高中英语 Module 6 Unit 3 Understanding each other Reading Strategy知识精讲 译林出版社

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《高中英语 Module 6 Unit 3 Understanding each other Reading Strategy知识精讲 译林出版社》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Module 6 Unit 3 Understanding each other Reading Strategy知识精讲 译林出版社(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高二英语Module 6 Unit 3 Understanding each other Reading Strategy & Words译林出版社【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 3 Understanding each other二. 教学目标:Reading Strategy, words and expressions三. 教学重难点:words and expressions(一)Reading StrategyExamples are often used in texts and serve several purposes. They can be used to ex

2、plain concepts and ideas, to support arguments and as interesting stories. In the text above, an example is used to explain the concept of cultural differences between English speakers from different countries, e.g. Our American teacher is always talking about . Examples in the above text are also u

3、sed to support the argument that there are differences as well as similarities between Western weddings e.g., In the UK, the guests are expected to give presents to the newly-weds, but in Italy. There is also an example used as an interesting story about cultural misunderstanding, e.g., the British

4、teacher opened the present as soon as he was given it at the end-of-term ceremony. Understanding the use of examples can aid comprehension of a text.(二)Words and expressions1. difference n. 区别,差异different adj. be different fromdiffer v. differ from2. guys n. (复数)伙计们,兄弟们3. accumulate vt. & vi. 积聚,积累1

5、) to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of timeeg. It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.2) to gradually increase in numbers or amount until there is a large quantity in one placeeg. Fat tends to accumulate around the hips an

6、d thighs.4. topic n. 话题,主题5. native adj. 本地的,本国的1) only before noun your native country, town etc. is the place where you were borneg. They never saw their native land again. He spent most of his professional life outside his native Poland.2) native language/tongueeg. the language you spoke when you

7、 first learned to speakeg. English is not the native language for almost half of our overseas visitors.n. 本地人1) a person who was born in a particular placenative of eg. a native of Switzerland2) someone who lives in a place all the time or has lived there a long timenative of eg. He has become a nat

8、ive of Glasgow.6. accent n. 口音1) the way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come fromeg. He noticed that I spoke Polish with an accent . English/American/Indian etc. accent2) the part of a word that you should emphasize when you say it7.

9、 unbelievable adj. 难以置信的1) very good, successful, or impressiveeg. The opportunities are unbelievable.2) very bad or shockingeg. The pain was unbelievable.It was unbelievable that we were expected to pay twice.3) so extreme that it hardly seems possibleHes so lazy, its unbelievable.4) very difficult

10、 to believe and therefore probably untrueHis excuse for being late was totally unbelievable.unbelievably adv. eg. an unbelievably bad moviebelieve v. 相信believe in 信仰8. yeah adv. 是的9. tradition n. 传统a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time, or these beliefs, custom

11、s etc. in generaleg. The university has a long tradition of supporting the arts. the ancient traditions of South East Asia10. turkey n. 火鸡11. celebration n. 庆祝,庆典1) Can occasion or party when you celebrate somethingeg. anniversary/birthday etc. celebrations the lively New Year celebrations in the ci

12、ty centre2) s, u the act of celebratingin celebration of sth.eg. a reception in celebration of the Funds 70th Anniversarycelebrate v. 庆祝celebrity n. 名人12. settler n. 移民者,定居者settle 1) end argument v. 解决,处理to end an argument or solve a disagreementsettle a dispute/lawsuit/conflict/argument etc.eg. We

13、hope the factions will be able to settle their differences (=agree to stop arguing) by peaceful means.2) decide v. 决定to decide what you are going to do, especially so that you can make definite arrangementseg. Nothings settled yet. 3) start living in place v. 移居,定居to go to a place where no people ha

14、ve lived permanently before and start to live thereeg. This territory was settled in the mid-1850s by German immigrants.settlement n. 解决,殖民(过程)13. chat room (网络)聊天室14. end-of-term n. 学期末15. wedding n. 婚礼,结婚典礼16. confetti n. (婚礼或庆祝仪式上抛撒的)五彩纸屑17. embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的,令人难堪的making you feel ashamed, n

15、ervous, or uncomfortableeg. She asked a lot of embarrassing questions . an embarrassing situationembarrassing for eg. This incident is deeply embarrassing for the government.embarrass v. 使尴尬embarrassment n. 窘,焦急18. newly-wed n. 新婚人19. souvenir n. 纪念品c an object that you buy or keep to remind yourself of a special occasion or a place you have visitedsouvenir of eg. I bought a model of the Eiffel Tower as a souvenir of Paris.a souvenir shop20. clarify vt. 阐明,澄清1) (fml) to make something clearer or easier to understandclarify issues/a statement/matters etc. eg. Co


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