(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块六 第2册 Unit 1 Making a difference课下作业复习(详细解析)

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1、大纲版(湖北版)2011高考一轮英语复习课下作业复习板块六 Unit 1 Making a difference.多项选择1You are wasting your words.There is no _ in persuading him,for he never changes his mind.Aneed BpointCdoubt Dway解析:There is no point in doing sth.“做是没意义/作用的”,为固定句型。答案:B2Dont be too _ about things you are not supposed to know.Astrange Bamu

2、singCcurious Dconscious解析:be curious about“对感到好奇”。答案:C3If you are at all worried about your health,you should _ medical advice.Asearch BseekCgive Dreceive解析:seek“寻求,征求”,seek medical advice此处指征求医生的意见。at all 起强调作用,可译为“真的,的确”。答案:B4It has been raining every day so far.I hope tomorrow _ fine.Aturns to Bt

3、urns upCturns in Dturns out解析:turn out (to be)n./adj.“结果是,证明是”。答案:D5He was accused of stealing money from her,but in fact it was _.Aon the one hand Bon the other handCthe other way around Din case解析:句意:他被指责偷了她的钱,但事实上相反。the other way around“相反地”,符合题意。on the one hand“一方面”;on the other hand“另一方面”;in ca

4、se“万一,以防万一”,均不符合题意。答案:C6She _ with her roommate about who should do the housework last night,but she didnt think it was her fault.Adiscussed BdebatedCargued Dquarrelled解析:根据句意“昨天晚上她和她的室友关于谁应打扫卫生吵了一架”,这里要用quarrel with sb.about sth.“就(关于)与某人发生口角”。discuss“讨论”,为及物动词,后直接加宾语;debate“辩论”,其宾语常是学术性问题;argue“争辩

5、”,其程度大于quarrel。答案:D7(2010陕西西安交大附中上学期期中)This kind of car is not so expensive that it is _ the reach of those with average income.Aover BbeyondCbelow Dwithin解析:within the reach of“在范围之内”。答案:D8Mr.Smith is busy these days _ a new book on how to develop a childs reading skill.Aworking out Bworking onCwor

6、king for Dworking with解析:work on“从事,致力于”;work out“算出,解(题)”,由句意选B项。答案:B9People in Western countries celebrate Christmas,while people in China _ the Spring Festival.Aobey BcongratulateCobserve Dsupport解析:observe在此处意为“庆祝”。答案:C10The Opera House of Sydney was _ designed like seashells floating on the sea

7、.Aespecially BnaturallyCcreatively Dcuriously解析:考查副词词义。creatively designed意为“有创意的设计”。答案:C.完形填空(2010北京市东城区高三模拟)Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with.I was hoping to have a _1_ the summer before my busy senior year,but my mother asked me to do her a _2_.One of her colleag

8、ues needed a fulltime _3_.“You planned to volunteer at the local hospital,why not volunteer to _4_ Nick instead?”Then she told me that this sixyearold boy was not a _5_ child.Nick was a lovely little boy who suffered from many disorders.Normal daycare centers would not _6_ him.As a baby,he had serio

9、us ear infections which left him with equilibrium(平衡)problems.He couldnt _7_ or run properly.I was _8_ if I was to take the job when my mother _9_,“Dont you want to be a nurse in the future?I doubt if you even have the _10_.”Then I told her I was _11_ for the job.The day started at 700 a. m.Nick was

10、 my wakeup call!With so much energy and very little _12_,he was quite a mix.At the park,when he saw all the other children play on the jungle gym and swings,the boys face _13_ uphow he wished he belonged to the group of his age!You would think it would be _14_ to get a child to go down a slide(滑梯)Be

11、lieve me,it wasnt!It took time,a lot of time.But with patience and support,Nick took one step up the slide each day.We worked together to face his _15_ and gradually he got closer to taking the slide of his life.Halfway through the summer,he _16_ it to the top of the slide.With my arms holding him t

12、ightly,we flew down the slide!I waited for his _17_.After realizing that he was safe and sound,he gave me a big _18_ and asked,“May I go down again,alone?”I had never been happier in my life when I saw this little child climb the ladder and enjoy what other children _19_ for granted.This _20_ child

13、taught me that being a nurse means respect,kindness and patience.语篇解读:作者在母亲的建议下担当了照顾一个特殊男孩的重任,并从中得到了快乐。更重要的是,作者知道了成为一名护士需要具备的素质。1A.grade Bcourse Cproject Drelaxation解析:根据本句中的“before my busy senior year”可知作者想在这个夏天“放松”一下。答案:D2A.service Bfavour Cbusiness Dtrade解析:do sb. a favour是固定搭配,表示“帮某人一个忙”。答案:B3A.

14、nurse Bwaitress Cguard Dguide解析:下文提到 Nick这个孩子与常人不同,由此可知作者母亲的同事需要一个全职“护士”。文章最后一段中的“being a nurse”也是线索提示。答案:A4A.protect Bassist Cattend Dcomfort解析:作者的母亲建议作者志愿去“照顾”Nick。B项表示“帮助”,语意不太恰当。答案:C5A.normal Bnaughty Cclever Dhappy解析:根据下一段前半部分的叙述可推知他不是一个“正常的”孩子。其他选项在文章中没有信息支持。答案:A6A.admit BreceiveCaccept Dadopt解析:结合上一句以及下一句的内容可推知正规的日托中心不“接受”他。此处强调的是主观愿望,因此B项不恰当;A项表示“承认”,D项表示“收养”,语意均不恰当。答案:C7A.



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