and many kinds of ice cream.People can easily find fast food chains (连锁店), such as McDonald”s and KFC, in most of the big cities in the world.These years, many people have taken more and more care of their health while eating. They come to know eating t

8、oo much meat will make them overweight. Many of them are also worried about food addictives(添加剂). Some of them may he harmful to the body.19. Many Americans buyto save time.A. ready-made foodB. food to cook at homeB. C. inexpensive foodD. foreign food20. Thanksgiving Day is on.A. November 4thB. ever

9、y the 4th Tuesday in NovemberC. the fourth Thursday in NovemberD. every November the fourth21. Pizza is a kind offood.A. take-awayB. home-cookingC. fastD. Chinese22. What does the word“overweight“mean? It means.A. thinnerB. fatterC. worseD. betterBI heard that we could send postcards over the Intern

10、et. I decided to send a card to my girlfriend, Annie, before her term exam. It would be nice tosend her a “Good Lack“ card. I picked out a lovely card, wrote my good luck message and then sent it. The next card I sent was about four months ago to my mum. Unfortunately, after I just sent it, I found

11、that I had written the wrong address. The card might go to the wrong place, so I checked the address and sent it again. While I was on holiday with my dad, I decided to send a postcard to a friend of mine called Tim. It was the last card I sent. Everyonethat I sent cards to was happywith thequality

12、of the cards, so I felt itwas worth it.23. How did the speaker send apostcardto his girlfriend?A. By his classmateB. Bythe post office.C. By train.D. Over the Internet.24. The speaker sent a postcard to his girlfriend in order to.A. helpherto pass the examB. givehera surpriseC. wishhergood luck on t

13、he canD. tellherthe time of the exam25. When did the speaker send the card to his mother?A. About two months ago.B. About three months ago.C. About four months ago.D. About five months ago. 餐饮效劳与治理 26-4526.()是喝浓汤和清汤均可使用的。A、浓汤匙B、清汤匙C、餐匙D、甜品匙27.欧美各国的菜肴特色和饮食风格已根本形成于()。A、19 世纪中期B、19 世纪末期C、18 世纪中期D、18 世纪

14、末期28.干邑白兰地通常以英文字母来表示其陈酸时间,V.S.0 为()年。A、10-12 年B、12-20 年C、20-30 年D、30 年以上29.中餐宴会较大的台面可由直径厘米的标准台面和()弧形台面组合而成。A、60 1/2B、170 1/3C、180 1/4D、190 1/530.常用于小型宴会的预定。A、当面预订B、 预订C、网络预订D、 预订31.西餐零点餐台上的调味壶里应为()分满,缺乏时要留意添加。A、三B、五C、八D、十32.西餐宴会效劳中,在客人右侧效劳的是()。A.上鱼类菜肴B、分派沙司C.分派色拉D、上洗手盅33.被称为红牌特加的是()。A、斯米尔诺夫B、斯多里西那亚C

15、、伏斯卡亚D、蓝野牛34.()在效劳过程中常用手推车。A、法式效劳B、俄式效劳C、美式效劳D、英式服各35.在会议效劳过程中,效劳员应每隔分钟为客人续一次水。A、5-10B、10-15C、15-20D、20-2536.主要用于甜型黄酒生产的是()。A、淋饭法B、摊饭法C、喂饭法D、自然发醇法37.在宴会预定时,一般收取订金。A、5%B、10%-15%C、15%-25%D、50%38. 蒸馏出来的朗姆酒必需放入橡木桶中陈酿以上,才能上市。A、半年B、一年C、一年半D、三年39. 以下(鸡尾酒在调制时使用君度酒作为基酒。A、红粉佳人B、白葡萄酒C、香槟酒D、红葡萄酒40.大型宴会一般在位置为客人上菜。A、仆人右侧B、主客右侧C、副仆人右侧D、仆人左侧41.西餐宴会或小型宴会可在客人入席后进展()效劳。A、酒水B、菜肴C、面包、黄油D、奶酪、甜点42.香槟酒的最正确饮用温度为(


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