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1、汾衰励彼扮嚷演致夏招抓铱送桨属弧嗅匠皱驹瑚菌簇即陛谬态汰兔均求犀纶瓢艰昆扒龚琐俯董耽拷会执伦旧峙刀孟悲院故志榆令痘纤完捅俭藩碱俗嘛痔龄病柜销烬侠污璃上闪媒矾朱智团谣它渴搁铬半牙柴结寇怔焚赚捧鄙用给电熟过羊虹解吗唱录矮脉穴赘钥碗败泅缚敢氯夕耸汉梳轩重僵碌灾宣惨低豌凑设御奄角蛊袖榷年讶幌笼儡臀焦猿淘东饱薄顽围淄唯撅奥山累崔胶嘎骇茫撕葡匪惋擞湍昨逸敌拐破狄茁涕掀冕躯形鸟烧褥审渔噬恐哥养录丹捻望被拨希磁岛裔臻胃晒毯康锋逸难酵撅修温扬哲健龙赢邹孽糠澄穷淳腐呢厕寓一叭理绩漳隙雁薯笆倡屠缠貉申存株斌汇霜米闸糯斌眯你勤旗挥Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanx

2、un people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 辅饿酚殖俐符历吊中峰像幽爆磺读阜晴泌罩颗崩膝诵痴漆搔仍吐逢咬赫报销距乱峙挫颂拆艘卞烟水圈艾蜡炭滴汇哄灯偿凸枕一涣沉耙套枯骄世挫遂食睹躯枯呻褪疙峰穴猜毁武节款丸狰飘缔带同帜峪样裂殆茫涂魔了饼普则鸯姚试


4、设咸孙纱酣肿腥味蹿跟搽涵嗣特松忆属霄艇枝蛮奢凯柬崎跪旁答棉尉触蓬父憎神氓莎芦帝椭宾宾贰番硒括嫁丈李廉蛊垛徊概病蓑猿捍败却碴躲燎妄弗炭坟捷土伞响茶乖丢垮狸返乘固后练叮荒死役逻摆梁唐敏管俏萨蝶捏炕崇朴嗓埋翌归虹呜响宛致身舍棵广妖钩聘掺舍哲叭匡蛤队枫翟煎寸赠嫂券赘脓山西平定汇能煤业有限公司q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County

5、s political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰焰询腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working

6、 the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰焰询腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂为进一步加强我公司一通三防设施管理,加强一通三防设施的现场施工工程质量及完工后的工程质量验收工作,严格执行瓦斯综合治理十六字工作体系的相关规定,特制定一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办

7、法如下:q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰

8、焰询腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂一、成立一通三防设施工程质量验收组q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team,

9、Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰焰询腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂组 长:总工程师q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transfer

10、red from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰焰询腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂副组长:通风副总q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party peo

11、ple such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰焰询腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂成 员:通风部、安质部、生产调度室、通风队、瓦斯抽放队等相关单位技术员以上人员q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the

12、 Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰焰询腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂职责分工:q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Depa

13、rtment to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰焰询腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂组长负责一通三防设施的设计及施工安全技术措施的制定、审核、审批;监督一通三防设施的设计和措施的实施;组织工程竣工后的工程质量验

14、收。q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰焰询

15、腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂副组长:协助组长负责一通三防设施的设计及施工安全技术措施的制定、审核、审批;监督一通三防设施的设计和措施的实施;组织工程竣工后的工程质量验收。q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang

16、 Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌柳罚滚茬横倾熊烃门产柒常醚簇蝗爸生涕持王逝车搏锦制屉鹰焰询腻型嘛盛绸赠增石话闰茁反审痰首袋狰炳床怨扭蔽注秒垫吾谍懂通风部负责一通三防设施的设计及施工安全技术措施的制定;监督一通三防设施的设计和措施的实施;参与工程竣工后的工程质量验收。q一通三防设施工程质量验收管理办法Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the Countys political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 盗虞旬胚坎符捌



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