教育专题:module6unit2 (3)

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《教育专题:module6unit2 (3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教育专题:module6unit2 (3)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、基于交互式电子白板的课堂教学设计课题Module 6 Animals in dangerUnit 1 It allows people to get closer to them.课时安排2教学内容分析本模块以保护濒危动物为话题,向学生介绍了一些濒危动物,特别是大熊猫的现状及保护措施。这是一个既有意义,又能引起学生兴趣的话题,是对学生进行环保教育的良好素材。从语言角度来说,学生可以通过听、说、读、写等一系列活动,学习和运用与动物及动物保护相关的表达方式。从语法角度上,学生学习动词不定式做宾补及目的状语。第一单元对话是关于贝蒂和玲玲在参观完动物园后引发的关于保护动物的讨论。整个对话是围绕野生动物

2、的生存现状、人类活动对动物及其生存环境的影响以及人们对动物保护措施等内容展开,有助于推动学生践行保护动物的理念。教学目标To understand conversation about animals in dangerTo listen for specific informationTo talk about animals in danger, using infinitive structures教学重难点Key vocabulary: Snake, neck, thin, danger, in danger, at last, interested, allow, think of,

3、 protect, wild, grow, take away, enough, look after, raiseKey structures:because it allows people to get closer to them.Your money pays to look after animals.Lets find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.教 学 过 程教学内容及教师活动学生活动资源选择、媒体使用及分析 Step 1 warming-up:1. Show the pronuncia

4、tion of the new words, let the students try to spell them.2. Guessing game. Let the students try to guess what animals they are.3. Show the pictures of the animals which already died. Then let the students discuss how we can protect and save animals.Step 2 Listening and vocabulary:1. a. Ask the stud

5、ents to read the words in the box. b. Then let the students read the quiz, decide what animals they are. c. Check answers in pairs. d. Elicit answers by monitoring some students to read out the quiz sentences and others to say the animals.2. Listen and answer the questions. a. Ask the students to lo

6、ok at the title of the module and the unit. Let them guess what the listening will be about. b. Read through the questions with the students. c. Play the recording two times. d. Elicit answers from Look at the pictures and learn the new words.Tell the meaning of the new words.The class.用白板给出新单词音标,让学

7、生根据音标拼单词,不但可以锻炼他们音标拼读能力,也可以学习根据音标拼写单词。看图学习新单词也可以加深学生对新单词的认识和理解。白板展示活动2,让学生更直观的观察图片,全班一起来看图说话,老师进行批注。白板出现题,让一个学生来到白板上自己做,其他学生在下面做。这样既检查学生拼写,也让学生更感兴趣。白板展示一些简单的与课文有关的问题,让学生带着问题去听。4. Listen and read. a. Ask the students to discuss if many animals are in danger, which animals are and how we can save them

8、. b. Give the students some general questions, let them listen carefully. c. Check the answers with their partners. d. Elicit the answers from the whole class. e. Watch the video of the passage and read the passage after the recording. d. Now complete the table. e. Check the answers.4. Complete the

9、passage with the words and expression in the box. a. Let the students read the passage and complete the passage individually. b. Check the answers with their partners.Step 4 pronunciation and speaking1. Listen and mark when the speaker pauses.a. Ask the students to read the sentences individually.b.

10、 Play the recording for them to listen for the pronunciation and pauses.c. Check the pauses together.d. Now listen again and repeat.2. a. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. b. Now share their conversations with their classmates. Watch the video carefully and read after the tape. Try to und

11、erstand the passage according to the language points and make notes.Do activity 4 and check the answers with partners.Listen and read the sentences.1. 从资源中拉出文章视频,让学生观看,更好的了解课文。2. 拉出文章音频,让学生跟读,随时可以暂停或者后退,节省时间。3. 回放功能方便学生复习。白板给出语言点,方便学生理解课文。Step 5 summaryTo summarize what we have learned in this class

12、.Step 6 homeworkWrite sentence according to their experience.Make conversations.给出例句,让学生仿写,可以叫一个学生上来在白板上书写。回放功能复习本节课所学内容。作业设计Module5 Lao She TeahouseUnit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.1. To preview what we have learned in this class and read the passage 5 times.2. To preview the new lesson.3. To remember the new words.课后反思(包括教学反思、教学资源应用反思)


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