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1、 仿写专题(二)-it is +句型一、it is +adj.n+ (for/of sb) to do sth./that +主谓宾a great relief (to sb) to do sth.(做是一大慰藉)归纳:1常用于It is for sb. to do句型的形容词主要有certain, clear, dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, impossible, important, obvious, possible, polite, proper, right, unnecessary, unimportant, unlikely, useless

2、, useful, illegal等。 2常用于It is of sb. to do句型的形容词主要有brave,careful, careless, considerable, cruel, clever, foolish, good, grateful, generous, impolite, kind, nice, polite, rude, silly, stupid, thoughtful, unkind, wise, wrong等实例展示一It is good to eat vegetables.She is such an eccentric woman that it is d

3、ifficult for anyone to get on well with her.It is kind of you to lend me so many books.It is an honor to have been asked to speak at the meeting.It is a great relief to have rain after a long time of drought.仿写练习1. 早上跑步是很有必要的。(It is necessary to)It is necessary to do some running in the morning. 2.

4、如果你想学好英语,每天朗读半小时是很重要的。(It is important to)It is very important to read English for half an hour every day if you want to learn English well. 3. 教会孩子如何向父母表达自己的爱是很值得的。(It is worthwhile to)It is worthwhile to teach children how to show their love to their parents. 4. 你跟他生气是不值得的。( It is worth while to)I

5、ts not worthwhile to get angry with him. 5. 解决这么难的题,你真是太聪明了。( It is clever of. . . )It is clever of you to solve so difficult a question. 6. 你拒绝他的帮助真是明智。( It is wise of)It is wise of you to refuse his offer. 7. 能有机会采访你真是我的荣幸。(It is a great honor. .)It is a great honor for me to have this opportunity

6、 to interview you. 8. 年轻人在公交、火车和地铁上给老人让座是一个很好的习惯。(It is a good custom)It is a good custom for young people to offer their seats to old people in the buses, trains or subways.9. 知道你安全真是让我松了一口气。(It is a great relief to)Its a great relief to me to know you are safe.10. 听说她获奖了真是让人松了一口气。 (It is a great r

7、elief to)Its a great relief to hear that she won the prize. 二、V-ed +that+ 主谓宾high time for sb. to do sth. it is +high time for sb. that + 主语 + V-ed + 宾语段时间+ since + 主谓宾(自从已经有)时间+ before + 主谓宾(过了才)实例展示二It is believed that he had learned some French before he went to college. = He is believed to have

8、learned some French before he went to college.人们都相信他在上大学前就学过法语。It is high time that we should get down to doing, some work.我们早就该干点正事了。It isnt often the case that a storm comes before a warning is issued在一个风暴来临之前,并不经常有警报发布。It is common knowledge that whale is not a fish. 鲸鱼不是鱼,这是常识。It is three years

9、since he enjoyed himself like that.他已有三年没这样痛快地玩过了。(延续性动词多译为否定式)It is an hour since he left.他离开已有一小时了。(短性动词可直译)It was long before we saw him again in a big company. 我们过了好久才又在一家大公司看见他。仿写练习1 据报道,在这次地震中,有个人在没有水的条件下生存100多个小时。(It is reported that.,survive)It is reported that a man survived more than 100 h

10、ours without water in the earthquake. 2 人们期待有更多的人来自愿照顾老人。 (Its hoped that)Its hoped that as many people as possible can join the volunteers in looking after the aged. 3 人们建议她亲自去看一下。(It is suggested that.)It is suggested that she (should) go there to see it for herself. 4 我们该意识到学习的重要性了。 (It is high t

11、ime that )It is high time that we were aware of the importance of study. 5 是我们采取措施解决这个问题的时候了。(It is high time that. . .)It is high time that we should take measures to solve the problem. 6 欲速则不达,这是很常见的。(It is often the case that. . - )It is often the case that haste makes waste. 7 人生没有水和空气的情况下会死亡,这是

12、常识。(lt is common knowledge that. . . )It is common knowledge that man will die without air or water. 8 他下车已有30分钟了。(It issince.)It is thirty minutes since he got off the bus. 9 我不在那个学校上学已有五年了。( It issince. . .)It is five years since I studied in that school. 10.还有半年,我们就高中毕业了。(It will be before. . .)I

13、t will be half a year before we graduate from high school. 三、n./adj. + that十主谓宾no wonder that +主谓宾(难怪)it is +a pity/shame that +主谓宾 (可惜)no use/good/point doing sth.实例展示三It is a fact that all the time children are exposed to films and reports about crime and violence.It is strange that such a good st

14、udent should fail the ex-am,这么优秀的学生居然考试会不及格。(表示特别惊讶的语气)It is a pity that you can not to go to Paris with us.You hurt him deeply. It is no wonder that he is angry.It is no use promising without doing.仿写练习1. 英语正逐渐成为一门国际语言,这是一个事实。(It is a fact that. . . , be accepted as)It is a fact that English is bei

15、ng accepted as an international language. 2.很明显他没有理解老师刚才所说的。 ( It is obvious that.)It is obvious that he hasnt mastered what the teacher said just now. 3.太可惜了,她居然错过了这样一个好机会。(It is a pity that. . . , should)It is a pity that she (should) miss such a good chance. 4.如果错过了开幕式,你一定会很遗憾的。( It would be a pity that. . . )It would be a pity that you miss the opening ceremony. 5. 他曾在一个美国家庭待过半年,怪不得他的英语讲得这样好。(It is no wonder that. . .)He has once stayed in an American family for half a year. It is no wo



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