模块二 商务谈判口译

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《模块二 商务谈判口译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《模块二 商务谈判口译(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、模块二商务谈判口译Learning Objectives1. To have basic understanding of business negotiation.I 2. To master the strategies of interpreting Business Negotiations.3. To learn Memory and Note-taking Skills.iAbility Objectives! 1. To familiarize students with words and expressions for business negotiations. I 2.

2、To enable students to interpret for fundamental business negotiations.任务简介(Task Introduction)商务谈判是经济谈判的一种,是指不同利益群体之间,以经济利益为目的,通过沟通、协商、妥协、合 作、策略等各种方式,就双方的商务往来关系而进行的谈判。按照商务谈判的地区范围来划分,商务谈判可 分为国内商务谈判和国际商务谈判。国内商务谈判是国内各种经济组织及个人之间所进行的有关商品、劳务 和技术等的商务谈判。国际商务谈判是本国政府及各种经济组织与外国政府及各种经济组织之间所进行的商 务谈判,是国际商务活动中不同的利益

3、主体,为了达成某笔交易,而就交易的各项条件进行协商的过程。国 际商务谈判是对外经济贸易工作中不可缺少的重要环节。商务谈判是集语言、知识、经验、素质等为一体的 交流活动,它注重政策性、技术性和艺术性,是口译从业人员的用武之地,是口译能力的全方位展示和对口 译者的高难度挑战。一场成功的商务谈判应该是:通过谈判不仅使本方的需要得到满足,也使对方的需要得到满足,双方的 友好合作关系得到进一步的发展和加强,整个谈判是高效率的。本任务采用“情境学习法”研究“商务谈判”的口译过程,即让学生模拟商务谈判的过程进行训练,使 学生熟悉谈判的整个流程,并训练学生在谈判中应具备的良好的心理素质。词汇预习(Vocabu

4、lary Warm-up) Key Words对等样品 counter sample参考样品 reference sample代表性样品 representative sample注册资本 registered capital信用证结算 payment by letter of credit(L/C)回佣 return commission现货 spot goods 定金 down payment 分期付款 payment by installment 现金结算 cash settlement 我方 on our part 双赢战略 win-win strategy 中止合同 terminat

5、e the contract 提出索赔lodge a claim 经营范围 line/scope of business 原样 original sample 复样 duplicate sample.Useful Expressions1. Id like to hear your quotation on a C.I. F. Los Angeles basis valid for 90 days, with an inclusion of 5% agents commission in your quotation.请给我一个有效期为90天的C.I. F报价,目的港为洛杉矶,报价含5%的佣金

6、。2. While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we cant reduce our price any further. 虽然我们感谢贵方的合作,但是很抱歉,我们不能再减价了。3. We are satisfied with the quality of your samples, so the business depends entirely on your price. 我们对样品的质量很满意,因此交易的成败就取决于你们的价格了。4. Thank you for your inquiry. Would yo

7、u tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer ? 谢谢你询价。为了便于我方提出报价,能否请你谈谈你方需求数量?5. You are the general manager of the company and naturally you are the right man to answer all the questions related to management. 你是公司的总经理,当然你是回答所有这些管理方面问题的最佳人选了。6. I would like to put you in cha

8、rge of this negotiation. You are an acknowledged expert in the field. You drive hard and always achieve your goals. 我想由你来负责这次谈判事项。你是这个领域里公认的专家。你很有魅力,而且总是能够达到目标。7. Could I have your latest catalogues or something that tells me about your company? 可以给我一些贵公司最近的商品价格目录表或者一些有关说明资料吗?8. You must attach grea

9、t importance to that question. It is the key to the success of our negotiation. 你必须重视那个问题,那是我们谈判成功的关键。9. If you are interested, we may consider selecting you as our partner. 如果贵公司感兴趣,我们可以考虑选择你们作为我们的合作伙伴。10. In order to conclude this transaction, we both need to make some concessions. Otherwise we mi

10、ght turn to other suppliers. 为了做成交易,我们双方都做些让步吧。不然的话,我们可能转向其他的供应商了。11. He blamed his inexperience for the breakdown in the negotiation. 他把谈判失败归咎于自己经验不足。12. The quality of your product is fine, but the package is rather poor. We have to give up this business.你们的产品质量很好,但包装太差,因此我们只能放弃这个业务。13. After frie

11、ndly discussion we have concluded an agreement on our cooperation. 经过友好商讨,我们就合作已达成协议。14. I am glad we are likely to conclude the transaction with you soon. 即将和你方达成第一笔交易,我很高兴。15. The draft contract will be ready for signature this morning. 今天上午就可以在草拟合同上签字了。情境学习 (Situated Learning)Sample Negotiation O

12、nePrice Talk 价格谈判(A foreign businessman is not satisfied about the price of the products and he wants a discount.)( 某外商对我方出口产品的价格不满意,因而向得到一个折扣。)A: A Foreign Businessman (外商)B: A Chinese Sales Representative中方销售代表)A: Unfortunately your price appears to be higher than ever, which will leave us no marg

13、in of profit. (很遗憾,你方的价格比以往都高,我方无利可图。)B: 是的,我们知道。但原材料涨价,我们不得不相应地调整产品的价格。(Yes , we know. Because of the price hike in raw materials, we were forced to adjust our prices accordingly.)A: Im sorry to say we cant close business at the price. Arent we old friends? We have had a very good business relation

14、ship over the past years. I think this transaction would be more promising if you could make an appropriate reduction.(我很抱歉,以这样的价格我们无法成交。我们都是老朋友了吧?过去的这些年我们的业 务关系一直都很好。如果你方能够适当地降一降价的话,我想将更有希望成交。)B: 好吧。鉴于我们过去多年的合作,我们可以做些考虑,但仅限这批订货。(Well, in view of our good cooperation over the past years, we can take

15、 some consideration, but only for this order.)A: Then how much can you go down? (那你能减多少?)B: 原价的 1%。(1% of the original price.)A: 1%!Your reduction is too modest. What about 4%?(1%!您的降价幅度太小了。4%怎么样?)B: 哇,恐怕您给的价格太低了。我顶多降 2%。况且我们的价格和国际市场上同类商品的 价格相比一直是偏低的。(Oh, Im afraid the price you gave is too low. The

16、 best I can do is 2%. Anyway, compared with the prices of similar products in the international market, our price has always been on the low side0A: You say 2% ,I say 4%. How about splitting the difference and meeting each other half way? Lets settle at 3%.(您说 2% ,我说 4%,我们来折中一下,双方各让一半怎么样?就降3%吧。)B:不行,恐怕我还是不能接受。(No. Im afraid it is still not acceptable.)A: How about 2.


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