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1、广州市白云区广辉小学“四乐”教学模式英语教学教案年级:五年级课题:A poor pig课型:预习课主备课人:潘荫瑜学科组长:学校主管:Learning aims【学习目标】:1. “四会”掌握单词:poor,unhappy,leave,lake,sunny,again,just,sadly,wait,hug2. 学生能听说读以下新词和短语:peacock, wish,reflection,tail, excitedly,quickly, see the world,go away,get to, at last,after a while,come true, 3.理解和熟练朗读课文。4. 能

2、复述课文中的关键内容。Important points and difficult points【教学重难点】:1. 本课的生词与短语。2. 课文的流利朗读。Learning steps【教学过程】:一、Happy learning【乐学】:教学反思:1.warm-up:Do you like animals? Show the pictures about pig, elephant ,peacock and rabbit.pig看图说有关动物的词。2.Lets chant. A little pig ,he wants to have,an elephants nose , a peaco

3、cks taila rabbits ears , a poor pig!3.闪图或TPR学习新单词和词组。happy-unhappyLeavesee the worldQuestion 1:Why is the poor pig unhappy? Because he wants to leave home to see the world.sunny get to the lakereflectionQuestion 2:What does Danny say at the lake?”I wish I have an elephants nose, a peacocks tail and

4、rabbits ears.excitedly sadly quickly学习剩余新词汇。二、Happy show 【乐秀】:教学反思:魔法秀:练习新词汇及句型:wish,at last, after a while, come true ,again.一生或组扮演小猪,剩余全体学生说旁白。A:I wish I have _. 全班说:After a while.XXXs wish comes true.But his/her parents cant recognize him/her.A:I just want to be (a pig).全班:At last, he becomes a p

5、ig again.三、Happy doing【乐练】:教学反思:Listen to the tape of “A poor pig”Listen and read:默读找出question 3,4,5的答案,在原文上画出。学生通过以上学习,能在理解的基础上能听懂课文内容。四、Happy working【乐行】:教学反思:ask and answer:Question 3:Danny s parents cant recognize Danny,What do Dannys parents say to Danny?Go away,youre not our son.Question 4:Does Danny become a pig again?Yes ,he does.Question 5:What does Dannys parents say?This is our lovely baby.Homework:熟记本文新词汇和5个问题及回答。


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