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1、Teacher _ Student _课题Unit 7 Reading 课时1 课型阅读课授课时间学习目标语言知识1.巩固主阅读篇章的核心单词和短语。语言技能2.通过进一步阅读,深入理解主阅读篇章的内容,了解作者的写作意图。情感态度3.唤起学生热爱生活、仔细观察生活的意识,同时懂得伟大出于平凡的道理。教学过程Teaching Procedure前置作业:在课文上找到下列词组,并在课文中标记出来。1. 一点也(不); 完全(不) 2. 为担忧 3.一群人 4.冲出来,仓促地跑出【课中导学】一、前置作业学习情况交流1. 学生集体朗读课文2. 校对前置作业,检查课前完成情况。二、学生再次阅读课文三完

2、成练习(一) 单词辨音。 1 A. ordinaryB. orderC. information D. support 2 A. aloud B. groupC. through D. soup 3 A. feeling B. agreeC. speech D. coffee 4 A. eight B. heightC. weigh D. neighbour 5 A. advice B. smileC. imagine D. fight (二)单词拼写:1.The hotel let people have a f_ of being at home.2. Can you give me so

3、me a_ on how to keep fit?3. If you d_ with me, what better ideas do youhave?4. “Everything will be OK,” she said with a s_.5. I saw a c_ of people stand outside a supermarket.(三)完成句子:1.我觉得学英语一点也不难。 I dont think learning English is difficult _ _.2. 我们都对污染问题感到忧虑。 We _ _ _ _ the pollution.3. 老师朝我们微笑,并就

4、如何写诗给了我一些建议。 The teacher _ at me and gave me _ _ _ how to write poems.4. 谈话结束后他冲出了房间。 He _ _ _the room after the conversation.5. 一群人正在公园里大声唱歌。 _ _ _ people are _ _ in the park.(四)单选:1.The teacher heard his students reading poems _. A. aloudly B. aloud C. high D. highly2. I quite _ with your advice.

5、Its valuable. A. agree B. disagree C. against D. like3. The road is too _ for a fire engine to go. A. small B. narrow C. thin D. short4. With the _ of 8,844.43 meters, Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. A. tall B. high C. height D. long知识点拨:1.Read two poems about ordinary people.ord

6、inary adj. 普通的;平凡的 e.g. He was born in an ordinary family.他出生在一个普通家庭。2. Listen to four short poems about feelings. feeling n. 感觉;情感 e.g. She spoke those words with great feeling. 她饱含深情地说出那番话。3. Read a poem aloud in a group. aloud adv. 大声地; 高声地 e.g. He said aloud.a group of 一群 强调整体时视作单数,强调个体时视作复数4. L

7、earn how to use imperatives to give orders or advice.order n. 命令 e.g. The soldiers are waiting for the order to fight. order v. 命令;指示 My mother ordered me to get down from the tree.in order to 为了;以便5. I agree. agree v. 同意 不可用于进行时 agree with 表示同意某人、某人的意见或想法 agree to 表示同意某项建议、计划或安排 agree on 表示双方通过协商取得

8、一致意见。6.All poems use complete sentences. complete adj. 完整的; 整个的 complete v. 完成 With his help, I completed the work on time.7. Water has no taste at all. (not) at all 一点也(不); 完全(不) Bella doesnt like skiing at all.8. Not worried about the height be worried about 为。担忧 she is worried about her blind son

9、.9. The old newspaper seller. seller n. 卖者 反义词: buyer when he was young he worked as a fruit seller. seller 还有“销售物” “畅销品”的意思 a good (poor) seller 畅(滞)销品 top seller 最热销的产品 best seller 畅销书籍、唱片等10. And hes smiling. smile v. 微笑 n. 微笑 He smiled and said, “Hows everything going?” she looked me up and gave me a smile.11. A bus stops, and the people rush out. rush out 冲出去 rush into 冲进去12. A crowd of people一群人 crowd 人群 a crowd of 一群五、学后质疑通过学习,你需要老师或组长帮助的有:_ 六、自我评价表1. 对课文大意及故事的前因后果掌握情况。A. 很好 B. 一般 C. 一点都没学到2. 单词、短语的拼读掌握情况。A. 很好 B. 一般 C. 一点都没学到3. 单词、短语的运用情况A. 很好 B. 一般 C. 一点都没学到



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