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1、2011年福建省中小学新任教师招聘考试小学英语专业模拟试题一单项选择(15 points). _ apple fell from the tree and hit him on _ head.A. Ann; tthe BB. TThe; thhe C. An; 不填填 DD. TThe; 不填填 Jusst uuse thiis rroomm foor tthe timme bbeinng, andd weelll offferr yoou aa laargeer ooneit beecommes avaailaableeA. ass sooon as B. unllesss C. as fa

2、rr aas D. unntill. Itt waas sso ddarkk inn thhe ccineema thaat II coouldd haardlly _ mmy ffrieend.A. tuurn outt B. brringg ouut C. caall outt DD. ppickk ouut. My rooom ggetss veery colld aat nnighht. _.A. Soo iss miineBB. SSo mminee issC. Soo dooes minne D. Soo miine doees. Imm suure Anddreww wiill

3、winn thhe ffirsst pprizze iin tthe finnal. I tthinnk sso. He _ foor iit ffor monnthss.15.Itt waas _ hhe ccamee baank froom AAfriica thaat yyearr _ hhe mmet thee giirl he wouuld likke tto mmarrry.A. whhen; thhen B. nott; uuntiil CC. nnot unttil; thhat D. onlly; wheen二完型填填空(220 ppoinnts)Washooe iis aa

4、 yooungg chhimppanzzee(黑猩猩猩). Shee iss noo _166_ chhimppanzzee, thhouggh. Sciienttistts aare doiing a rreseearcch _117_ hher. Thhey wannt tto ssee howw ciivillizeed(驯驯化) shee caan _118_. Alrreaddy sshe doees mmanyy thhinggs aa huumann beeingg caan ddo.For eexammplee, sshe hass beeen leaarniing howw

5、too exxchaangee _199_ wiith peooplee. TThe sciienttistts aare teaachiing herr _200_ laanguuagee. WWhenn shhe wwantts tto bbe ppickked _21_, Waashooe ppoinnts up witth oone finngerr. SShe rubbs hher teeeth witth hher finngerr _222_ shhe wwantts tto bbrussh hher teeeth. Thhis is donne aafteer eeverry

6、mmeall.26. AA. pprobblemmB. possitiionCC. ffooddD. ceiilinng27. AA. bbyB. onnC. upDD. wwithh28. AA. sstraaighhtB. sttronngC. loongDD. bbig29. AA. wwalllB. boxxC. ceiilinngD. poole30. AA. kknocckeddB. picckeddC. toookD. shhockked31. AA. lliveesB. acctsCC. tthinnksDD. pplayys32. AA. ttaskkB. lesssonnC

7、. dayyD. timme33. AA. HHereeB. TheereCC. SSoD. Thhen34. AA. qquitteB. allreaadyCC. eevennD. stiill35. AA. oobseerveeB. disscovverCC. ggainnD. leaarn阅读理解(440 ppoinnts)AMy faatheer wwas a fforeemann off a suggar-canne pplanntattionn inn Riio PPieddrass, PPuerrto Ricco. My firrst jobb waas tto ddrivve

8、tthe oxeen tthatt pllougghedd thhe ccanee fiieldds. I wwoulld wwalkk beehinnd aan oox, guiidinng hhim witth aa brroommstiick. Foor $ 1 a dday, I worrkedd eiightt hoourss sttraiightt, wwithh noo foood breeakss.It waas vveryy teedioous worrk, butt itt prrepaaredd mee foor llifee annd ttaugght me manny

9、 llasttingg leessoons. Beecauuse thee pllanttatiion ownnerss weere alwwayss waatchhingg uss, II haad tto bbe oon ttimee evveryy daay aand worrk aas hhardd ass I couuld. Ive nevver beeen llatee foor aany jobb siincee. II allso leaarneed aabouut bbeinng rresppecttfull annd ffaitthfuul tto tthe peoople

10、e yoou wworkk foor. Morre iimpoortaant, I earrnedd myy paay; it nevver enttereed mmy mmindd too saay II waas ssickk juust beccausse II diidnt wwantt too woork.I wass onnly sixx yeearss olld, butt I wass dooingg a manns jobb. OOur fammilyy neeedeed eeverry ddolllar we couuld makke bbecaausee myy faat

11、heer nneveer eearnned morre tthann $ 18 a wweekk. OOur homme wwas a tthreee-rroomm woood shaack witth aa diirtyy flloorr annd nno ttoillet. Noothiing madde mme pprouuderr thhan briingiing homme mmoneey tto hhelpp myy mootheer, fattherr, ttwo brootheers andd thhreee siisteers. Thhis gavve mme sselff-

12、essteeem(自自尊心), oone of thee moost impporttantt thhinggs aa peersoon ccan havve.When I wwas sevven, I gott woork at a ggolff cooursse nnearr ouur hhousse. My jobb waas tto sstannd ddownn thhe ffairrwayy annd sspott thhe bballls aas ttheyy laandeed, so thee goolfeers couuld finnd tthemm. LLosiing a b

13、balll meeantt yoou wweree fiiredd, sso II neeverr miisseed oone. Soome nigghtss I wouuld liee inn beed aand dreeamtt off maakinng tthouusannds of dolllarrs bby pplayyingg goolf andd beeingg abble to buyy a biccyclle.The mmoree I dreeameed, thee moore I tthouughtt. WWhy nott? II maade my firrst gollf

14、 cclubb ouut oof gguavva llimbb(番石石榴树枝枝) aand a ppiecce oof ppipee. TThenn I hammmerred an emppty tinn caan iintoo thhe sshappe oof aa baall. Annd ffinaallyy I dugg twwo ssmalll hholees iin tthe grooundd annd hhit thee baall bacck aand forrth. I praactiicedd wiith thee saame devvotiion andd inntennsitty. I llearrnedd woorkiing in thee fiieldd excceptt noow II waas ddrivvingg goolf ballls witth cclubb, nnot oxeen wwithh a brooomssticck.36. TThe wriiterrs firrst jobb waas _.A. too sttandd doown thee faairwway at a ggolff cooursse


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