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1、同等学力在职英语口语交际命题特点及解题技巧一、 命题特点及解题技巧1 语言功能类命题:1)特点l 此类题目与语境无多大的联系l 题目多出在第二个人的对话中,且第一句话多是问句。l 在陈述句的情况下,多是要表示安慰、恭维或评论2)难点l 一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反义疑问句的回答l 回答感谢或道歉、接受或拒绝请求的方法l 如何安慰、评论(同意或反对)、恭维l 特定特殊疑问句的含义l 回答要紧扣对话主题3)解题技巧l 判断问句方式和题目所要求的功能(回答感谢、道歉、同意、拒绝)l 如是陈述句则要考虑说话人要表达的感情l 答案要和对话内容符合,切忌所答非所问。2 语境命题1) 特点: 特定语境的习惯表

2、达(如何接电话、如何点餐、如何付款、如何交罚单等)2) 难点: 考生不熟悉特定语境的特定表达二、 知识准备与典型例题1. 语言功能1) 对特殊疑问句、一般疑问句和反义疑问句的回答方式l 特殊疑问句: 简单句回答l 特殊词组:how about? How is going? Fine, Not too badl 一般疑问句: Yes, no, not yet, l 反义疑问句: Yes, no 例题:1. A: How long can I keep the book?B: _A. Yes. You can keep it. B. No. Im afraid you should return

3、it now.C. Three weeks. But you can renew it if you need it for a longer time.D. You can take it at any time you want.2. A. How does your daughter like her new school?B. _A. Fine. She seems to have made some new friends in no time.B. She likes it so much that shell soon be reluctant to leave the scho

4、ol.C. Though she likes the new school, she loves her old school much stronger.D. Well, Im afraid I dont know exactly.3. A: How did your interview go?B: _A. A manager interviewed me.B. I couldnt feel better about it! The questions were very fair, and I seemed to find an answer for all of them.C. I am

5、 fully confident that I answered all the questions to the needs of the interviewer.D. I answered all the questions of the interviewer to his satisfaction. But he may discriminate against me.4. A: Hello, John. How are you feeling now? Somebody said you had been sick.B: _A. Hello Mary. They must have

6、had me confused with my brother, George. He has been sick all week. I have never felt better in my life.B. Hello Mary. Whos sick? How can I be sick? Im as strong as a horse. They must have gone mad.C. Hello Mary. How are you?D. Hello Mary. Im quite happy. My wife has fallen ill. And, how about you?5

7、. A: I dont know why we listen to George?B: _A. I dont know exactly why, either. B. I guess we are wrong this time.C. I know. But perhaps you dont know why.D. George, you know, is one of the hardest working students among us.6. A. What did you think of the movie?B: _A. Sorry, I didnt have time to go

8、 to the movies.B. The movie was made in India.C. The ticket of the movie was inexpensive.D. It was worth neither the time nor the money.7. A. What seems to be the trouble with him on the lecture?B: _A. He is always doing well in the class and therefore there were no trouble at all on the lecture.B.

9、The lecture is very interesting and delivered in a highly logical manner.C. He believes that the lecture is not well organized and therefore hard to understand.D. The lecture is said to have been adapted from a well-known contemporary author.8. A: Whats up with Donald? Ive never seen him so happy.B:

10、 _A. The weather is fine. Maybe. Hes suffering from rheumatismB. His superior gave performance evaluation this morning.C. Perhaps he was reading some novels.D. Thats beyond me. I cant guess what was happening with Donald.9. A. What time does your bus leave for the office in the morning?B: _A. Im sor

11、ry to say that its on an irregular schedule.B. Its on an irregular schedule. On Monday it leaves at 7 30a. m. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, it leaves fifteen minutes later; and on Thursdays and Fridays it leaves thirty minutes later.C. Excuse me, but, you know, its on an irregular schedule. So you hav

12、e to be on the stop each time earlier than the schedule.D. OK. Let me tell you. On Monday it leaves at 7: 30a. m. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, it leaves fifteen minutes later; and on Thursdays and Fridays it leaves thirty minutes later.10. A: What is all this glass doing on the floor?B: _A. Look at t

13、he window and youll see. The kids were playing ball and Tommy failed to catch it.B. Ill clean it. C. Ill call the repair man.D. Cant you find out?11. A: Do you think your boss will expect you to work late again tonight? (一般疑问句)B: _A. Such has never been the case with my boss.B. My boss has never don

14、e such a foolish thing.C. How can we work late for our boss?D. I think so.12. A: Have you decided what to get your wife for Christmas yet? (一般疑问句)B: _A. I dont mind Christmas is coming to us.B. Oh, sorry. Havent yet. Its a hard decision to make.C. You know, she has to decide it herself.D. You know,

15、not every Chinese takes Christmas as a serious holiday.13. A. A man from AT&T would like to talk with the manager on the new project. Is she available?(一般疑问句)B. _A. Im sorry. She is engaged right now.B. Im sorry. She is free.C. Pardon, please. She said she would come to meet sooner or later.D. She said she should apologize for inconve


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