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1、课题Unit 1 How Do You Go There?课时第一课时教 学 目 标1能够听、说、读、写短语:by train、by plane、by subway、by ship、 by bike、on foot。2能够听、说、认读句子:How do you go to ? 并能在实际情景中运用。3能够完成Task time中的任务。教学重点听、说、读、写短语“by train、by plane、by subway、by ship、 by bike、on foot” 并能在实际情景中灵活运用。教学难点1, 理解词组 “go back”与单词 “subway”。 2,使用交通工具的表达。课前准

2、备各种地点的图片、交通工具的模型,单词卡片,表格,课件教学过程(一)热身(Warm- up)1教师引导学生做第一册第64页的Lets do。(需借助多媒体,出示该段内容的字幕。) Drive the car, throw the plane2日常口语对话: Good morning! Welcome back to school. Glad to meet you again. How are you? Fine, thank you.Whats the weather like today? Its very hot.(二)预习(Preview)听听做做:要求学生能根据教师的指令,做出相应的

3、动作,目的在于让学生理解本课时的教学难点“go back to”。Eg:1. Please go to the door. Open the door, please.(等学生完成指定任务后)Thank you. Go back to your seat, please.2Please go to the window. Close the window, please.Thank you. Go back to your seat, please.备 注(三)新课呈现,巩固操练 ( Presentation and practice) 1. 教师引导,呈现新课。教师课前将一个轮船的模型或图片

4、放在包内。T: Please go to the teachers desk. Open the bag on the desk ,please. What can you see?2. 引导学生说: A ship。3. 教学“ship”,学说并拼读。4. 听音猜物,引出单词train并教学。5. 用课件出示subway的局部引出单词subway(1)学说、拼读并比较subway 和train。(2)师生讨论:你知道中国的哪些城市有subway?T: Where can we see subways in China? In Hangzhou?S: No. In Shanghai./(师生展开

5、讨论)T: Youre right. We can see them in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Beijing. 6. 出示图片或课件:(一位日本学生在subway旁等候上学) T: And we can see subways in Japan, too. Its very common in Japan. Look. The students in Japan always go to school by subway. 7. 教师提出本次讨论的主题:How do you go to school? (1)T: Do you go to school by su

6、bway?Ss: No.T: How do you go to school?(2)出示句型“I go to school by”, 并引导学生说:I go to school by bike/ bus/ car/ / on foot(出示相应的词组分别教学),并通过师生、生生、小组等形式进行对话操练。(3)教师通过简笔画描绘出简单的上下学的路线,提问:I go to school by bike. But I go back to my home on foot(强调). What about you? How do you go back to your home?引导学生说:I go b

7、ack to my home by/on foot. (4)“小小调查员”Eg. A: Hello, B. How do you go to school?B: I go to school by bike. A: How do you go back to your home?B: By bus.8. 创设情景,选择旅游地点。(1)教师出示一张中国地图并说:Look, this is a map of China. I like Shanghai best. How do I go to Shanghai ? 引导学生向教师提出建议。Eg. You go to Shanghai by tra

8、inbus(1) 课件出示自由女神像,师生对话。 A: Nice to meet you, B. How do you go to the USA?B: I go there by plane. What about you?A: Me too. Oh, I go to the USA by ship.(在这里教师应尽量引导学生将原有的知识进行运用。)(3) Task time.活动一:找朋友根据表格交流怎样去上海的东方明珠?How do you go to Shanghai?教学过程程Nameby busby bikeby planebysubwayby shipon foota. 教师和一

9、位学生进行对话示范,找到用相同交通工具的旅伴。借助的语言:A: Hello, B. How do you go to _?B: I go to _by trainshipbuson foot. How do you go to _?A: I go to _ by, too.B: Good, were good friends.b. 全班学生自由活动。c. 反馈 (抽个别小组进行对话反馈。)(四)巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)1. 做活动手册的第一课2. 回家用英语计划备 注板书Unit Oneby : train subway plane ship bus

10、 bikeon foot 课题Unit 1课时第二课时教 学 目 标1 能够听说读写句型:How do you go to school? Usually I go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot. 并能在实际情景中运用。能够针对具体情况正确熟练使用usually sometimes 两个频度副词。2 能够描述目的地位置的远近如:Its near。3 能够听懂并完成Lets try部分的练习。4 能够理解Lets chant的内容。教学重点能够听说读写句型:How do you go to school? Usually I go to sc

11、hool by bike. Sometimes I go on foot. 并能在实际情景中运用。能够针对具体情况正确熟练使用usually sometimes 两个频度副词。教学难点能够听说读写句型:How do you go to school? Usually I go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot. 并能在实际情景中运用。能够针对具体情况正确熟练使用usually sometimes 两个频度副词。课前准备1课前准备录音机和磁带2教师准备本课时所需的头饰及活动所需表格3自制多媒体课件教学过程(一)热身(Warm up)1欣赏Lets

12、 chant,并能根据自己的理解做出相应的动作。2看动作猜短语,复习上节课内容。(二)预习(Preview)Lets try T: How do you go to school? Ss: T: What about Mike? Lets listen to the tape. 学生完成听音选择练习。(三)新课呈现及运用(Presentation and practice)设计主情景:“柯南中国行”1“初到中国”教师运用课件的形式出示一个动画人物柯南T: Look! Who is he?Ss: He is Ke Nan.T: Where is he from?S: Hes from Tokyo

13、.T: Yes. Its far. Today he will come to China to take a trip. How does he come here?Lets listen.备 注让学生听声音判断交通工具的名称,并作简单回答:(HeKe Nan: Hello, everybody! Nice to meet you! Ss: Hello, Ke Nan. Nice to meet you , too.T to Ss: Ke Nan wants to know sth about us.S1: Hello, Ke Nan. Im . Im 12. I like you very

14、 much. T: Hello, Ke Nan, Im Miss . Welcome to China!Ke Nan: Oh, Miss , how do you go to work?T: Usually I go to work on foot. Because my home is near. Sometimes I go by taxi. Because its fast. Ke Nan(T acts Ke Nan): Hello, How do you go to school?(板书)S2: Ke Nan: What about you?S3: (板书: Usually I go to school by. Sometimes I go .)2“小小调查员” 柯南想要了解大家每天都是怎样到学校来的,请帮助柯南做一个调查。表格如下: WaysName on footby bikeby busby planeby trainothersUSUSUSUSUSUS



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