译林版(三起)2021年三年级上册英语 Unit4My family 教案

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1、英语(三年级上册)Unit 4 My familyStory timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说 father, mother, brother, sister, me, family。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语This is 。3. 能正确地理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语介绍家庭成员。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of diffi

2、culty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语介绍家庭成员。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warm up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Lisa.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you too.2. Sing a songT: Do you like songs? First lets sing a song Do you know this man?

3、 (播放歌曲一遍)3. Show the picture in P24.T: Look at the picture. Do you know these boys and girls?S: Yes.T: Who are they?S: Shes Yang Ling/ Su Hai. Hes Liu Tao/ Mike.Step 2 Story time1. Look and guessT: What are they looking at?S: 看相册。T: Theyre looking at the album. What is the album about?S: T: What is

4、the album about? Lets listen to Mike. (播放录音)S: family.T: Yes. Its about family. (板书family, 并教读)And Mike is saying: This isS: This is my family.T: Good. Today were going to learn Unit 2, My family.(板书My, 示意齐读课题my family)S: My familyT: Is your family big or small?(适当渗透big, small)S: My family is big/ s

5、mall.2. Look and learnT: Look, these are Mikes family members.(PPT出示Mike一家人的照片)T: Whos this girl/boy?S: Hes Tim/Mike. Shes Helen.T: Tim is Mikes brother. Helen is Mikes sister. (PPT 呈现单词brother, sister,并教读)S: brother/sister(开火车跟读)T: So Mike is Tims_. Helen is Tims _. Tim is Helens_. S: T: Whos this

6、man/woman? Are they Mikes brother and sister?S: father/ mother. (部分学生可能会读)T: (PPT呈现单词father/ mother,突出单词与brother相同的部分ther). Can you read them?S: father/ mother(集体朗读)T: So hes Mikes _. Shes Mikes _.S:T: Now, do you know Mikes family?S: This is his brother/sister/ mothe/father. (板书This is)3. Look and

7、sayT: Now youre Mike. This is your family. Can you introduce your family? (PPT呈现P25图片)S (用This is my Shes my Hes my介绍)4. Watch and learnT: How does Mike introduce his family? (播放课文动画)T: How does Mike introduce himself?S: This is me.T: me (板书me, 并教读)5. Read the storyT: Now lets read the whole story.S

8、: (全班齐读)T: Can you be Mike?S: (个人朗读或脱离书本介绍)Step 3 Enjoy the song1. Watch the videoT: Here is a video about family. Lets watch it.(播放公益广告Father And Mother I Love You)T: Father And Mother I love You. The beginning letters make the word “family”.2. Enjoy the songT: Do you love your father and mother? S

9、: Yes, I love my T: Yes, we love each other. At last, lets enjoy a Family song. You can just listen or sing along.(播放歌曲)Homework 家庭作业1. 听磁带,读故事3遍,2. 准备若干张家人的照片,并能尝试模仿Mike介绍自己的家人。3. 搜集并自学一些其他家庭成员的英文说法。Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:人物卡片板书设计: Unit 4 My family This is my family. sister brother father mo

10、ther me I love my family.说课在本节课导入部分,以歌曲导入问题Do you know this?结合课文部分的第一幅图片,了解故事的主要人物角色。要注意的是,这首歌是一首课外歌曲,需要教师提前渗透。接下来通过观察图片,揭示课文主旨也是单元主题My family。然后呈现Mike家人的照片,分别学习四个主要家庭成员的词汇father, mother, brother, sister。可以先从人物的名字入手,再过渡到人物之间的关系,所以先教brother, sister,而father, mother的构词与brother相近,因此可以引导学生根据brother的发音尝试认

11、读father和mother。当然,新词教授的过程中,也要灵活运用学生资源,势必有学生已经学习过这些单词,此时可以让他们充当小老师,给其他学生作示范,指导新词的发音。在熟悉新词的基础上,结合新句型This is巩固词汇。在课文学习部分,先让学生尝试运用已学的词汇和句型进行家庭成员介绍,然后再通过看动画,学习其他新的表达,让学生感受一种学习的过程。课文朗读部分,先齐读再自己读,有能力的学生也可以脱离书本介绍,给予不同层次的学生以表现的机会。课文学习后,围绕本单元主题family,进行了适当的情感提升。先是播放了一个关于family的公益广告,再是播放了歌曲family song,情感升华的同时,也为学生下一节课的学习做铺垫。作业的布置也考虑到了从课内知识的复习巩固到课外知识的拓展延伸,培养学生听读能力的同时发展学生的综合语用能力和自学能力。特别分享:培养学生看图表达的能力培养学生利用已有知识学习新知识的意识和能力关注学生的情感体验 3



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