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1、2011年牡丹江市初中毕业学业考试英语试卷解析考生注意:1.考试时阆120分钟2.全卷共六道大题.总分120分3.所有试题请在答题卡上作答,在试卷上答题无效【2011年牡丹江】第一部分听力理解(共计25分)I. Listening (本题共 25 分,Part One、Part Two 每小题分,Part Three、Part Four 每小题2分)Part One Choose the right picture according to the description you hear.Part Two Match the best choice from A to F according

2、 to what you hear.4.Lingling A. joins the stamp collectors club.5.Henry B. is more interested in basketball.6.David C. is a tennis fan.7.Xiaoming D. likes rock music very much.E. wants to know more about China.F. doesnt like Li Na at all.Part Three Choose the right answer according to what you hear.

3、8. _ show the greatest interest in the film.A. Adults B. Children C. Old people9. The film and the TV series have the same _A. ending B. characters C. story10.Its _to buy tickets for the film.A. easy B. difficult C. impossible11.The box office (泉历 J of the 151m has reached _yuan.A. 3,000,000 B 13,00

4、0,000 C. 30,000,000Part Four Complete the chart according to what you hear.第二部分语言知识运用(共计45分)IL Multiple choice (本题共15分,每小题1分)Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence*【2011年牡丹江】17. Lily will go to the _. She wants to exchange some money in itA. bankB. restaurantC

5、. bookstore解析:A. 考查名词辨析。想去换钱,肯定是去银行。restaurant饭店,bookstore书店。【2011年牡丹江】18. Alice, are you ready? Well go out for a picnic _nine oclock.A. inB. afterC. until解析:B.考查介词辨析。in后面接一段时间; after接时间点;until常常用于否定句(主句的动词是瞬间性动词)。【2011年牡丹江】19.Sugar or milk in your coffee?Sugar. I like coffee with _in it.A. nothing

6、 sweetB. something sweet C. something sour解析:B. 考查不定代词及其形容词辨析。根据语境应该是我喜欢带有甜味的咖啡。形容词常常放在不定代词后面作后置定语。【2011年牡丹江】20.Did Miss King see your report card?Yes, she did. The smile on her face showed she was very _.A. upsetB. worriedC. pleased解析:C. 考查形容词辨析。脸上的笑脸表明她非常高兴。【2011年牡丹江】21.It has rained for almost a

7、month in Mudanjiang. We _saw the sun come out.A. oftenB. hardlyC. always解析:B. 考查副词辨析。句意:牡丹江下了差不多一个月的雨,我们几乎看不见太阳出来。【2011年牡丹江】22. Wed better not eat too much junk food_ it is delicious.I agree. Its bad for our health.A. ifB. althoughC. because解析:B. 考查连词辨析。句意:我们最好不要吃太多的垃圾食品,尽管它好吃。【2011年牡丹江】23. The birt

8、hday cake _ good. We all cant wait to eat itA. soundsB. tastesC. smells解析:C. 考查系动词辨析。生日蛋糕闻起来很香,我们都迫不及待的想吃。【2011年牡丹江】24. _ skirt you bought yesterday! Thank you.A. What niceB. How niceC. What a nice解析:C. 考查感叹句。句意:你昨天买的短裙多么漂亮啊!What a +形容词+可数名词单数+其他!。【2011年牡丹江】25.The Palace Museum is the best place _Iv

9、e ever visited. There are many old things in itA. whoB. thatC. where解析:B. 考查定语从句。先行词是物且有最高级修饰引导词当然用that.【2011年牡丹江】26.Sally and Rose _about the TV show yesterday.Lets join them quickly.A. talk.B. talkedC. are talking 解析:C. 考查时态。 此题误选B. 根据句意:萨利和罗斯正在谈论昨天的电视节目。咱们快过去一起谈论吧。yesterday在句子中作后置定语而非时间。状语。【2011年

10、牡丹江】27. I want to know if you mind my sitting here. _. Its for Mr. Brown.A. Of course notB. Belter notC. Never mind解析:B。 考查日常英语。语境:你最好不要坐,是布朗先生坐的。【2011年牡丹江】28.I hear that a new park_in the center of the city by 2012.Thats greatA. will buildB. will be builtC. was built解析:B 考查被动语态。句意:我听说2012年前一座新的公园将在

11、市中心建立起来。【2011年牡丹江】29.Hey! Dont you remember me?Wow! Mary? You _ curly hair. But now you have straight hair.A. used to haveB. were used to haveC. are used to having解析:A. 考查短语辨析。句意:你过去头发是卷的,现在是直的了。【2011年牡丹江】30.Could you tell me_ to see me next week?Im not sure. If Im free, I will.A. if you will come B

12、. how you will come C. whether you would come解析:A. 考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除B.根据时间状语用一般将来时。【2011年牡丹江】31. Which sign is made for safety?解析:A. 基本图型识别。【2011年牡丹江】III. Cloze test (本题共15分,每小题1分)Choose the best answer to complete the passage.Youve just finished with middle school and you may start wondering, “W

13、hat is high school like? Is high school a lot 32 middle school? Is it going to be hard to start out in a new place?Most high schools in America hold a freshman class 33 school actually starts. When you talk to people in the freshman class, you 34 that a lot of them are feeling just like you are, exc

14、ited, maybe 35 afraid. Talking about a question of common interest with your classmates could start a new 36 .The work in high school builds on what you 37 in middle school, and gives you more knowledge of many subjects. So you 38 feel that its a bit more challenging. But these challenges can make y

15、ou feel 39 . And there are many resources (资源)to use if you feel that the work is too much.At the beginning of high school, youll get to know it has more activities than middle school, such as clubs, music groups, and sports teams. These activities may 40 before or after school, or during your free time. 41 this, t


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