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1、词汇部分:上海市中考英语考纲词汇解读(1)1. able (adj.) 能词组:be able to do sth. 有能力做某事词性转化:ability (n.) 能力 ones ability to do sth.某人做的能力句型转换考点:(1) be able to do 转化为manage to do, 解释为“成功做成某事”。 (2) be unable to do相当于fail to do sth./fail in sth.He never studies hard, so he wasnt able to pass the exam.(改为同义句)He never studies

2、 hard, so he failed to pass the exam.He never studies hard, so he failed in the exam.2. about (prep.) 大约(=more or less than),左右, 周围例:He is about thirty years old.(他大约三十岁了。)词组:walk about 四处走来走去 ask about 询问3. above (adj.)上面的, 上述的 (adv.) 在上面 (prep.) 在上方above & on辨析:前者是垂直高度的比较,后者要触及物体。under和below的区别和上述

3、相同。4. abroad (adv.) 往国外区别:foreign (adj.) 外国的 a foreign language 一门外语*be动词后方副词的几个结构:here/there.Im upstairs/downstairs. abroad/over.5. aboard(adv) 在船上, 在飞机上6. accept (vt.) 接受,认可区别:receive (vt.) (某人)收到(某物)例句:The young girl received the invitation, but she didnt accept it.(这个年轻的女孩收了邀请卡,但是她没有同意赴约。)7. acc

4、ident (n.) 事故, 意外事件traffic accident 交通事故区别:incident (n.)事件, 事变unexpected, political incident 不可预料的/政治的事件8. accurate (adj.) 准确的词性转换:accurately (adv.) 准确地 accuracy (n.) 精确性, 准确度9. achieve (v.) (胜利)完成, 达到词性转换:achievement (n.) 成就He has achieved a lot in physics. (他在物理方面有许多成就。)10. across (prep.) 在的对面 (ad

5、v.) 横过walk across the street 横穿马路 sail across the ocean 横跨大洋区别:cross (v.) 穿过 cross the street 穿马路across & through :前者是平面穿过,后者是立体空间内的穿过。11. act (v.) 表演 (n.) 演技action (n.) 措施, 举措take immediate action to do sth. 对立刻采取措施actor, actress (n.) 男演员, 女演员active (adj.) 积极的take an active part in 积极参与actively (ad

6、v.) 积极地activity (n.) 活动take part in activities in or after class 课内和课后积极参加活动12. add (v.) 增加add to 增加了例 :The unexpected storm added to the difficulties in Shanghai.(这个突如其来的暴风雪给上海雪上加霜。)例 :This stamp has added to the album.(这张邮票给邮册增色不少。)add sth. to 给加上add a brick to the wall 给墙加上一块砖add up to 数量总计为例句:Th

7、e number of the students here adds up to sixty.(这里所有的学生加起来有60人。)addition (n.) 增加(物)in addition to=besides 除了还有except 除去(同类)except for 除去(不同类)例 :This composition was written very well except for some spelling mistakes.(这篇作文除了一些拼写错误以外都非常好。) 例 :This coat fits her except for its color.(除了颜色以外这件外套很适合她。)

8、例 :Shanghai is a good city except for its weather.(除了天气以外, 上海是一个好城市。)13. adopt (v.) 采纳, 领养adopted (adj.) 被收养的, 被采用的, 孤苦伶仃的adoptive (adj.) 收养关系的, 采用的, 好心的14. advantage (n.)优势, 优点反义词:disadvantage (n.) 缺点, 劣势advantages and disadvantages 优势和劣势词组:A has advantages over B A比B有优势词组:take advantage of every c

9、hance 利用每次机会15. advice (n.) 建议a piece of advice 一个建议16. afraid (adj.) 害怕be afraid of (客观) 害怕, 担心(某事)be afraid to do (主观) 不愿意去做某事17. Africa (n.) 非洲 African (adj.)非洲的Asia (n.) 亚洲 Asian (adj.) 亚洲的Europe (n.) 欧洲 European (adj.) 欧洲的Euro 欧元18. against (prep.) 反对反义词:for (prep.) 赞同例句:Some are for it, while

10、others are against it.(一些人赞同它, 然而一些人反对它。)19. age (n.) 年龄at the age of 在岁时when he was three years old=at the age of three (在他三岁的时候)词组:the aged (年长的人)词组:stone age (石器时代)词组:information age (信息时代)ERA=age 纪元20. agent (n.) 代理人agency (n.) 代理商tourist agency 旅游代理商21. agree (vi./vt.) 同意反义词:disagree (v.) 反对,不同

11、意词性转换:agreement (n.) 协议reach an agreement agree with sb./what sb. said同意.的意见; 与.一致agree to his advice/plan/suggestion 同意他的意见/计划/建议agree on (双方就某件事件) 达成一致agree on the bargain/the price 讨价还价/明码议价22. ahead (adj./adv.) 在前,提前ahead of time=in advance提前book the tickets ahead of time/in advance 提前订票23. aim

12、(v./n.) 目标aim at 目标为24. air (n.) 空气by air=by plane by land =by bus by sea=by ship25. alarm (n.) 警报set the alarm clock for 把闹钟调到26. alive (adj.) 活着的be 动词后的表语形容词:alive/alike/asleep/awake例 :He is asleep/awake.(他熟睡着/醒着。)例 :The twins are alike.(双胞胎长得很像。)反义词:dead (adj.) 死的lively (adj.) 有活力的 a lively math

13、lesson(一节有活力的数学课。)live (n.) 直播 (adj.) 实况的27. all (adj.) 所有的 (adv.) 完全 (prep.) 全部not all= someothersall 后的单复数:表示“所有的人”动词复数,表示“所有的事”动词单数。28. allow (v.) 允许(=permit)词组:allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事词汇部分:上海市中考英语考纲词汇解读(2)1. alone (adj.) 单独的 (adv.) 单独地 carried the suitcases alone. 独自提着行李箱He was alone in the

14、house. 他独自一人在家里。leave sb. alone 听其自然, 不要去管, 让某人独自留在那lonely (adj.) 孤独的He lives alone, but he doesnt feel lonely.2. along (adv.) 向前,和一起,同 (prep.) 沿着Lets walk along the road, shall we?3. amazing (adj.) 令人惊讶的词性转换:amazingly (adv.) 令人惊讶地amaze (vt.) 使.大为惊奇,令人惊愕 be amazed at (by) 对.大为惊奇be amazed to see/hear/find 看到听到, 发现.感到吃惊amazement (n.) 惊异to sbs amazement使某人惊异的是.4. ambition (n.) 野心Her ambition was to be a famous singer. 她的理想是成为著名的歌唱家。词性转换:ambitious (adj.) 有野心的They are ambitious although they are poor. 他们虽穷却很有志气。


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