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1、2004 年全国 MBA 联考英语预测试卷及答案Section I: Listening Comprehension (20 points)Directions:This Section is designed to test your ability t o understand spoken English. You will hear a select ion of recorded materials and you must answer th e ques tions that accompany them. Therearethreepartsin this section, P

2、art A, Part BandPartC.Remember, while you are doingthetest,youshould first put down your answers in your test bookl et. At the end of the listening comprehension secti on, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all you r answers fromyourtest booklet toANSWERSHEET 1.(20 points)Now look atPartAin yourtes

3、t booklet.Part ADirections:For Questions 1 5, you will hear a talk about American education. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you v eheard.Some of the information has beengiven toyou inthe table. Write only 1 word ornumberin each numbered box. You willhear therecordingtwice.

4、You now have 25 seconds to readthe table below. (5 points)American Educationschools organized by1general compulsory education continuesto_ (years old)2theage formalschoolbegins_ (yearsold)3thelength oftime inhigh school inruralareas_ (years)4the aim of US educationprovide equal _ for al l5Part BDire

5、ctions:For questions 6 10, you will hear a talk about a travel on the Angeles Mountains. While you listen, complete the sentences or answ er the questions. Use not more than 3 words for e ach answer. You will hear the recording twice. Yo u now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and q uestions bel

6、ow. (5 points)Thegroupof people left Los Angeleson6Thepeoplewere lookingforward to aweekof7The peak of the next mountain was covered8They could only travela few miles an hour because of the9They spent a wonderfulday10Part CDirections:You will hear three pieces of recorded material.Before listeningto

7、 each one, you willhave time to read the questionsrelatedto it. While listening, answer each question by choosin gA, B, C orD. After listening,you will havetime to check your answers.You will hear each piece once only. (10 points)Questions 11 13 are based on the following mono logue. You now have 15

8、 seconds to read Questions 1 1 13.11. The two aspects of music mentioned in th e talk are .A. sedative-stimulative musicB. stimulative-rock mu sicC. stimulative-jumpy musicD. sedative-smooth music12. A synonym for “ stimulate ” in this talk i s .A. sedateB. calmC. energizeD. raise13. What kind of mu

9、sic would the speaker recomm end for a nervous person?A. Rock and roll music.B. Irregular harmonies.C. Repeated rhythms.D. Disjunct melodies.Questions14 16 are based on the following monologue. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1 4 16.14. Why don t the people in some rural areas g et the new

10、s and information by radio?A. Becauseit is tooexpensiveto listentothe radio.B. Becausesome ruralparts ofthe worldhave no electricity.C. Because the news or information from the out side world is not important.D. Because theydon tenjoy it.15. What s thetrouble forthepoor people?A.Batteriesarevery exp

11、ensive.B.Batteriesaren t available.C.Batteriesarenot convenient.D.They cantafford the electricity.16. How long will the clockwork radio play?A. For an hour and a half.B. For an hour.C. For two hours.D. For half an hour.Questions 17 20 are based on the following mono logue.You nowhave20 secondstoread

12、 Questions17 20.17. What isthepurpose ofthebroadcast?A. To make recommendations on sensible dieting.B. Toreportthe latest advances inphysicaltherapy.C. Torelatean experiment combiningsleep and exercise.D. To offer advice about sleeping problems.18. Accordingtothespeaker,what happens when youtoss and

13、turntogetcomfortable?A. Your heart rate is lowered.B. Itbecomes harder torelax.C. You become tootired to sleep.D.Sleep rhythms aredisrupted.19. According to the speaker, what sometimes cau ses people to have trouble sleeping?A. Failure to rest during the day.B. Lack of s leep on weekends.C. Vigorous

14、 exercise in the evening.D. Eating ch eese before goingtobed.20. What doesthespeaker sayabout sleepingpills?A. They mighteventually causeyou to closesleep.B. They help produce a neurotransmitter in th e brain.C. You must not drink milkifyou take them.D. They make itunnecessary totake naps.You now ha

15、ve 5 minutes to transfer all your an swers from your test booklet to ANSWERSHEET.THIS IS THE END OF SECTION ISection II: Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four c hoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answe r that best completes the sentence. Then blacken th e corresponding letter on the ANSWERSHEET 1 wit h a pencil.21. Most people chose him as one of statesmen of that year.A. popularB.favoredC. favoriteD. favorable22. He soon received promotion, for his superior s reali


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