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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2010年盐城地区初中英语学科8BUnit6教学案(全套)8B Unit6 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit学习目标: 知识与技能:1掌握It is +adj.+ to do sth句型;2People who need help 过程与方法:Organizing a charity walk.情感态度价值观:学生能够对需要帮助的人进行帮助教学重点:1要帮助的人有哪些? 2. 掌握It is adj to do sth句型。教学设计:自学质疑1. Look at the pictures on page 92. Re

2、ad after me what Hobo and Eddie are saying.2. What are you doing ?Im_(train)for a charity walk.3. Its_(mean)to support charities4. I need money.(改否定句)5. 为下列单词写出中文意思Blind_ eaf_disabled _elderly_ homeless_ poor_6、通过自学,我还有这些疑问:_交流展示学生交流预习案中练习结果。合作探究一、Listening and answering What will Hobo and Eddie do

3、to support charities?What is Hobo doing for charity walk?Is Eddie willing to support charities?What does he think of supporting charities? What does Eddie give Hobo?What does Hobo need?What does Eddie think of Hobos walk?二、Questioning and answeringWhy are there some charities in the world? (Because

4、there are many people who need help.)What kind of people need help? (The blind, the deaf, the disabled, the elderly, the homeless, the poor.)三、Finishing off Part A and BOK. Work in pairs to act out the conversation on page 93 by Arm and Daniel. Make a similar conversation like this.A: How can we hel

5、p the poor?B: we can help them become rich.A: What about the elderly?B: We can look after them after school in their homes.双基训练根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We should try our best to help the _(able) people. 2. As an _(experience) teacher, he always has ways to make his class lively.3. Mr. Kings son has come t

6、o China for_(far) study.4. The old men do exercises every day to improve their_(fit).5. The government(政府) should do something to help those_(home) people.拓展提高:.同义句转换。1. He couldnt hear anything when he was born.He was_ _ _.2. Please give me another ten minutes.Please give me _ _ minutes.3. You need

7、nt worry about it.You_ _ _ worry about it.4. Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes._ bad for you eyes_ _ in the sun.5. Amy has no brothers or sisters in her family.Amy is _ _ child in her family.课后作业预习Reading8B Unit6 Period 2 Reading I(We need your support Oxfam Trailwalker)主备人:王道中 参与者:徐光梅 徐海萍 总课时

8、:2审核人:张艳宁 时 间:9月19日学习目标:知识与技能:What is Oxfam Trailwalker?To understand the structure of the sentencesTo find the organization of the text 过程与方法:TO learn Oxfam trailwalk情感态度价值观:培养学生乐于助人教学重点:整体理解课文教学设计:自学质疑让学生看书,完成下列问题1、What is Oxfam Trailwalker?2、talk about Team spirit and support3 、 turn the text int

9、o Chinese4、通过自学,我还有这些疑问:_交流展示合作探究: 让学生再次看书,概括每一段的大意Paragraph1: What is Oxfam Trailwalker?Paragraph2: Oxfam Trailwalker is a long, difficult walk.Paragraph3: Team spirit and supportParagraph4: Support teamsParagraph5: Fitness and training精讲点拨Explaining language pointsgroupinto Its necessary for you t

10、o be known asIts useful to It is necessary that have sb. to do sth. keep you comfortable at least be used to dotry ones best to do sth. Why not do?拓展提高:用所给词组的适当形式填空raisefor, at least, groupinto a team of four, try ones best to do, finish doing, within 48 hours, have to, team spirit, people in need,

11、begin doing1. If we want to win a team sport, we should have_.2. You should put the milk into the fridge. It can only keep fresh _.3. We must _learn English well because its more and more useful.4. Although that little boy is 6 years old, he often _money _Oxfam.5. Its dark outside. I _leave now.6. P

12、eter is quite happy because he has just _his homework.7. We want to help the _with the donations.8. Mary broke her leg yesterday. So she needs to stay in bed for _a month.9. Every morning, my grandfather_physical exercises at 6 oclock.10. In the English class, the teachers always _the students _and

13、ask them to play game.根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)1. 我将尽我最到的努力学好英语。Ill_ _ _ _ learn English well.2. 老师通常把我们分成四人一组。The teacher usually_ _ _ teams of four students.3. 十年来我们学校发生了巨大的变化。Great changes _ _ _ in our school since ten years ago.4. 请提供给我们一些食品。Please _ _ _ some food.5. 患难朋友才是真朋友。A friend_ _ is a friend indeed.课后作业:1、完成p96-97练习 2、Discussing:If you are over 18, will you join the charity walk? Why? What will you do for the walk? How?Unit 6 A charity walkPeriod 3 Reading II(We need your support Oxfam Trailwalker)主备人:王道中 参与者:徐光梅 徐海萍 总课时:3审核人:张艳宁 时 间:


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