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1、长岗中学师生讲学稿八年级英语8A(下)系列 讲学时间:2014年6月8A Module 4 Discovery 班别 姓名 学号 Unit 8 Life in the future (Grammar) 课型:语法课 执笔:黄和英 审核: 讲学时间:2014年6月【学习目标】:1 掌握过去进行时的相关知识。2 学会在语境中正确运用过去进行时。【学习过程】:一课前准备:1 . 让学生朗读主阅读篇章,且划出带有过去进行时的句子。2. 请您在黑板上板书带有过去进行时的句子3. 请您思考:过去进行时是由_构成。二课堂研讨: 1. 小组讨论预习成果,解决疑难问题。 2 .学生阅读教材第119页上的引言和例

2、句,然后完成Work out the rule部分的内容。 我们一起来总结:过去进行时是表示过去某个特定时间_ 的事情或动作。 3. 同学们:我们一起来讨论; 先看下面句子: a. We were watching TV from seven to nine last night. b. Jack was not wacthing TV at this time yesterday, but repairing his bike. c. I was reading when he arrived. 总结:肯定句的结构是:主语+ _ + (其他)。 否定句的结构是:主语+ _ + (其他)。 d

3、. -Were you playing basketball at 4 oclock yesterday afternoon? -Yes, we were. / No, she was not. e. -Was Lily playing computer games this moring ? -Yes, she was. / No, she was not. 总结:过去进行时的一般疑问句的结构是:_/_+ 主语+_ + (其他)。肯定回答:Yes,主语+_/ _. 否定回答:No, 主语 + _/ _+ _三 集体智慧(小组讨论) 1. 让学生完成练习A. 并展示答案且尝试评析。2. 我们一

4、起阅读P120的引言、例句和Things to remember部分的内容。 再看下面两个句子: (1) The teacher was performing an experiment in the classroom at that time. (2) when I was him, he was doing his homework in his room. 总结: (1) 过去进行时表示_ 进行的动作或事情。 (2)过去进行时可以表示_ 发生的事情。 3 小组讨论并完成P121 B部分的练习。 三 达标检测:用动词的适当形式填空:(1) I _( have) my breakfast

5、at half past six yesterday morning.(2) Mary _(go) over her lesson from six to seven last night.(3) They _(not make) a modle ship when I saw them.(4) She _ (make) a dress the whole afternoon.(5) When the bell rang, Jenny_(wait) in her seat.四 课后拓展:(一.) 通过本课学习,你还有什么新发现? _(二). 单项选择: 1. The boy was lost

6、and his family _ him from 8am to 5 pm yesterday. A. looked B. were looking C. were looking for D. looked for 2. -Where were you at this time yesterday? - I _ in the library. A. read B. was reading C. am reading D. will read 3. _ Were you watching TV when it started to rain ?_ No, I_a Maths problem w

7、ith my father. A. discuss B. discussed C. am discussing D. was discussing 4. When I got home yesterday evening , my mother _in the kitchen. A. was cooking B. is cooking C. has cooked D. would cook 5. -Why didnt you answer my phone? -Sorry. I _TV then and didnt hear it. A. watch B. have watched C. wa

8、s watching D. am watching 6. _What did Mrs White say just now?_sorry. I didnt catch it. I_something else. A. think about B. will think about C. thinks about D. was thinking about 7.- I saw Lily in the street yesterday, but she didnt seeme. She_with a woman A, talked B. is talking C. was talking D. w

9、as thinking about 8. I first met Rose two years ago. She_at a radio station at that time. A. works B. was working C. will work D. is working 9. I _ in the street when someone called me.A. walked B. was walking C. am walking D. have walked10. Millie_a picture when Mr Green came in.A. draws B. will draw C. drew D. was drawing五Homework:1. 朗读主篇章3次。2. 完成BookBP130-132的练习。1 It may take some sweat and tears


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