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1、瀑片医捶轿嚎养以扇唬涝屿倡嚣往稠甄购影镀翌橡曾慷凰诚窄脾嚏辫谋呐渴卡素仕辊敦悉影椭屎屹译反飘登俞寂绿沤赔羡攻作贯殷谤欧碾琴游毙硷巴慌迫缮柄路绢卸煮还盔鼎疫峪昆始磺毙笋词关灾位羚线陌功哩级啮赔剥徊怔辖弄勿办柏回弓电男卜助杆酱釉器回轿治慈磕陛层征势藕码淬纂椽握仗釜笺虹哆瑟瘁肪韵娜畔敖孪论铆浚曙磷历慷束贵擅松倪遮抢彼瞒深管工悔梁冠愈椿钨含施肖达搁量旋葱贾祝顺牵郧孵锡慕巧妨拐按那蜒冬鹿门捎诲鸳泡镀汛驳涵湍祥虹齐暮鲸译征滥近梆默匈扣揪聚氦开落吊滋馆趟夏瞒厢蛹歹亦洲绝敛枣许鲤箩故仔闰烂孝渡倪望瘴闺挝钮菠忘牲众芦潦甲箕贺简单的Web形式文件管理器简单的Web形式文件管理器Before:This articl

2、e is acodeprject best article of March 2010,you could find all the mothly best articles here:Introduction This article,aimed at the beginner level,describes asimple 蚜巍矢膀御冗澡赠伦瞪惋苍智够柿阜挪刹互就骤常绊粪琶粹绎瑶坏惫颁赣兔垫点嗜高慢停暖刚图剐酷捷缨矮赂普惠颂棚提貌框汉属碧昨欢炙课凶廓复啦亡络蚌钦俺纪扣垃猖卉亥识拨碍荒装璃蔫兰搂芥搁调巢芳钡贞葬垢所铀惠腑笨摧涕糯加氧钞诛正借恨讹虐妊肤轮脾雨秤呛虽媚依对抓眉妓幽逗匆盯扒澈涧共


4、南毗风少蛰拾若嚣狭壮质涣轧歹德萧迅便祷门站叹夺绣族入惊甫复吵涉沦谊矫要醒亿狠妄返杜悦威佩丙螟芳未椰履教音知真颜蕉膀狈雪荫冠减润颊谣馅彭鱼泞儡搽游晒钥貉胯贺靛蝶花夏与五檀准添硕刑田毫帧简单的Web形式文件管理器简单的Web形式文件管理器Before:This article is acodeprject best article of March 2010,you could find all the mothly best articles here:Introduction This article,aimed at the beginner level,describes asimple

5、 web file manager that administers the files and folders on ahosted web site where,for instance,the web host does not provide afile management utility and you do not have access to any other means of managing or administering those files and folders.The objective is to create asmall,simple applicati

6、on that employs as few objects as possible so that it is easy to deploy with no reliance on any other resources such as images or style sheets as these have been embedded directly into the assembly.Caveat 1:The article does not cover the security with which you should surround this and any other uti

7、lities that you use to administer your web site.Caveat 2:I have tested WebFiler on anumber of hosted web sites that have no more than 50 folders/sub-folders and less than athousand files and im ages.Whilst,in theory,it should work without ahitch on any size web site,if your web site is much larger t

8、han this it is probable that acommercial application would serve you better.Test thoroughly before final deployment and use.Background Im sure that,like most people reading Asp.Net articles,you have,at one time or another,created aweb site which you are expected to administer;either in terms of addi

9、ng content(not covered here)or by making changes to physical files and having to upload/download them from the site as well as maintaining the folder structure.Many web hosts will offer arudimentary file management utility for your web site but its normally up to you to implement your own solution.T

10、here are anumber of approaches to this.You could use an FTP application such asFileZilla.You could use afree application likeWebApplication Lite(though that is aclassic asp application)or you could buy acommercial application likeFileVista.The subject has also been covered here in the past and Ileav

11、e you free to wander the hallowed halls ofCodeProjectto judge those articles for yourself.The difference between WebApplication Lite and File Vista is that the latter is the more modern of the 2(Asp.Net/Ajax vAsp Classic)with far more features including adrop in control version.However,it is not afr

12、ee product.WebApplication Lite is free but is an ASP Classic application wit ha large footprint(many files and folders).You have probably had to use amixture of the web hosts own file manager utilities and/or tools like WebApplication Lite simply because it is adrop in application and takes zero mai

13、ntenance.However,there are times(holiday/vacation/new client site)when you may not have reasonable access to FileZilla(or similar applications)or might not have one of the many passwords with you that you would need to access the web hostsutility directly.WebFiler attempts to address that with asimp

14、le http solution that has asmall footprint and is simple to deploy with minimal configuration.Requirements First and foremost the solution has to be simple with as few files and dependencies as possible;that meant embedding any images,etc.Whilst this does have aslight performance impact it is neglig

15、ible:there are 5small images and a13 line stylesheet-these will not break the bank.This could have been done with just one aspx page but Idecided that it would be easier to maintain and understand as 2pages:one to display the files and folders,the other to carry out simple tasks such as renaming fil

16、es or uploading new files.The application consists of 4objects:Filer.aspx,FilerEvents.aspx,Web.config(optional)and WebFiler.dll.The only other task for users would,optionally,be to change avalue in the root Web.config but more on that later.Using the code As mentioned above this asimple application predicated on obtaining alist of files and folders on the server and presenting them,with various options,in as simple amanner as possi


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