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1、拟声词的翻译拟声词(on omatopoeic)是以模拟动物或动作的声音构成的 词。它的的所指意义是模拟的声音,语用意义是该词的修辞 效果,其突出功能是美感功能,使语言生动鲜明,绘声绘色。 翻译拟声词的关键是要记住英汉对等词的基础上灵活运用。 如:狮吼、虎啸-roar,狼嚎-howl,老鼠吱吱叫-squeak, 马 嘶-neigh, 蛇嘶-sizzle,猿啼-wail,猫叫喵喵-meow, mew,狗叫汪汪-bow-wow, bark, yap,鸭叫嘎嘎-quack, 羊叫咩咩-bleat,喜鹊喳喳-chatter,布谷咕咕-cuckoo。 乒乓-ping pang,飕-sough,砰-ban

2、g,哼-hum,隆隆 -rumble,劈啪-pitter / patter, 叮咚-ding dong。1. 轰的一声,房子塌了。The house collapsed with a bang.2. 一声炸雷,把孩子吓得哇的一声哭了。Suddenly came a rumbling thunder, which frightened the child into a loud cry.3. 天空更暗了,接着来的是豆大的雨点,啪嗒啪嗒落在地上。(周而复:上海的早晨)The sky was becoming darker still, then large heavy drops ofrain b

3、egan pitter-pattering on the ground.(巴恩斯 译)4. 不像苍鹰,鸽子并不以貌惊人。尺把长的身躯,圆圆的小 眼睛,那咕-咕-咕得儿咕的啾声单调而平淡。然而在那小 身子儿里装着怎样的坚毅和勇敢啊!(萧乾:搬家史) Unlike the hawk, the pigeon is not striking in appearance. It is little more than a foot in length; its eyes are small and round; its call “coo, coo, coodercoo” is plain and mo

4、notonous. But what determination and persistence are stored up in that little body. (金介甫 译)5. 所谓“家”,只不过是稻草铺成的小小的窝吧。窝里没有 什么豪华的陈设,只有几只咕咕咕叫着的雏鸽。然而那个 窝以及窝里的小生命却占据了它们的全部心灵。(同上) That “home” of theirs is nothing more than a tiny nest laid out in rice straw. There are no fancy furnishings in it, only baby p

5、igeons, cooing incessantly. But this nest and the tiny lives within it hold those pigeons body and soul. (ibid.)6. 蛙声咯咯,渠水淙淙,稻米上的清风如泣如诉,恰似时隐时现的和弦。(张贤亮:男人的一半是女人)Outside frogs were croak ing, the waters in the ditch gurgli ng, and the wind blowing over the paddy seedbeds, complainingly and weepingly,

6、like so many intermittent chords.(许孟雄 译)7. 在灰沉沉的天底下,忽而来一阵凉风,便息列索落地下起雨来了。 (郁达夫:故都的秋)A sudde n gust of cool wind across a somber sky, and a patterof rain begins.8. 正中的门呀地开了一半。The cen ter door creaks halfope n .9. 摊主猛地站起来,把大蒲扇一掼,愤愤地说:“娘,他 们哪是叫我剥香蕉皮,是要我剥中国人的脸啊,你知道 吗?”骄阳下,柳树上,回答他的是一片“知了知了”的蝉声。The owner s

7、tood up abruptly. Throwing away the cattail leaf fan, he said with great indignation, “Mother, what they asked me to do was not peel bananas, but to lose face for all Chinese! Dont you see?”In the scorching sun, from the willow tree, came the con firm ing reply of the cicadas chirrup: “(I) see, (l)s

8、ee,.”10. 那妇人吓得尖叫一声倒在床上。Being horrified, the woma n shrieked and flopped dow n onto the bed.11. (这时黄龙子隐几仰天,撮唇齐口,发啸相机。)尔时,喉声,角声,弦声,铃声,俱分辨不出。耳中但听到风声, 水声,人马蹙踏声,旌旗?耀声,干戈击轧声,金鼓薄伐 声。(刘鹗:老残游记)(And now Yellow Dragon leaned on the table and looking up to heaven pursed his lips and began to roar in concord.) W

9、ith that the sou nds of voice, hor n, stri ngs, and bells becameindistinguishable, but the ear heard the sou nds of wind and water, of men tramping and horse tamping, of banners flapping, of halberds clashing, and gongs and drums sou nding the charge.(Harold Shadick 译)12. 登!登!登! 一阵楼板响,匪徒们上楼了。(陶承:我的一

10、家)Then followed a loud Clump!Clump! as they rushed up the stairs.13. (她)说着就登、登、登地下楼去了。(冰心:小桔灯)With these words, she clattered dow nstairs.14. 拍!- 一声响,那支象牙鸦片烟枪断成两段。(茅盾:子夜)Crack!. the long ivory opium 一pipe broke in two.(许孟雄译)15拍!他腰骨笔直了,因为他根据经验,知道这一声“拍”是主妇的手掌打在他们的三岁的女儿的头上的声音。鲁迅:幸福的家庭)Slap!His back sti

11、ffened, because he knew (from experience) that this slapping sound was made by his wifes hand striking their three-year-old daughters head.(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)16. 这时,我瞧见那只自由的鸟儿,从从容容地走进了笼门儿。啪地一声,老人随后把门关上。(蓝曼:健忘的 画眉Just at that moment I saw the carefree bird walk into the cage at a leisurely pace. Seeing that

12、his bird was encaged, the old man slid dow n the cage-door with a click.(李运兴译)17. 立刻蚕房里充满着萨萨萨的响声。(茅盾:春蚕)the silkworm shed at once resounded with a sibilant crunching.(Sidney Shapiro 译)18. “畜生! ”阿Q怒目而视的说,嘴角上飞出唾沫来。“Stupid ass!” hissed Ah Q, glari ng furiously and foami ng at the mouth.(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)19. 妈

13、妈噗嗤笑了,我也忍不住笑了。Mother burst into a laughter, and I couldnt help joining in.20. 那阁子旁边风声“呼呼”作响,仿佛阁子都在摇动似的。 (刘鹗:老残游记) Around the pavilion the wind rushed and roared until the whole building seemed to be shaking.(Harold Shadick 译)21. 各个船上皆在后舱烧了火,用铁鼎罐煮饭,饭闷熟后,又 换锅子熬油,哗的把菜蔬倒进热锅里去。(沈从文:鸭 巢围的夜)Rice was boiled in iron cauldrons over fires in the stern and once this was cooked the vegetables were fried in another pan of sizzli ng oil.(戴乃迭 译)


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