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1、长春朗训标准教案长春朗训标准教案老师 Rita 授课类型 新授课 班级 Pockets3 授 课 时 间 June 23th,2023 课时 Unit3 授课对象 All the students in Pockets3 教材分析p 内容层次 内容说明 备注 难点 Prepositions:on ,under Sentences: 1. Where is the tape? The tape is on the table. 2. Where are the boxes? The boxes are under the table. 1.Identify art materials. 2.Re

2、view the phonics: pl,bl,cl,gl 3.Review the “unit 2”song. 4.use the polite expressions. 重点 Phonics: dr drop drip draw dry tr trip trash track try Words: boxes panit paintbrushes tape 根本点 Phonics: dr drop drip draw dry tr trip trash track try Words: boxes panit paintbrushes tape 教学目的 目的层次 语言知识点要求 语言技能

3、要求 A To greeting and review the phonics. Listening and Speaking B To identify art materials. Reading and Playing game C To use prepositions:on under. To make a conversation Making a performance 补充选项及通知:放假通知7月19日-8月6日 情感态度锻炼他们的.思维习惯,培养他们良好的合作意识 学习策略使学生在学习过程中理解艺术用品的概念;使孩子能建立事物间的关系;明白介词并进展对话表演 文化意识 复习旧

4、知识,可以进展纯熟的信息交换交流 教学准备 Audiocassette or CD; Poster; Picture cards; Marker; The objects of boxes, paint, paintbrushes, tape,harmers 教学流程 Step 1:warm up (5 minutes) 1:greetings:T says “Hello,everyone!Good afternoon ,everyone.” Ss should say “Hello Rita,Good afternoon,Rita. T leads Ss to sing “Hello”son

5、g. T can ask Ss “Are you happy?”Are you sad?” Ss should answer “Im happy or maybe Im a little sad.”(Pictures) 2:sing a song :Let Ss stand up and review the “unit 2”song(Actions). 3.Q and A:T ask Ss some questions. For exle: What are you wearing? I am wearing. How is the weather like, today? Its. Wha

6、t do you like to eat? Hamberger or pizza. 4.Review the phonics: pl: play plan plum plug bl:black blouse blue blow cl: cloud clap clown close gl: glue gloves glad gland 5.Get into two groups: Group A,go go go. Group B yeah yeah yeah. Step 2:presentation Step 3:practice (30minutes) Presentation1: 1.Ph

7、onics: dr tr Prepare the letter cards : d r t Let Ss review the letters and read the pronunciation. Use gestures to read drtr. Use actions and TPR to study drtr T leads Ss to read the words: drop drip drum dry trip trash track try Practice 1: Game :clap and say (When T says d-r/t-r,the Ss say /dr/ /

8、tr/,each group stand up ,read and clap the words.) Presentation 2: 2.New words: Display the poster and point to the poster,let Ss say “What do you see in the pictrue? After describing the picture, T can describe the picture simplely. Take some objects of boxes and paint,paintbrushes,tape. boxes: pre

9、pare two boxes and lead Ss to read. Boxes 3 Tell Ss that we can put a lot of things in a box,but when the box is full of things,we need to two boxes or more boxes. Clap the picture card paint: The same to boxes. Tell Ss that we can say a barrel of paint,but we cant say a paint or two paints Jump to

10、the card and say it . paintbrushes: The same to boxes and paint. Practice 2: Game :Harmer the cards on the white board (this game is used after Ss have learned to spell 3 words) Presentation 3: tape:(e not pronuncation) The same to boxes,paint,paintbrushes. When there are two pieces of paper,we can

11、use the tape /a roll of tape to stick them. Practice 3:Play a game : Run to the picture cards and Dacing. Step 4 Consolidation(5 minutes) 3.Sentences: Let Ss look at the picture again and ask them where are the boxes or paintbrushes? Lead them to know what does “on”/ “under”mean? Teach them to say “

12、where is /are the .? The boxes are on/under the table . Let Ss retell the sentences. 课内外 作业 Step 5 Homework 机械类作业 Listen to the CD ,Write the each words 5 times. 拓展类作业 Darw a picture with paint and paintbrushes. 效劳类作业 美语_ 教学反思 Its very easy for the students to indentify the words by picture,so teachers should pay more attention on the practice of words spell, we should help Ss to build a habbit to apell words in the beginnings. 大家在此根底上可提出意见和创新性建议第 页 共 页


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